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Protector for Smash - Teach Will Shield All!


Deleted member


Protector Shields Up!


The Protector(Paladin in the Japanese version) is one of the playable classes in Etrian Odyssey series, an RPG based on the classic genre of Dungeon Crawlers, first appearing in the original Etrian Odyssey by Atlus in 2007 for the DS. Ingame, they function as Tanks by mitigating the damage the party receives through a variety of skills. While the Etrian Odyssey series does not have a set protagonist(outside of the Story Mode for both Untold games), nor does it have set playable characters(all the portraits are to be used for the player’s own characters), the blonde female Protector has always been a sort of mascot of the series ever since the first game, as she’s one of the characters present in the first game’s boxart(alongside a female Medic and male Alchemist, all three are present in both the US version and the Japanese version despite different art being used) and appears in the Explorer’s Log comic which was used to introduce the series’ concepts to players.


The US boxart(left) and the Japanese and European boxart(right)

This Protector received the nickname of Teach, or Shishou in Japanese, from fans, derived from how the Medic calls her in the Explorer’s Log comic. This Medic also received a nickname, being called Medi-Ko. Both of them are usually paired together in promotional material, as seen with them returning for the Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard boxart alongside the male Alchemist. He didn’t get lucky enough though, and the most he ever got were these two boxart appearances.


Teach teaches those damn elitists how to play real games

The Japanese boxart for Heroes of High Lagaard

Teach ended up creating a sort of… archetype for the series, as seen with the second game already, the “female blue-eyed blonde” would not only become a recurring type of portrait, it would also be used as the “main heroine” in promotional materials for most games(Untold II, EOX and EMDII are the only games to not follow the trend).


Boxarts for Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan and Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth

So far, "Teach" has appeared in EOI, EOII, EOU, EOIIU, EMD, EOV(as DLC), EMDII and EOX, which is far more than any other class portrait can say for themselves, making her(and her fellow Protectors as costumes) the perfect representative of the series. Fun fact, for EOIIU, free DLC was given out in the form of alternate portraits, art used in promotional material neve available ingame, most classes got two or three, while the Protector got 4... all of them were of Teach.

2. Why should they join Smash?
There are two possibilities as to your initial response to seeing this thread. The first is “who?”, the second is “not happening”(there’s a third one that’s “goddamnit Shish” but it isn’t relevant right now). Both are correct, Etrian Odyssey is an extremely niche series, even in Japan(the series as a whole has only 1.5 million sales, both physical and digital, EVER SINCE 2007), additionally, it’s also a 3rd Party as it’s done by Atlus and currently owned by Sega. The holes it’d have to jump to make into Smash are huge(both Atlus and Sega have much more popular game series yet to be represented), even if the series has stayed 100% exclusive to Nintendo, but that’s not the reason we are here. While the impossibility of an EO character ever being present is more than acknowledged, this thread was made to support and raise awareness of a character and its series.

But still, if they did make it into Smash, why should anyone care? The reason is simple, all the prominent EO characters belong to classes that have lots of attributes not really present in Smash yet. Even ignoring Teach, you have both Untold protagonists which, while not representative of the series as a whole, could provide extremely fun movesets with the Highlander’s spear and the Fafnir Knight’s transformation mechanic.


The unnamed silent protagonist of EOU, the Highlander. He fights with his spear by cutting, stabbing and bashing and can power up his own attacks by consuming his or his party's HP. He can also use various support skills to debuff enemies or heal allies of them. Not to be confused with the immortal variant.


The unnamed silent protagonist of EOIIU, the Fafnir Knight. At base, he has a wide variety of sword and katana skills but his abilities truly shine when he transforms. Normally only able to keep it up for 3 turns, by pairing various skills correctly and managing his Boost Gauge, he can extend the transformation period significantly, becoming an incredible damage dealer capable of melting bosses. And this isn't even his final form!

