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Qerkdtx's Link


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2008
all right. I'm not that good a link myself, yet, but i might as well offer what I can. First, and you probably already know this, Link isn't a character that you can pick up and be good with him in a couple of days. Link has about 3 billion AT's, and if you want to use him effectively, you have to be able to do each one consistently. You look like an experienced smasher, but it doesn't look as though you researched Link at all before picking him up, because I didn't see a single AT in any of the matches. Go take a look at this guide by NintenJoe. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=194177 It is the greatest guide to Link ever. You've got the basic gameplay down, now you need to take it up a notch and start learning his AT's and incorporating them into your gameplay. You used a few zairs in the matches: good, use it more often. It is your best spacing move.
Like I said, you've got most of the basics down; the problem is that the basics don't get you very far with Link. Read the guide, at least most of it, incorporate what you learn into your playstyle, and you'll be able to pound that toon link into the ground.

I just realized that in that ridiculous wall of text I somehow managed to give you almost no actual advice. So smash a lot less. Don't use the bow as often. Learn to perfect-shield or otherwise avoid projectiles better. And read the guide.

Deleted member

learn to DI out of TL's fsmash. When the first hit connects, tap up and jump, you'll never be hit by that second slice again.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
lol. Dont take everything this guy says too seriously. I play decently with link, you dont have to take my word for it and take a look at my matches for urself (in sig). I dont even use all that many "ATs." You can pick an choose which to use based on how you play. If u watch my link u can see how much i just love to use bombs. And yet i use no bomb ATs. Would it help, maybe, maybe not. But im not one to love to use ATs.

My advice to use is to practice on spacing with link. While toon links projectiles are generally better, links sword is much longer then toon links, so if u position urself correctly, ull be able to hit him but he wont be able to hit u. Most toon links also seem to like to be in the air. Start using more zair while u retreat from his nair or bair assaults. I also found links grab to be really good. Out of all the characters i play, i use links grab the most. Its decently fast and has good range.

It would be best to master the knowledge of link, before u get too deep into his ATs. Im not saying u dont play link good its just ur lacking in one of links majors strengths. His projectile game. While yes you do use them. There doesn't seem to be any strategy behind it. You just throw it straight at him. No mind games, not even any projectile combos. Your projectiles should be making him look around the screen to make sure nothings going to hit him. Dividing up his attention from not only u, to everything else. And since toon link is soo fast, your projectile mind games can be used to slow him down to links pace. Stop just attacking him head on, and start using ur projectiles to push him into places he doesnt want to be in.

A few ATs u would benefit from learning are like. Pivot boost/smooth boots, arrow canceling, and bomb zair. Stuff like DAC can be a nice little approach and help with combos in certain point. But the complex button commands take a bit to get use to and just because u may be able to do it at will. Doesnt mean ull will be doing it at the right time. So learn Link first, before u learn his ATS.

I could go into it more if u wanted to. But just to let you know i play more of a mid range Link.
Jul 30, 2008
arrows is a mid/long to long range projectile/ surprise attack if Arrow canceled. DONT use arrows that close to your opponent, there is to little stun, to little range and to much lag in an uncharged arrow. Use rang and bombs more in that kind of range. Also link has four great aerials the nair, bair, fair and zair is really good I suggest you use them more, and also start using more dsmashes and jabs to speed up your link.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2008
Zora's Domain
well the only thing i can say about your gameplay that hasn't been said yet is that i noticed when you got sent flying, you airdodged. that was a bad habbit of mine for the longest time as well. problem is it doesn't really do anything. with link you should bair instead to cancel your momentum. arkive made a great video on DI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hQIy7P7RWo if you wanna take a gander.

also in the 3rd match around 1:20 or so, you could've zair edgeguarded him and he woulda been whining like a little puppy.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2008
Zora's Domain
wat are you talking about? -_-"

its in the video you posted lol...
oh yeah...i haven't watched that video in a while i forgot about that lol. i just watched it again i remember seeing that before now i just forgot about it, so i thought i didnt know it.

its just easier to call me stupid :laugh:

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
Regarding the first fight, you should have just upthrown him and he would have died, or an uptilt on that final stock. And also try and di after he fmashes you with a fair or a bair, and fast fall to kill the knock off distance of that move.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Awesome, thanks.

I didn't know that airdodging did nothing. Wow, I feel stupid.

Also is upthrow a good killer? I never use throws because of the lag + p Im always super predictable with them. But if upthrow was a good killer Im gonna try that more.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2008
Zora's Domain
Awesome, thanks.

I didn't know that airdodging did nothing. Wow, I feel stupid.

Also is upthrow a good killer? I never use throws because of the lag + p Im always super predictable with them. But if upthrow was a good killer Im gonna try that more.
haha its ok i felt stupid when i found out too :laugh:

i personally think that up throw just ooks cool lol. i dont really use it much. i do either forward or back throws and try to follow them up with a DAC. i can kill and/or combo better that way.

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
Link throws are not good finishers, I don't see where that other guy said to use it for a kill, but I don't think you could have. It's predictable to di and you need a ridiculous percentage to kill them. Use something else.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Thats what I thought. The main kilers I use are dair, fsmash,dsmash, fair and bombs (lol). Anyothers I missed?

Also I need to incorporate more bombs when my oppenents recover. That and ATs.
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