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Queen of Ultra Space: Lusamine


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine

This started out as a joke idea on the Speculation Discussion thread that I latched onto and created 2 movesets for, cause I'm like that.

Who is Lusamine?
Excellent question, and allows me to tell you all that this thread from here on contains heavy spoilers on Pokemon Sun/Moon's story, so get out if you haven't played the game yet.
Lusamine is the president of the Aether Foundation and considered to be the main antagonist of Pokemon Sun and Moon. She is the mother of Gladion and Lillie, and is heavily speculated to be the wife of Mohn, who disappeared through Ultra Space several years before the Sun/Moon story begins. It is Mohn's disappearance that led Lusamine to investigate Ultra Space, discover the Ultra Beasts, and become obsessed with them, which turned her into the abusive villain we know and love to hate today.

How would Lusamine fight?
Another excellent question, and leads us to the good stuff. Due to being a Pokemon trainer, it'll likely be implemented into smash that Lusamine can't really fight that well, but that leads us to her main gimmick: The Ultra Beasts! I have created only 2 movesets out of the vast potential of the UBs: one that focuses on Lusamine and Nihilego, and one that focuses on all the UBs
I've imagined this moveset to be similar to Rosalina and Luma, but only in regards to 2 characters working together. One of the main differences straight off the bat is that while Luma hangs around in front of Rosalina ready to take any attack for her, Nihilego cowers behind Lusamine, showing the unhealthy relationship of host and parasite. Another mechanical difference is that Nihilego can't actually be knocked out, only knocked away, where it quickly floats back to hanging around behind Lusamine. The stronger the attack, the further it flies away, and the longer it takes to return to Lusamine. Due to being a Pokemon trainer, Lusamine hasn't got much range or power in her attacks, and depends on Nihilego for both, so getting it knocked away puts her in a pretty bad position. Nihilego only attacks if it's close enough to Lusamine to link into her attacks, or as it's returning at a certain speed, where it plows through whatever is in it's way. Now onto the attacks:

Jab: 2 slaps followed by Lusa turning around and kicking back to hit with her heel, Nihil attacks during the third hit by sweeping around Lusa and headbutting whatever is in it's way.
F tilt: a vertical sweep with her hand, Nihil follows it along.
D tilt: sweep along the ground like Peach's dtilt, Nihil extends it's tentacles along the ground along with the hand sweep.
U tilt: Zelda utilt but faster and going the other way, Nihil spins its tentacles around above for multi hit damage.
Dash: Lusa stops abruptly and kicks, Nihil arcs upwards from below.

F smash: Lusa holds a battle ready pose with her fist clenched while charging the smash attack before throwing out a punch. Nihil follows it with a delay and violently headbutts into the ground.
D smash: Lusa crouches and sweeps her leg around either side. Nihil follows her leg but sweeps around twice more. Lusa can act out of it before Nihil is done attacking.
U smash: Lusa jabs her hand upwards. Nihil flies upwards and headbutts anything in its way. Lusa can act out if it before Nihil comes back down.

Nair: Lusa face the camera, throws both hands above her head before sweeping down on both sides, Nihil sweeps horizontally around Lusa hitting one side while her hands are up and the other while they're down.
Fair: Lusa slaps twice in front of her. Nihil combos into the second hit with a sweep downward.
Bair: Lusa flips in the air kicking downward, like Lucas' bair including the spike. Nihil follows up right after the kick with a multi hit spin with its tentacles.
Uair: sweep with hand above her. Nihil follows her hand.
Dair: kicks with her leg like dash attack. Nihil follows her leg.

Grab: Lusa grabs whoever is in front of her by the collar.
Pummel: She knees them.
Fthrow: Slaps the opponent 3 times.
Bthrow: Turns them around her and elbows them in the back. Deceptively powerful.
Uthrow: Lets go of the opponent as they fall into an Ultra Space portal. They then pop up out of another one behind her. reliable combo starter.
Dthrow: Throws the opponent to the floor, steps on them, then kicks them away.