But this thread is not for them, this thread is for the Teach herself, so, what can she bring to the table? That’s simple, as a Tank class, the Protector is all about a defensive playstyle, with skills to mitigate, negate, absorb or even counter damage, their moveset would be centered towards survivability more than anything else. And while they do wield swords, they do not possess any sword skills, their main focus IS the Shield, they even have damage skills that make use of it. Additionally, ever since Untold II, they are capable of wielding not only swords, but Axes and Spears too, giving them plenty of options for normal attacks. One of the EO’s series main mechanics is its elemental system, which covers physical elements as well, Cut, Stab and Bash, meaning that thanks to their weapon selection and their Shield, they have access to all physical damage types.

3. But how would they play in Smash? aka moveset
As mentioned in the previous section, the Protector would be all about defensive play and to that effect, one of many unique traits could be used.


General Overview
Weapon Proficiency:
As of EOIIU, the Protector class can use Swords, Axes and Spears. Though she would usually carry her sword around, she would be able to use her other weapons to attack as well.
Shield: The Shield is a Protector's main tool, not only being used to defend but to attack as well.
Sonic Bomb: An item that when used, causes nearby FOEs to be stunned for a turn, preventing them from joining an ongoing fight... or rather, just delaying it.
Immovable Wall: In exchange for being the slowest fighter, the Protector would in return be the heaviest of them all.

Unique Traits
Much like Link's shield, the Protector's will block incoming projectiles while standing still or walking on the ground.
Parry: Additionally, when performimg certain moves, her shield will block melee attacks as well. They can't do anything about grabs though, and her back is always exposed.

Jab: a single sword poke while she stays behind the shield, a safe option but it doesn't reach very far.
Side Tilt: the Protector does a shield bash with a similar motion to Link's BotW parry. Its hitbox will block incoming attacks but she's left wide open aftwerwards.
Down Tilt: slams her shield's tip on the ground. Spikes both grounded and airbone opponents.
Up Tilt: bashes her shield upwards, doesn't reach very far but protects against attacks from above at the expense of leaving herself open from the sides.
Dash Attack: uses Shield Smite while running, launching herself slightly forward while blocking attacks, much like Palutena's Dash Attack. Does heavy damage to shields but has a lot of endlag, making it easy to simply dodge and punish it.

Neutral Air: slowly slashes with her sword in a downward circular arc, starting in front of her and ending near her feet.
Forward Air: using her spear, the Protector stabs forward, being her longest reaching move.
Back Air: bashes her shield behind her while blocking attacks, the quickest of her aerials but also the one with the least reach.
Down Air: using her axe, she slowly slams it below her, spiking anyone hit by the axe's head with heavy damage. Has a ton of landing lag to it, however.
Up Air: using her spear, she stabs upwards much like in her Forward Air.

Grab: grabs her opponent with her sword hand.
Pummel: hits the grabbed opponent with the tip of the shield
Forward Throw: kicks her opponent, lauching them forward.
Back Throw: turns around and performs a shield bash on them, launching them backwards.
Down Throw: slams them onto the ground by bashing them with her shield.
Up Throw: by hitting them with the upper end of her shield, the Protector sends them upwards.

Smash Attacks
Side Smash: charges an overhead axe swing, dealing the most damage at the very end when it hits the ground.
Down Smash: pulls out a Sonic Bomb, throwing it in front of her and causing a small explosion that stuns oppinents shortly.
Up Smash: charges an upwards spear stab, though it has no hitbox on her sides, the point of the spear is especially deadly. Useful for dealing with opponents directly above her.

Special Moves
Neutral Special - Bravery's Gift:
The Protector enters a defensive stance and pulls in all nearby fighters towards herself, before unleashing a sword slash around her. The Protector will be granted super armor during the move and it'll deal double damage and knockback if she's hit during it.

Bravery's Gift raises the Protector's HP for one turn while receiving all damage for the party for that turn.

Down Special - Chart: The Protector picks up her map and charts the stage, revealing a tile of thorns directly below her. The tile is 3 standing Protectors-wide and will remain on the stage for about 10 seconds, constantly damaging anyone that walks on them. Up to two tiles can be revealed at a time.

The Etrian Odyssey's map charting is one of its main features, bringing the old-school RPG tradition of drawing maps into the game itself.

