stole this from some other forum, thought it was good.
As I write this I think back on the past intense 23 months of my life, and how lucky I am to have even made it to the year 2008. I remember there being a time when I though it was possible I wouldn’t even make it to high school graduation. I’m a middle class white student that sells quality marijuana to life long friends, people I’ve grown up with since elementary school. In the very close to 2 years I’ve sold marijuana mainly to friends I’ve been robbed by “gangsters” with threat of violence 5 times, and stiffed for over 200$ each over 10 times.
Who protects me? Who can I turn to? No body. I’m on my own. Thanks to me, when your son or daughter are feeling a little rebellious and want to experiment with marijuana (which incase you didn’t know, has never killed someone by overdose or been the sole substance involved in a death) they don’t have to go to the ghetto of Danbury and get ripped off by “gangsters,” whom also likely spray their low quality marijuana with anything to make it seem better. Now I live my life anonymously, fearful to even put my real name on this statement. Even more fearful than I am for legal prosecution, I am of those “gangsters” who have ripped me off for over 4,000$ in total and still know where I live and what I do.
How long will society let this happen? How long must I live my life in fear for my own and my families? Although you can not answer this question for me, I will guarantee you as long as I’m around I will help make sure your upper class children don’t have to deal with these “gangsters” who rob and rip people off daily. Now help me; keep an open mind and consider the problems the great War on Drugs has caused and is still causing. Please help me, the stress this has caused on my short life is killing me and I don’t know how long I can last with this banned substance and the people the government default forces me to deal with.