B: Toxic Spikes. Nihil drops toxic spikes from wherever it is currently situated. The spikes poison opponents (flower effect) if they step on them. works well with side B.
side B: Head Smash. Lusa sends Nihil forwards at high speed, headbutting everything in its path. At a certain distance, it arcs upwards then returns to Lusa. Can be cancelled at any time with B, down B, or up B.
Down B: Mirror Coat. Nihil stops wherever it is and reflects anything that touches it's body. The thing about this attack is Nihil only protects itself, leaving Lusa exposed if it's behind her where it usually is, so the reflect requires strategy. Is active as long as the button is pressed, but Lusa can't attack and can only move while it's active.
Up B: Ultra Warp. an Ultra Space portal appears underneath Lusa and above Nihil, which they both quickly enter and reappear a little less than Zelda's up B away. If Nihil isn't interrupted before entering the portal then it rises out of the exit point first with a hitbox, otherwise Lusa exits harmlessly. This can essentially summon Nihil back to Lusa from wherever it is on screen, assuming it can enter the portal uninterrupted.

It's important to note that Nihilego and Lusamine aren't in sync during attacks, unlike Rosaluma. There's a delay during either the start or end some of the attacks,sometimes both, that can either help or hinder Lusa. For example, getting hit during the startup stage of f smash means Nihil won't continue the attack too, it'll scurry away to be behind Lusa once again, and Lusa can act out of f tilt while Nihil is still in endlag, meaning it'll be a few more frames before Nihil attacks with you again. However, attacks such as the multihit of Nihil's bair lets Lusa land during the attack and continue on with the assault. They just aren't in tune with each other like Rosaluma.

The second moveset I thought of has Lusamine act as the pseudo leader of the UB's, summoning them out of Ultra Space portals, similarly to Yuna in Dissidia. In this one specifically, Lusamine has access to different UBs depending on the attack, except for B and Side B, where she can exchange who is summoned with down B
Jab: 2 slaps followed by Pheromosa leg popping out of a portal kicking as a flurry attack.
F tilt: Kartana's arms pop out in front of Lusa and close shut horizontally, think of it acting like scissors.
D tilt: Nihilego pops out from below just in front of Lusa and shoots upwards before going back into the portal.
U tilt: One of Xurkitree's arms pops out above Lusamine and drags whoever is above down, sorta like ZSS's old up B.
Dash: Nihilego pops out in front and spins its tentacles for a multi-hit attack.

F smash: Pheromosa jumps out in front and performs its Triple Kick attack. This move is laggy and leaves Lusa exposed, as the 2nd and 3rd kick won't hit anyone point blank range unless the first kick connects with either a hurtbox, shield, or edge.
D smash: a portal appears underneath Lusa and as one of Xurkitree's legs holds her up, two more out either side and spin around Lusa. Leaves Lusa exposed to aerials thanks to the leg holding her slightly higher than usual.
U smash: Guzzlord's hand/mouth things pop out from either side of Lusa and bite straight above her. The arms have hitboxes while they travel to the point above Lusa but they are much weaker and hit opponents away from the sweetspot that's quite a bit above Lusa's head.

Nair: Nihilego pops out and spins horizontally around Lusa once.
Fair and Bair: (A mini version of) Celesteela's arm pops out facing whichever direction of attack was chosen, Lusa grabs onto it, and it shoots out a burst of fire, propelling them in the opposite direction.
Uair: Kartana spins rapidly above Lusa for a multi-hit attack.
Dair: Celesteela shoots the top of its arm out below Lusa at an angle.

Grab: Buzzwole pops out and grabs the opponent with its 4 legs.
Pummel: Buzzwole jabs the opponent with its needle mouth thing.
Fthrow: It throws the opponent up then jabs them forward with its arm as it holds a bodybuilder pose.
Bthrow: It spins around Lusa before throwing the opponent back.
Uthrow: It throws the opponent up before punching them with both fists upwards and then holding a bodybuilder pose.
Dthrow: It throws them to the ground then does a wrestler elbow drop move on them.

Up B: Ultra Warp. A portal appears underneath Lusa and warps her just less that Zelda's up B. Pretty quick and long range but has no hitboxes.
Down B: Beast Swap. Lets Lusa cycle through the different UBs at her disposal. The order is the same as it is in the Pokedex.