Side Special - Perfect Defense: The Protector puts her shield forward as it shines, reflecting physical projectiles at 1.3x their original power and absorbing energy-based ones for the same amount they would be damaged. This move has no hitbox and does not protect against melee attacks.

Perfect Defense, the Protector's Force Break skill which negates all damage for one turn, the ultimate version of their Elemental Walls and Line Guards.

Up Special - Ariadne Thread: The Protector uses an Ariadne Thread and is teleported to the last spot they touched the ground. This move will go on a cooldown for 10 seconds after it's used.

The Ariadne Thread is an item used to return to town when exploring the labyrinth. Trust the description when it says it's mecessary.

Final Smash - Even during Smash: F.O.E.!

A ding sound is heard, and that can only mean one thing: a F.O.E.(also known as Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens) has spotted the party. It is then that the FOE will appear and reveal itself as a large fuzzy orange ball and lock onto a player and start relentlessly pursuing them, dealing heavy damage on contact, until their target has been slain.

What type of monster is this FOE? Trust me, you do not want to know.

4. Other series representation
4a. Stage
Of course, every series needs its own stage. If you've played the first EO game or the Untold remake, the answer should be obvious

The 5th Stratum: Lost Shinjuku
Lost Shinjuku is the 5th and final main stratum of the first game. It is not a natural area like previous strata, but rather the remains of a city from a past civilization. Even with EO's simple graphics, the stratum is beautiful, and its whole atmosphere is set up so it really feels like you're exploring the memories of a long gone civilization. Initially, it was a big plot twist for the series, but it quickly became that sort of spoiler that's hard not to talk about and then Untold just spoiled it 30 minutes into the game. Ingame, the stratum has a cetain "gimmick" to it in that all floors are composed of the two towers with large tree trunks connecting the two, alongside elevators being used to get around it.


Ingame map of the 22nd floor. The paths in the middle represent the tree trunks while the more dense areas are each of the towers.

In Smash, this could easily be translated as a two-floor stage like Spear Pillar, or a really big stage ala Temple or Palutena's Temple. Regardless, the battle would most definitely center around one of the tree trunks, as it is the stage for a certain climatic boss fight.

4b. Assist Trophy
Ragelope - The Most Dreaded FOE

Top 10 Photos Taken Before Disaster

The Ragelope is one of the most infamous FOEs in the series. Naturally, it's just as deadly as any other FOE but its appearance tricked many new players into ignoring the game's constant and big warning of "DO NOT ENGAGE", I mean, who would be afraid of a deer, right? Its signature skill is Panic Step, which can cause Panic on hit, which is an ailment that makes you lose control of a character and makes them attack at random, including allies. As an assist, the Ragelope would run over the stage, causing all fighters it hits to have their controls reversed... if they even survive that is.

Artist's rendition of the illusory Ragelope, circa 2009

4c. Music
It's impossible to talk about Etrian Odyssey without talking about its music, a few examples of some great music can be found here:
Battlefield's Awakening
Lost Shinjuku
Betting it All
The End of Raging Winds

To Be Updated
But really, you can't go wrong with music, all of the tracks are great.

5. In Conclusion
Go play Etrian Odyssey nerds
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Why does it feel like I'm the only other person who is going to even look at this thread? :p

I like the idea, even if it has as much chance of happening as a new player's chances of surviving their first Ragelope encounter. Some music would be nice, at least. If Castlevania can get 34 tracks in Smash then I demand at least double that for EO.
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Deleted member

Why does it feel like I'm the only other person who is going to even look at this thread? :p

I like the idea, even if it has as much chance of happening as a new player's chances of surviving their first Ragelope encounter. Some music would be nice, at least. If Castlevania can get 34 tracks in Smash then I demand at least double that for EO.
It's still more than I expected :p

And only 68 tracks? That's, like, only 20% of all the good music!


