Okay. So you got your PM folder, right? So follow these steps:
You will need:
A PC/Mac
Something to open up .zips
An SD card (which you should already have)
Step 1.
Where it has the folders apps, codes, and projectm, and the file gameconfig, go into the folder projectm.
Step 2.
Go into the "launcher" folder, then go into the "addons" folder. You will see a .7z file called "wifi."
Step 3.
Open it up. You will see files called "mu_menumain.pac," "sc_selcharacter.pac," "sc_selcharacter2.pac," "RSBE01.gct," and "info.xml."
Step 4.
Keep that open. Now go out of the addons folder, then the launcher folder. You'll see a folder called "pf." Now, before you go into that folder, delete the info.xml, and then put the new "info.xml" file into that folder. (The info.xml you found in the .7z file.)
Step 5.
Go into the "pf" folder, then into the "menu2" folder. Delete the files called "mu_menumain.pac," "sc_selcharacter.pac," and "sc_selcharacter2.pac," and put in the "mu_menumain.pac," "sc_selcharacter.pac," and "sc_selcharacter2.pac" files in that folder.
Step 6.
Now go back to the "projectm" folder. Go back one more step, and you'll find the "codes" folder. Delete the RSBE01.gct file in there, and put in the new one.
Then you're done! I hope this helps.