Smash Journeyman
I'm new to Brawl hacks, so bear with me through the stupidity, but I needs some help. I recently installed Homebrew and Project M and they are both wonderful, but I was wanting to do some texture hacks. All of the videos I've seen have said to install private/wii/app/rsbe/pf/fighter with all of the default textures and then add the .pcs files. I tried an Albert Wesker hack for snake, changed the numbers to 01 to replace the red camo, and started up Brawl. When I started it up I chose snake's 2nd costume and played on several stages, all where met with either freezing or freezing with a high pitched buzzing sound. Is it because it is a hack for standard Brawl, because the files in the Project M ones are specific to the mod, do I have to delete the files that where in the files to begin with? I just don't get it. The files are all filled with 2 files called Fit(fighter name)00.pac and Fit(fighter)MotionEtc.pac by the way. Someone please help, there are so many hacks I want to try, but I don't want to give up Project M.