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
I've gotten excited at character art for this series many times, only to remember that Etrian Odyssey is a dungeon crawler series.
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Deleted member

Final Smash has been added.
I've gotten excited at character art for this series many times, only to remember that Etrian Odyssey is a dungeon crawler series.
You're bad civilization.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I recently got into it with EO3. It's very fun and really reminds me of old-school SMT games.
Especially a fan of the front-back row style of combat.

You can count me in for support.

Any reason in particular you chose this class to represent EO?

Deleted member

I recently got into it with EO3. It's very fun and really reminds me of old-school SMT games.
Especially a fan of the front-back row style of combat.

You can count me in for support.

Any reason in particular you chose this class to represent EO?
As I said in the OP, Teach/Shishou is basocally the series' mascot, being present in all but two games anx constantly used in promotional materials and official art. The class was chosen not only because it's her class but also because the Tank class has always had a presence within all games. Hoplite, Fortress and Dragoon are in the EOIII, EOIV and EOV boxarts, respectively, while both Untold games have a character of the class in the set party, which is the only class to be used in both Story modes of each games. It's easily the most recognizable EO class.

These are all the free DLC portraits released for EOIIU(not including the ones from the first game), all of them are artwork that hadn't been available ingame before.

She also got a DLC portrait for EOV alongside Medi-Ko and the blonde Gunner.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
It's still more than I expected :p

And only 68 tracks? That's, like, only 20% of all the good music!
Yeah. I should be more reasonable in my demands. Maybe 340 tracks is better. I don't even know if there are 340 tracks across the series, but they can just fill the rest of the space with stuff like this and I won't complain too much.

Even in Smash Bros., FOE?

Deleted member

Yeah. I should be more reasonable in my demands. Maybe 340 tracks is better. I don't even know if there are 340 tracks across the series, but they can just fill the rest of the space with stuff like this and I won't complain too much.

Even in Smash Bros., FOE?
Protector reveal trailer is just a normal Smash match going on when a "ding!" is heard and a FOE appears and right before it kills someone the Protector saves them.
you can tell it isn't gonna happen because no one dies here


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Sign me up as a supporter!

Etrian Odyssey representation in Smash would be extremely hype, but the nicheness of the series combined with it being third party squishes its chances into oblivion, even if it was one of the best games to take advantage of the DS's duel-screen capabilities IMHO.

That said, I really like your protector moveset and the idea of a giant sprawling EO stage is great as well. Hopefully if ATLUS gets anything into Smash (likely SMT/Persona for obvious reasons) they'll at least bring some songs and trophies from EO over - The End of Raging Winds would be especially hype.

Deleted member

I'm getting more supporters than I ever thought I would :p
I think I'll actually update the moveset today, add normal, Smashes and aerials and then change the Specials a bit because I remembered something else that I could use for the Map special.

Deleted member

Updated the moveset section with a full one

General Overview
Weapon Proficiency:
As of EOIIU, the Protector class can use Swords, Axes and Spears. Though she would usually carry her sword around, she would be able to use her other weapons to attack as well.
Shield: The Shield is a Protector's main tool, not only being used to defend but to attack as well.
Sonic Bomb: An item that when used, causes nearby FOEs to be stunned for a turn, preventing them from joining an ongoing fight... or rather, just delaying it.
Immovable Wall: In exchange for being the slowest fighter, the Protector would in return be the heaviest of them all.

Unique Traits
Much like Link's shield, the Protector's will block incoming projectiles while standing still or walking on the ground.
Parry: Additionally, when performimg certain moves, her shield will block melee attacks as well. They can't do anything about grabs though, and her back is always exposed.

Jab: a single sword poke while she stays behind the shield, a safe option but it doesn't reach very far.
Side Tilt: the Protector does a shield bash ala Link's BotW parry. It activates Parry when performed, however, it leaves her wide open afterwards.
Down Tilt: slams her shield's tip on the ground. Spikes.
Up Tilt: bashes her shield upwards, doesn't reach very far but protects against attacks from above with Parry at the expense of leaving herself open from the sides.
Dash Attack: uses Shield Smite while running, launching herself slightly forward while activating Parry. Does heavy damage to shields but has a lot of endlag, making it easy to simply spotdodge and punish her.