Side B: This changes with the currently selected UB
Nihilego: Mirror Coat. Appears in front of Lusa and reflects projectiles for a couple of seconds
Buzzwole: Counter. Counters any attack that hits Buzzwole, leaving Lusa exposed from behind.
Pheromosa: Feint. Shield Breaker move. Laggy, doesn't charge, and can't break full shields.
Xurkitree: Shock Wave. Basic electric projectile.
Celesteela: Smack Down. Shoots a rock at an angle that travels in an arc and weakly spikes whoever it hits.
Kartana: Aerial Ace. Kartana spins forward then spins back to the portal, hitting everyone away.
Guzzlord: Wring Out. Does more damage the lower the percentage is. Pretty laggy.

B: This also changes with the currently selected UB.
Nihilego: Constrict. Command Grab. Pretty weak.
Buzzwole: Focus Punch. Laggy move that has great killing power, but if Buzzwole is hit it falls back on Lusa who is then open to a severe punish.
Pheromosa: Bug Buzz. No hitstun and like Palutena's Heavenly Light. Lusa turns away and covers her ears as Pheromosa uses this attack in a wide area in front of her. Continues as long as the button is held.
Xurkitree: Electric Terrain. Affects the platform Lusa is currently on. Continuous damage over a few seconds as long as the opponent is currently on the ground affected.
Celesteela: Heavy Slam. Turns the weight mechanic on its head. Celesteela's arm pops out and violently hits the ground in front. Heavier characters are sent further than lighter characters.
Kartana: Air Slash. wind blade projectile that arcs upwards.
Guzzlord: Belch. A 2 part attack. pressing the button the first time has Guzzlord open his mouth. If he swallows a projectile then the portal automatically closes. After that if you press it another time Guzzlord belches out a heavy hitting projectile that goes forward and arcs downward.

There's also a version of this that frees up Down B by selecting the UB based on the last move used (so grab would select Buzzwole, Usmash is Guzzlord, Utilt is Xurkitree, etc).

Ended up having to revise this a bit from some of the stuff I'd originally come up with. You don't really get a good look at her in game, so I checked to see if there was official art of her fused form. Sure enough there was, and the body structure is a lot more different than what I remembered from the brief encounter. Definitely not fully compatible with my original Shuma Gorath-esque concept, but still doable with some tweaks here and there.

General Info

Lusamine, or rather Nihilego. Or Nihilego & Lusamine. Lusamine & Nihilego? Or Mother Beast Lusamine as she's referred to in-game (though I'll be sticking to Lusamine for simplicity) is a large, slow, heavy and fairly strong character, who also ends up being somewhat floaty. She constantly hovers in the air, her feet a little ways from the ground and when crouched, she kneels on her real legs, with her tentacles slumped on the ground around her. Though due to her size, she's still a fairly easy to hit target even while crouched.

Lusamine possesses four, slow, floaty jumps, and has generally poor mobility both in the air and on the ground. This is offset by her possessing great reach, projectiles, and traps. Her attacks have some decent power behind them, and she does not flinch from weak attacks like Mario's Fireballs.

Neutral Jab - Lusamine swipes with her upper left tentacle "hand", then the right, then a quick two jabs with the two lower ones.

Flurry - Lusamine jabs with a left tentacle, then a right, followed a flurry of rapid tentacle swings.

Forward Tilt - Lusamine swipes forward with her upper left tentacles.

Up Tilt - Lusamine swipes with two tentacles in an overhead arc.

Down Tilt - Lusamine flails her front-facing tentacles while crouched.

Dash Attack - Lusamine tackles the opponent headfirst.

Forward Smash - Head Smash - Lusamine lunges forward delivering a powerful headbutt.

Up Smash - Lusamine thrusts herself upward while twirling, hitting with her head.

Down Smash - Lusamine spins around, hitting with her tentacles.

Neutral Air - Lusamine fully extends all her tentacles, flaring them out in multiple directions around herself.

