I've just installed your hack and i love it , i've played 4 hour with my bro yesterday it really gives a second life to that old SSBB. I was just wondering , dont you think ike doest have much appealing skins ? i mean i'm on the vault at the moment and there are really cool skin ,f ar better ( in my opinion) than the one in your hacks.
By exemple Pyramid Head from silent hill:
http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/BrawlerKyouma/slideshow/Others/Pyramid Head
Link to download:
Also that badass armored riku :
Link to download:
Or KillerBee from naruto (i think you rhack need more anime character ,since almost everychaarcater has a "pokemon" skin
Link to download :
And maybe Eren Jaeger for link the anime attack on titan had a huge success during it's airing season in japan , and now the anime is on Adult swim so i think Eren Jaeger should be in
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/102142953/Vault Release/Eren Jaeger.rar
These are only suggestion but i'd like to have your opinion about the ike skins , also how often do you update your hack ?