Neutral Air: slowly slashes with her sword in a downward circular arc, starting in front of her and ending near her feet.
Forward Air: using her spear, the Protector stabs forward, being her longest reaching move.
Back Air: bashes her shield behind her, activating Parry, the quickest of her aerials.
Down Air: using her axe, she slowly slams it below her, spiking anyone hit by the axe's head with heavy damage. Charizard BAir levels of landing lag.
Up Air: using her spear, she stabs upwards much like in her FAir.

Grab: grabs her opponent with her right hand.
Pummel: hits the grabbed opponent with the tip of the shield
Forward Throw: kicks her opponent, lauching them forward.
Back Throw: turns around and performs a shield bash on them, launching them backwards.
Down Throw: slams them onto the ground by bashing them with her shield.
Up Throw: by hitting them with the upper end of her shield, the Protector sends then upwards.

Smash Attacks
Side Smash: charges an overhead axe swing, dealing the most damage at the very end whem it hits the ground.
Down Smash: pulls out a Sonic Bomb, throwing it in front of her and causing a small explosion that halts enemy movement.
Up Smash: charges an upwards spear stab, though it has no hitbox on her sides, the point of the spear is especially deadly. Useful for dealing with opponents directly above her.

Special Moves
Neutral Special - Bravery's Gift:
The Protector enters a defensive stance and pulls in all nearby fighters towards herself, before unleashing a sword slash around her. The Protector will be granted super armor during the move and it'll deal double damage and knockback if she's hit during it.

Bravery's Gift raises the Protector's HP for one turn while receiving all damage for the party for that turn.

Down Special - Chart: The Protector picks up her map and charts the stage, revealing a tile of thorns directly below her. The tile is 3 standing Protectors-wide and will remain on the stage for about 10 seconds, constantly damaging anyone that walks on them. Up to two tiles can be revealed at a time.

The Etrian Odyssey's map charting is one of its main features, bringing the old-school RPG tradition of drawing maps into the game itself.

Side Special - Perfect Defense: The Protector puts her shield forward as it shines, reflecting physical projectiles at 1.3x their original power and absorbing energy-based ones for the same amount they would be damaged. This move has no hitbox and does not protect against melee attacks.

Perfect Defense, the Protector's Force Break skill which negates all damage for one turn, the ultimate version of their Elemental Walls and Line Guards.

Up Special - Ariadne Thread: The Protector uses an Ariadne Thread and is teleported to the last spot they touched the ground. This move will go on a cooldown for 10 seconds after it's used.

The Ariadne Thread is an item used to return to town when exploring the labyrinth. Trust the description when it says it's mecessary.

Final Smash - Even during Smash: F.O.E.!

A ding sound is heard, and that can only mean one thing: a F.O.E.(also known as Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens) has spotted the party. It is then that the FOE will appear and reveal itself as a large fuzzy orange ball and lock onto a player and start relentlessly pursuing them, dealing heavy damage on contact, until their target has been slain.

What type of monster is this FOE? Trust me, you do not want to know.



Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014

I hope this is cool, she changes poses a lot.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Unfortunately, I doubt EO would ever get a character in Smash, but if it did I'd be over the moon. If it got music, though, that would be amazing. Yuzo Koshiro is my favourite composer ever and EO has some of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. Still, I'll happily support Protector 'cause why not? I'm happy to take any chance to express my love of Etrian Odyssey!

Also, Etrian Odyssey Nexus hype!!

Deleted member

Nexus is a such a dumb name tho, why couldn't they have just gone with X or Cross?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Nexus is a such a dumb name tho, why couldn't they have just gone with X or Cross?
Probably because X could be mistaken for 10, Cross is a bit plain and Nexus maintains the "X" sound while staying true to the game's theme of all the EO games intersecting as one massive game.

Deleted member

Probably because X could be mistaken for 10, Cross is a bit plain and Nexus maintains the "X" sound while staying true to the game's theme of all the EO games intersecting as one massive game.
Didn't stop countless videogame series of using X, and I really like EOX, it's much better than EON.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
But I like the name "Nexus". Rolls off the tongue pretty nicely.