Forward Air - Lusamine jabs her front tentacles forward.

Back Air - Lusamine flails her rear tentacles, dealing multiple hits.

Up Air - Lusamine claps her uppermost tentacles together above her head.

Down Air - Lusamine brings her own legs together and stomps downward.

Grab - Extends her upper tentacle arms and wraps them around her opponent.

Pummel - Constrict - Squeezes the opponent with her tentacles.

Forward Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to throw the opponent forward.

Back Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to fling the opponent behind her.

Up Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and tosses the opponent upward

Down Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and slams them into the ground.

Neutral Special: Toxic Spikes - Lusamine tosses out spikes onto the ground directly in front of her. Opponents who step onto the spikes take a little damage, but are also poisoned for a brief period, slowly taking additional damage over time.
Side Special: Power Gem - Lusamine fires gems in quick succession as projectiles. Functions somewhat like :4palutena:'s Auto Reticle, but fires directly forward instead of locking onto opponents. More power than AR as well, but with less range.

Up Special: Sludge Bomb
- Lusamine launches a poisonous sludge ball in an arc. The bomb deals decent damage and also briefly poisons opponents. The arc and somewhat sluggish speed, make it a tricky move to use, though very rewarding if it connects.

Down Special: Stone Edge - Lusamine sets sharp stones in the ground at beneath her. The stones fly up and deal multiple hits when an opponent steps over them

Final Smash: Ultra Space - A short range cinematic Final Smash similar to :4falcon::4duckhunt:. Lusamine creates an Ultra Wormhole that sucks in nearby opponents. They are then taken to Ultra Space where they are attacked by multiple Nihilego.
Taunts, Victory Screens, and Final Smash (MotherBeast) coming soon~

But why would Lusamine be playable?
Well, a playable Pokemon trainer in smash has often been well requested for some time now. Lusamine is not only a Pokemon trainer, but also a female villain, and such a combination has never been featured in smash before. She's also brings together the Ultra Beasts, which were extensively advertised leading up to Sun and Moon's release. So in the unlikely event Lusamine is chosen for smash, it's likely on those merits.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
This idea is so crazy that it can work.

Sure she's outclassed by the Pokémon in general (starters and some non-starters), but this is actually a great idea.

Not to mention that freaky fusion being the ultimate Final Smash for her.



Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
This is one of those really crazy and extremely unlikely ideas that I can actually get behind. (As crazy as Lusamine herself you might say.) Both of your movesets are really creative too, but I'd go with the first. The one with all the UBs feels kind of cluttered. It's combining a great deal into one character and sounds like it'd be pretty difficult to create as well.

That said, my hope for the character would actually be to just have her straight up fight in her Mother Beast form. A heavy, character with floaty jumps who fights with tentacles, and special moves based on attacks Nihilego can learn. Perhaps even include Beast Boost as her gimmick.

I know the transformation seems like the ideal Final Smash, but I think it would work better as her actual character. Unlike characters like Fox and C. Falcon, we've no indication or reason to believe that Lusamine does any fighting herself. And yeah plenty of Smash characters already aren't exactly the Fighting Type (:troll:), but it seems really unfitting for a human Pokemon character (unless it were a character like Koga, Bruno, Maylene, Marshal, etc.) Taking that sort of creative liberty with her just seems like a harder sell imo.

That and I like the idea of big, tentacle monsters in fighting games. (We don't have enough of those, with Shuma Gorath being the only one I can think of.) Sure the idea is odd, but it'd still be unique and bring something new to the table.

I'd like to contribute a moveset as well if you don't mind, just need the time to actually type/(maybe draw) it out.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
This is one of those really crazy and extremely unlikely ideas that I can actually get behind. (As crazy as Lusamine herself you might say.) Both of your movesets are really creative too, but I'd go with the first. The one with all the UBs feels kind of cluttered. It's combining a great deal into one character and sounds like it'd be pretty difficult to create as well.

That said, my hope for the character would actually be to just have her straight up fight in her Mother Beast form. A heavy, character with floaty jumps who fights with tentacles, and special moves based on attacks Nihilego can learn. Perhaps even include Beast Boost as her gimmick.

