Smash Apprentice
Toa Tahu Mata Model Import
The goal of this still developing project is to put a playable model of Toa Tahu into Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Currently used model:
For those who use 3DS Max:
(No subsurf modifier)
For animation reference, here's the orignal video of Toa Tahu from 2001:
Users currently involved:
Myself: Project coordination
Whiplash, (BZPower/Kitty Corp): Project co-cooridination/Conceptual/Moveset
00dude00, (BNG Forums): Modeling
DarkSamus77, (Smashboards): Moveset/Texturing
Photos, (Smashboards): Animations/Moveset
Plom5-1-00, (Kitty Corp): Texturing/CSPs/Moveset
Current project status:
Modeling: 90%
Model imports: 0%
Retextureing: 0%
Recolours, (for CPUs and Muiltiplayer): 0%
Moveset: 1%
Final Smash: 0%
Conceptual moveset, (thanks to Whiplash for the extra brainpower. :D)
Up A: Slash Up
Up Air: Spinning Slash
Down A: Sweeping Kick
Down Air: Downward Slash
Side A: Sparta Kick
Side Air: Horizontal Slash
Dash A: Forward Jab
Neutral A: Slash + Multi Slash
Neutral Air: Sex Kick
Charged: All same but with fire
Neutral B: Flamethrower
Up B: Rocket Boost
Down B: Mask of Shielding
Side B: Fireball
Up Grab: Throw up/Burn with flamethrower
Side Grab: Burn & Toss
Back Grab: Burn & Toss
Down Grab: Throw to the ground and burn
Pummel: Burn
Neutral Taunt: Slashes sword, clenches fist and it burns
Side Taunt: Puts sword over shoulder
Down Taunt: Plants sword in ground, tosses fireball three times in hand
Idle 1: Swings sword and it bursts into flames
Idle 2: Examines sword
Idle 3: Shield flickers
Entry: Toa Canister explodes revealing Tahu
Victory 1: "find the power" pose
Victory 2: Jumps once, does a winlike pose and his mask glows
Victory 3: Jumps from of screen, lands on one knee, eyes flare and sword bursts into flame
No Contest/Lose: Annoyed foot tap
Final Smash ideas:
Tahu Nuva: Wave of energized Protodermis washes over the stage opponents and transforming Tahu. The Nuva smash would be the Ignika devolving him, the resulting shockwave would badly damage and/or K.O. enemies. This is similar in a way to Samus/Zero Suit Samus.
Golden Armor: The Golden Armor floats down onto Tahu and he releases either a beam such as Mario's fire based FS or a shockwave made of light.
Nova Blast: Fire based elemental shockwave. Plain and simple.
NOTE: We still need people to work on this project. I'm not entirely sure who I need for what purpose.. but if you think you can help gimmie a shout.
The goal of this still developing project is to put a playable model of Toa Tahu into Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Currently used model:
For those who use 3DS Max:
(No subsurf modifier)
For animation reference, here's the orignal video of Toa Tahu from 2001:
Users currently involved:
Myself: Project coordination
Whiplash, (BZPower/Kitty Corp): Project co-cooridination/Conceptual/Moveset
00dude00, (BNG Forums): Modeling
DarkSamus77, (Smashboards): Moveset/Texturing
Photos, (Smashboards): Animations/Moveset
Plom5-1-00, (Kitty Corp): Texturing/CSPs/Moveset
Current project status:
Modeling: 90%
Model imports: 0%
Retextureing: 0%
Recolours, (for CPUs and Muiltiplayer): 0%
Moveset: 1%
Final Smash: 0%
Conceptual moveset, (thanks to Whiplash for the extra brainpower. :D)
Up A: Slash Up
Up Air: Spinning Slash
Down A: Sweeping Kick
Down Air: Downward Slash
Side A: Sparta Kick
Side Air: Horizontal Slash
Dash A: Forward Jab
Neutral A: Slash + Multi Slash
Neutral Air: Sex Kick
Charged: All same but with fire
Neutral B: Flamethrower
Up B: Rocket Boost
Down B: Mask of Shielding
Side B: Fireball
Up Grab: Throw up/Burn with flamethrower
Side Grab: Burn & Toss
Back Grab: Burn & Toss
Down Grab: Throw to the ground and burn
Pummel: Burn
Neutral Taunt: Slashes sword, clenches fist and it burns
Side Taunt: Puts sword over shoulder
Down Taunt: Plants sword in ground, tosses fireball three times in hand
Idle 1: Swings sword and it bursts into flames
Idle 2: Examines sword
Idle 3: Shield flickers
Entry: Toa Canister explodes revealing Tahu
Victory 1: "find the power" pose
Victory 2: Jumps once, does a winlike pose and his mask glows
Victory 3: Jumps from of screen, lands on one knee, eyes flare and sword bursts into flame
No Contest/Lose: Annoyed foot tap
Final Smash ideas:
Tahu Nuva: Wave of energized Protodermis washes over the stage opponents and transforming Tahu. The Nuva smash would be the Ignika devolving him, the resulting shockwave would badly damage and/or K.O. enemies. This is similar in a way to Samus/Zero Suit Samus.
Golden Armor: The Golden Armor floats down onto Tahu and he releases either a beam such as Mario's fire based FS or a shockwave made of light.
Nova Blast: Fire based elemental shockwave. Plain and simple.
NOTE: We still need people to work on this project. I'm not entirely sure who I need for what purpose.. but if you think you can help gimmie a shout.