Only problem is it means the name abbreviates to "EON", and that sucks. That's what you call an electric company, not a video game.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Double post but who cares, I am the police and I'm not gonna warn myself

What about the Imperials from EO4, one of them is basically just the Protector with a different suit of armour:

Can we be greedy and get a second character? I want Drive Blade silliness too, so I can just explode anything that looks at me funny. :p

I was reminded of this while poking around at the games in an emulator to see if the environments held up well when rendered at four times the 3DS' actual resolution, which they do (though the UI elements don't fare so well):


You could drop some of these straight into any Switch game (hint hint, Nintendo) and not many people would notice the difference, I think.

edit: Apparently this is my 8,000th post. Not the worst place I could have used it on, I guess. :p
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Deleted member

Double post but who cares, I am the police and I'm not gonna warn myself

What about the Imperials from EO4, one of them is basically just the Protector with a different suit of armour:

Can we be greedy and get a second character? I want Drive Blade silliness too, so I can just explode anything that looks at me funny. :p

I was reminded of this while poking around at the games in an emulator to see if the environments held up well when rendered at four times the 3DS' actual resolution, which they do (though the UI elements don't fare so well):
You could drop some of these straight into any Switch game (hint hint, Nintendo) and not many people would notice the difference, I think.

edit: Apparently this is my 8,000th post. Not the worst place I could have used it on, I guess. :p
Reporting you

I'd be fine with the Imperials, haven't played EOIV but they seem to be one of the most interesting classes from that game. And besides, I just want Teach :p
But damn, what's up with those shoes?

Moveset could be based around an overheat mechanic, certain moves fill a heat gauge and it slowly cools down, but if it maxes out, the move fails and they get a lot of damage as recoil and become unable to perform certain moves for some time.

Also, damn, those look good. Could you maybe get one of Lost Shinjuku?


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
haven't played EOIV
I'm not even surprised at this point. :p

I'd say you should check it out if you get the chance; in particular I liked the airship exploration parts, since they made for a nice break from just pure dungeon crawling. But I think they brought back things like that and the Imperials for EOX, so you may not need to.

Moveset could be based around an overheat mechanic, certain moves fill a heat gauge and it slowly cools down, but if it maxes out, the move fails and they get a lot of damage as recoil and become unable to perform certain moves for some time.
Oh, you want it to actually be balanced. Dull. I just want to see stuff explode upon getting hit by this massive engine-powered sword.

I'd imagine it functioning something similar to Robin's bronze vs. Levin sword, where when the blade isn't overheated, it can use the stronger drive-powered attacks, and when it is overheated it can only use weaker hits. Throw in some Arcanist circles via subclassing and we can have a Robin echo

In any case, I mostly just wanted to mention it as another example of Teach/Shisho/the Protector being the most enduring face of the series, since it's pretty obvious where the inspiration for that particular design came from. I'm sure there are plenty of better places to look for a second character before you'd arrive at the Imperial. :p

Also, damn, those look good. Could you maybe get one of Lost Shinjuku?
That was the one I wanted to see too, but I couldn't get that game to load the first time I tried it. But it works now, so

The wheelchair sign cracks me up. Good to know that highly dangerous labyrinths that are out to kill you at every turn still care about accessibility.



I'd have gotten more pictures, but I died and didn't feel like trying again tonight. Maybe some other time. I like this place a lot so I'm sure I'll go back to it again just to look around.

