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Project M Online Matchmaking Thread (Wii)


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2011
Antioch, Tennessee
GGs. ****. Critiques/Tips are greatly appreciated.
Sure. Well, the first thing I'd like to say is that you have very great movement that rivals my own. An issue with it, though, is that you don't utilize it to the best of your ability.

Your biggest problem, imo, was your lack of punishment game. There were many times where you would get the hit confirm on me. But you usually failed to follow it up into anything significant. It just became a numbers game at that point: Meaning whoever punishes the most and the hardest is most likely going to win. With movement like that, getting punishes on me should be no problem and I don't think it was for the most part. It's just that you should probably practice Falcon's bread and butter combos a bit more in training mode. Until like around ~30%, you can link Falcon's nair into a grab, down throw, up-air/regrab/tech-chase punish, etc. on Falcon, standard stuff. You were using some well spaced nairs, but at low percents, you never really converted them into a significant grab punish, or when at mid percents, converted it into a tech chase punish, or when at high percents, converted into a Knee.

Also, I was capitalizing on some habits that I picked up as our matches went on:
  • You like to crouch cancel down tilt for some reason. Falcon's CC options are pretty bad and can be easily countered by a CC from the other opponent. Falcon's best option out of CC is probably his jab, but even that is still relatively bad and only really works at high percents or at low percents when your opponent forgot to CC.
  • You like to do this thing off of platforms with Falcon where you run off and do a super quick fast falled up-air. That can be a good option at times, but it's extremely telegraphed, meaning that it's really obvious to see coming, meaning that I can just dash dance away from the up air range and react to the up air every time.
  • Also, you never really rolled. While rolling habits are usually bad, and getting rid of them is super beneficial, by choosing to eliminate rolling, your limiting your out of shield option pool, which makes it easier to read what you'll do OoS because I can eliminate rolling as an option you'll do. I'm not saying start rolling all day, everyday, but mixing up rolls once in a while can sometimes help a lot. SOMETIMES.
Eeeeh, that's all I got. Overall, you're a pretty good player :3
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Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2013
Irving, TX & Canyon, TX
Sure. Well, the first thing I'd like to say is that you have very great movement that rivals my own. An issue with it, though, is that you don't utilize it to the best of your ability.

Your biggest problem, imo, was your lack of punishment game. There were many times where you would get the hit confirm on me. But you usually failed to follow it up into anything significant. It just became a numbers game at that point: Meaning whoever punishes the most and the hardest is most likely going to win. With movement like that, getting punishes on me should be no problem and I don't think it was for the most part. It's just that you should probably practice Falcon's bread and butter combos a bit more in training mode. Until like around ~30%, you can link Falcon's nair into a grab, down throw, up-air/regrab/tech-chase punish, etc. on Falcon, standard stuff. You were using some well spaced nairs, but at low percents, you never really converted them into a significant grab punish, or when at mid percents, converted it into a tech chase punish, or when at high percents, converted into a Knee.

Also, I was capitalizing on some habits that I picked up as our matches went on:
  • You like to crouch cancel down tilt for some reason. Falcon's CC options are pretty bad and can be easily countered by a CC from the other opponent. Falcon's best option out of CC is probably his jab, but even that is still relatively bad and only really works at high percents or at low percents when your opponent forgot to CC.
  • You like to do this thing off of platforms with Falcon where you run off and do a super quick fast falled up-air. That can be a good option at times, but it's extremely telegraphed, meaning that it's really obvious to see coming, meaning that I can just dash dance away from the up air range and react to the up air every time.
  • Also, you never really rolled. While rolling habits are usually bad, and getting rid of them is super beneficial, by choosing to eliminate rolling, your limiting your out of shield option pool, which makes it easier to read what you'll do OoS because I can eliminate rolling as an option you'll do. I'm not saying start rolling all day, everyday, but mixing up rolls once in a while can sometimes help a lot. SOMETIMES.
Eeeeh, that's all I got. Overall, you're a pretty good player :3
That critique was gah-like


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2013
Sure. Well, the first thing I'd like to say is that you have very great movement that rivals my own. An issue with it, though, is that you don't utilize it to the best of your ability.

Your biggest problem, imo, was your lack of punishment game. There were many times where you would get the hit confirm on me. But you usually failed to follow it up into anything significant. It just became a numbers game at that point: Meaning whoever punishes the most and the hardest is most likely going to win. With movement like that, getting punishes on me should be no problem and I don't think it was for the most part. It's just that you should probably practice Falcon's bread and butter combos a bit more in training mode. Until like around ~30%, you can link Falcon's nair into a grab, down throw, up-air/regrab/tech-chase punish, etc. on Falcon, standard stuff. You were using some well spaced nairs, but at low percents, you never really converted them into a significant grab punish, or when at mid percents, converted it into a tech chase punish, or when at high percents, converted into a Knee.

Also, I was capitalizing on some habits that I picked up as our matches went on:
  • You like to crouch cancel down tilt for some reason. Falcon's CC options are pretty bad and can be easily countered by a CC from the other opponent. Falcon's best option out of CC is probably his jab, but even that is still relatively bad and only really works at high percents or at low percents when your opponent forgot to CC.
  • You like to do this thing off of platforms with Falcon where you run off and do a super quick fast falled up-air. That can be a good option at times, but it's extremely telegraphed, meaning that it's really obvious to see coming, meaning that I can just dash dance away from the up air range and react to the up air every time.
  • Also, you never really rolled. While rolling habits are usually bad, and getting rid of them is super beneficial, by choosing to eliminate rolling, your limiting your out of shield option pool, which makes it easier to read what you'll do OoS because I can eliminate rolling as an option you'll do. I'm not saying start rolling all day, everyday, but mixing up rolls once in a while can sometimes help a lot. SOMETIMES.
Eeeeh, that's all I got. Overall, you're a pretty good player :3
You're dabess, thanks. I knew that Nair and Uair led to grabs and re-grabs, but I dunno what happened, ****. I definitely go into auto-pilot when I start doing those waveland Uairs lol, I don't even realize it. This is a great critique, thanks again.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2011
Antioch, Tennessee
You're dabess, thanks. I knew that Nair and Uair led to grabs and re-grabs, but I dunno what happened, ****. I definitely go into auto-pilot when I start doing those waveland Uairs lol, I don't even realize it. This is a great critique, thanks again.
No problem. Anytime :3

Mike Jeazy

Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2014
For whatever reason, Im just letting my lead go to waste whenever I have one... :( not in a good mental state right now, beating myself up for no reason.. Anyways, Your Gannon is good !
Good Games hope you feel better
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