I know the transformation seems like the ideal Final Smash, but I think it would work better as her actual character. Unlike characters like Fox and C. Falcon, we've no indication or reason to believe that Lusamine does any fighting herself. And yeah plenty of Smash characters already aren't exactly the Fighting Type (:troll:), but it seems really unfitting for a human Pokemon character (unless it were a character like Koga, Bruno, Maylene, Marshal, etc.) Taking that sort of creative liberty with her just seems like a harder sell imo.

That and I like the idea of big, tentacle monsters in fighting games. (We don't have enough of those, with Shuma Gorath being the only one I can think of.) Sure the idea is odd, but it'd still be unique and bring something new to the table.

I'd like to contribute a moveset as well if you don't mind, just need the time to actually type/(maybe draw) it out.
The second moveset actually took much more time to think of while the first one just flowed so well. I kinda wanted to just get all the UBs in there so none would be left out but it ended up feeling very long.
I feel like a Pokemon Ranger character would work pretty well in smash where they work together with their Pokemon in battles. If the spin-off was more popular I'd actually see that as a possibility.
Also, I thrive on movesets so please, drown me in your ideas. Speculating on movesets is a big reason on why I keep coming here.
You make sense on the MotherBeast as the main fighter idea too. That's the form Lusamine was in when she was like seconds away from straight up murdering Lillie so it's not like she's not gonna fight

Deleted member

She should be in Smash Bros.

As a boss.

While I still want a human fighter fromthe series, the Pocket Monsters will always be of higher importance. But I still think she could factor into a story mode.

I don't want a sadistic Lusamine (besides, she was far more mentally unstable than some of the other antagonists), but rather one manipulated into fusing with Nihilego once more and is battled in Ultra space.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Moveset - Once again spoiler alert for those that yet to play Pokemon Sun & Moon.
Ended up having to revise this a bit from some of the stuff I'd originally come up with. You don't really get a good look at her in game, so I checked to see if there was official art of her fused form. Sure enough there was, and the body structure is a lot more different than what I remembered from the brief encounter. Definitely not fully compatible with my original Shuma Gorath-esque concept, but still doable with some tweaks here and there.

General Info

Lusamine, or rather Nihilego. Or Nihilego & Lusamine. Lusamine & Nihilego? Or Mother Beast Lusamine as she's referred to in-game (though I'll be sticking to Lusamine for simplicity) is a large, slow, heavy and fairly strong character, who also ends up being somewhat floaty. She constantly hovers in the air, her feet a little ways from the ground and when crouched, she kneels on her real legs, with her tentacles slumped on the ground around her. Though due to her size, she's still a fairly easy to hit target even while crouched.

Lusamine possesses four, slow, floaty jumps, and has generally poor mobility both in the air and on the ground. This is offset by her possessing great reach, projectiles, and traps. Her attacks have some decent power behind them, and she does not flinch from weak attacks like Mario's Fireballs.

Neutral Jab - Lusamine swipes with her upper left tentacle "hand", then the right, then a quick two jabs with the two lower ones.

Flurry - Lusamine jabs with a left tentacle, then a right, followed a flurry of rapid tentacle swings.

Forward Tilt - Lusamine swipes forward with her upper left tentacles.

Up Tilt - Lusamine swipes with two tentacles in an overhead arc.

Down Tilt - Lusamine flails her front-facing tentacles while crouched.

Dash Attack - Lusamine tackles the opponent headfirst.

Forward Smash - Head Smash - Lusamine lunges forward delivering a powerful headbutt.

Up Smash - Lusamine thrusts herself upward while twirling, hitting with her head.

Down Smash - Lusamine spins around, hitting with her tentacles.

Neutral Air - Lusamine fully extends all her tentacles, flaring them out in multiple directions around herself.

Forward Air - Lusamine jabs her front tentacles forward.

Back Air - Lusamine flails her rear tentacles, dealing multiple hits.

Up Air - Lusamine claps her uppermost tentacles together above her head.

Down Air - Lusamine brings her own legs together and stomps downward.

Grab - Extends her upper tentacle arms and wraps them around her opponent.