Deleted member

I played the demo and, tbh, I think EOIV has my least favorite class roster. Most classes feel too similar to the original ones or are just straught up one of them like Medic. I'm not a fan of the portraits either.
The unlockable classes seem to be tge most interesting to me but they're obviously not in the demo.
Oh, you want it to actually be balanced. Dull. I just want to see stuff explode upon getting hit by this massive engine-powered sword.
I just like to think how they would truly work if they were playable :p
That was the one I wanted to see too, but I couldn't get that game to load the first time I tried it. But it works now, so
They look really pretty, thanks.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I played the demo and, tbh, I think EOIV has my least favorite class roster. Most classes feel too similar to the original ones or are just straught up one of them like Medic. I'm not a fan of the portraits either.
The unlockable classes seem to be tge most interesting to me but they're obviously not in the demo.
So what about EO2 where they literally just copied and pasted the classes from the first game? :p

I kind of agree, though. They work just fine, but compared to the more unique stuff from 3 or 5, they feel a bit ordinary. Imperial and Arcanist are more fun, but held back by being unlockable - you don't get access to Imperials until you clear the fourth dungeon (even in a new game+ file you have to unlock them again), at which point the game is nearly over, so they're basically designed only to nuke the final boss and the postgame. Which they are quite good at, but still.

At least it looks like most of the fun stuff is coming back in EOX, so you probably won't miss out on much. Except the music, obviously, it has my favourite soundtrack in the series (which should say a lot, in a series full of hits):

I could go on, but those are enough for now. :p
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Deleted member

So what about EO2 where they literally just copied and pasted the classes from the first game? :p

I kind of agree, though. They work just fine, but compared to the more unique stuff from 3 or 5, they feel a bit ordinary. Imperial and Arcanist are more fun, but held back by being unlockable - you don't get access to Imperials until you clear the fourth dungeon (even in a new game+ file you have to unlock them again), at which point the game is nearly over, so they're basically designed only to nuke the final boss and the postgame. Which they are quite good at, but still.

At least it looks like most of the fun stuff is coming back in EOX, so you probably won't miss out on much. Except the music, obviously, it has my favourite soundtrack in the series (which should say a lot, in a series full of hits):

I could go on, but those are enough for now. :p
I mean, at least EOII updated the EOI designs to look even better :p

Deleted member

Who hath awakent thy thread from its slumberth?
Wow, Etrian Odyssey!

Didn't expect to find a thread about those games. They're great. :)
You mean you were a fan and had been hiding under my nose this entire time!? Please make yourself at home.

Super Bario

Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2018
Honestly if anyone from Etrian Odyssey got into Smash, the Protector would easily win. She’s basically the most iconic character in EO anyway. (That or the FOES)

Deleted member

Honestly if anyone from Etrian Odyssey got into Smash, the Protector would easily win. She’s basically the most iconic character in EO anyway. (That or the FOES)
We need a Ragelope support thread then!
real talk, I'd take a FOE, specially if they were just the fuzzy orange ball version

Btw, is that an Olympia icon?
EDIT: seeing the avi change, I'm gonna assume yes but I'll also ask for the full art of the previous one if you have it
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Super Bario

Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2018
I’m just Imagining that ( 0A0 ) face attacking people. I’d pay to see that.

Also yes it is. I’m new here, so I’m still trying to find a picture I like. But I’ll probably stick with Olympia for now.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
As one who played the two Etrian Odyssey games, I'd be very happy if the Protector ever got in Smash, but like others have stated before, it has about as good of a chance as a cotton ball in a gunfight. Of course, I'd be happy with any new female characters, but the Protector is too cute to not want in


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
As one who played the two Etrian Odyssey games, I'd be very happy if the Protector ever got in Smash, but like others have stated before, it has about as good of a chance as a cotton ball in a gunfight. Of course, I'd be happy with any new female characters, but the Protector is too cute to not want in
Um, Kuon.

I think you have the best taste in characters, on the entire site, you know. You need an award. :p
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Deleted member

This thread has more than double the supporters that I expected to have, me included
As one who played the two Etrian Odyssey games
Uhm, there are more than two actually
agreed on the Protector being cute though


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Um, Kuon.

I think you have the best taste in characters, on the entire site, you know. You need an award. :p
Why thank you! I don't know if I really do though. I just like female anime characters (and anime-like characters, such as Rottytops)

This thread has more than double the supporters that I expected to have, me included

Uhm, there are more than two actually
agreed on the Protector being cute though
Oh shoot, I meant to say "the two Etrian Odyssey Untold games". My bad :p
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