Pummel - Constrict - Squeezes the opponent with her tentacles.

Forward Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to throw the opponent forward.

Back Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to fling the opponent behind her.

Up Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and tosses the opponent upward

Down Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and slams them into the ground.

Neutral Special: Toxic Spikes - Lusamine tosses out spikes onto the ground directly in front of her. Opponents who step onto the spikes take a little damage, but are also poisoned for a brief period, slowly taking additional damage over time.

Side Special: Power Gem - Lusamine fires gems in quick succession as projectiles. Functions somewhat like :4palutena:'s Auto Reticle, but fires directly forward instead of locking onto opponents. More power than AR as well, but with less range.

Up Special: Sludge Bomb
- Lusamine launches a poisonous sludge ball in an arc. The bomb deals decent damage and also briefly poisons opponents. The arc and somewhat sluggish speed, make it a tricky move to use, though very rewarding if it connects.

Down Special: Stealth Rock - Lusamine sets sharp stones in the ground beneath her. The stones fly up and deal multiple hits when an opponent steps over them

Final Smash: Ultra Space - A short range cinematic Final Smash similar to :4falcon::4duckhunt:. Lusamine creates an Ultra Wormhole that sucks in nearby opponents. They are then taken to Ultra Space where they are attacked by multiple Nihilego.
EDIT: Fixed some typos and name errors.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Moveset - Once again spoiler alert for those that yet to play Pokemon Sun & Moon.
Ended up having to revise this a bit from some of the stuff I'd originally come up with. You don't really get a good look at her in game, so I checked to see if there was official art of her fused form. Sure enough there was, and the body structure is a lot more different than what I remembered from the brief encounter. Definitely not fully compatible with my original Shuma Gorath-esque concept, but still doable with some tweaks here and there.

General Info

Lusamine, or rather Nihilego. Or Nihilego & Lusamine. Lusamine & Nihilego? Or Mother Beast Lusamine as she's referred to in-game (though I'll be sticking to Lusamine for simplicity) is a large, slow, heavy and fairly strong character, who also ends up being somewhat floaty. She constantly hovers in the air, her feet a little ways from the ground and when crouched, she kneels on her real legs, with her tentacles slumped on the ground around her. Though due to her size, she's still a fairly easy to hit target even while crouched.

Lusamine possesses four, slow, floaty jumps, and has generally poor mobility both in the air and on the ground. This is offset by her possessing great reach, projectiles, and traps. Her attacks have some decent power behind them, and she does not flinch from weak attacks like Mario's Fireballs.

Neutral Jab - Lusamine swipes with her upper left tentacle "hand", then the right, then a quick two jabs with the two lower ones.

Flurry - Lusamine jabs with a left tentacle, then a right, followed a flurry of rapid tentacle swings.

Forward Tilt - Lusamine swipes forward with her upper left tentacles.

Up Tilt - Lusamine swipes with two tentacles in an overhead arc.

Down Tilt - Lusamine flails her front-facing tentacles while crouched.

Dash Attack - Lusamine tackles the opponent headfirst.

Forward Smash - Head Smash - Lusamine lunges forward delivering a powerful headbutt.

Up Smash - Lusamine thrusts herself upward while twirling, hitting with her head.

Down Smash - Lusamine spins around, hitting with her tentacles.

Neutral Air - Lusamine fully extends all her tentacles, flaring them out in multiple directions around herself.

Forward Air - Lusamine jabs her front tentacles forward.

Back Air - Lusamine flails her rear tentacles, dealing multiple hits.

Up Air - Lusamine claps her uppermost tentacles together above her head.

Down Air - Lusamine brings her own legs together stomps downward.

Grab - Extends her upper tentacle arms and wraps them around her opponent.

Pummel - Constrict - Squeezes the opponent with her tentacles.

Forward Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to throw the opponent forward.

Back Throw - Uses one of her tentacle "hands" to fling the opponent behind her.

Up Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and tosses the opponent upward

Down Throw - Grips the opponent with all 4 tentacle "hands" and slams them into the ground.

Neutral Special: Toxic Spikes - Lusamine tosses out spikes onto the ground directly in front of her. Opponents who step onto the spikes take a little damage, but are also poisoned for a brief period, slowly taking additional damage over time.
Side Special: Power Gem - Lusamine fires gems in quick succession as projectiles. Functions somewhat like :4palutena:'s Auto Reticle, but fires directly forward instead of locking onto opponents. More power than AR as well, but with less range.

Up Special: Sludge Bomb
- Lusamine launches a poisonous sludge ball in an arc. The bomb deals decent damage and also briefly poisons opponents. The arc and somewhat sluggish speed, make it a tricky move to use, though very rewarding if it connects.

Down Special: Stone Edge - Lusamine sets sharp stones in the ground at beneath her. The stones fly up and deal multiple hits when an opponent steps over them

Final Smash: Ultra Space - A short range cinematic Final Smash similar to :4falcon::4duckhunt:. Lusamine creates and Ultra Wormhole that sucks in nearby opponents. They are then taken to Ultra Space where they are attacked by multiple Nihilego.
Beautiful~ I'd say you really made that form work in general combat. Can I add it to the OP?
Does Sludge Bomb give her some height like Yoshi or does she only have her floaty jumps like Jiggs?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Beautiful~ I'd say you really made that form work in general combat. Can I add it to the OP?
Does Sludge Bomb give her some height like Yoshi or does she only have her floaty jumps like Jiggs?
Sure thing.

As for Sludge Bomb, it doesn't give her any height, but it can stall her a little bit like Marth's Dancing Blade, but not as useful as it doesn't come out as fast. So while Marth can keep using it, Lusamine can throw it out once, maybe twice (if she's high enough and needs to cover more horizontal distance rather than vertical) while off stage. She's only got the jumps, but they're meant to go fairly far, which combined with her general floatiness, more or less serve the same as if she had a regular recovery. Her mobility is still slow though, but it's counteracted by how much reach her attacks have. Plus the whole trapping/projectile focus.

Deleted member

It would be a good idea to have something like a Lusamine that would be playable, but I still say the main barriers for her playability would lie in Smash Bros. being about the Pokémon first and foremost, as well as the fact that it would be a walking spoiler.

I dunno; I'm more and more intrigued by it as time goes on.

Deleted member

Anyway, I wanted to bump this thread for one serious reason.

Mother Beast Lusamine debuts next Thursday in the anime!

And, from it looks, she'll actually fight.


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2016
What I'd do is have Lusamine riding inside Nihelgo as she is wont to do and call the character Nihelgo. That way she can kind of cheat her way in. But your dual fighter idea is pretty cool too.

The second moveset is so over-the-top crazy that I'd love to see it implemented.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Ultra Sun/Moon sure knocked her down quite a few pegs, and in the end just made her a stepping stone for Giovanni’s return (which admittedly was pretty awesome in how it was executed with him bringing every previous gen villain)...

Maybe being a boss would suit her more depending on how she’s done? IDK, but guess I will check out how she is in the anime sometime.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2018
I really like the the first moveset for i can see lusamine and nihilego working well in it, although i would be surprise if lusamine does get into smash.

Deleted member

Ridley making it sure helped the size issue be muted out of discussion.

Of course, I also hope for a remix of her battle themes.


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help
This is such a weird, strange, crazy idea that I absolutely love it. The second moveset in the OP sounds like a cluster but I love that cuz she'd be really interesting and technical LOL. I am here for this!!!


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I doubt it would happen but I also like the idea of Lusamine being like a UB trainer version of Pokemon Trainer.

She'd use Nihilego and two other ultra beasts. (Pheromosa and Buzzwole?)

I picked Nihilego, Pheromosa and Buzzwole because before the games were released people thought they were secretly Lillie, Lusamine and Gladion because of the similarities.

To be honest, even though I like Decideye/Mimikyu there's a part of me that thinks if we have to get a gen 7 representative it should be be something related to the Ultra Beasts. It just sounds more exciting to me.
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Arguably one of the biggest losers of Spirits are human Pokemon characters. Once again the chopped liver of the Smash Bros. universe.
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