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Princess Kumatora for SSBB


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007

NAME : Kumatora
GAME : MOTHER 3 (JP only)
SYSTEM : Nintendo Gameboy Advance
STATUS : Possible
WEAPONS : (Mainly) Gloves
ABILITIES : Vast array of offensive, supportive and healing PSI techniques

A tomboyish princess raised by a tribe of extremely effeminate men, Kumatora is an oddball among oddballs, and joins Lucas´ team in the quest to save their world midway through the game.

Kumatora is one of the main characters of the mythical third installment to the MOTHER franchise (known as Earthbound everywhere else), which came out last year after promises and cancellations that maintained a compact but intensely loyal fanbase waiting for years.

The series isn´t too well-known outside of Japan, which explains the game not being exported anywhere else, but Earthbound is still a memorable RPG experience thanks to its quirkiness and bold originality, traits that got Ness a place in the original Super Smash Bros.

Now that Brawl is dawning, Ness is essentially cemented in the franchise due to his place as veteran and the notable MOTHER fanbase in Japan. The real question is whether they will include a new character from the series, and if so who will it be.

There are a number of possibilities here. Poo, Jeff, Paula, Pokey, Duster, Flint...most MOTHER characters are memorable and considering the series´ status of obscurity, they all are fair game. What makes Kumatora stand out?

- Gender. Kumatora is a female character, which I´ve heard a number of fans asking for due to the overwhelming levels of testosterone in Melee. I personally couldn´t care less for the male-female ratio in the game, but it´s worth to note that Kumatora is one of two notable girls in MOTHER, and the other (Paula) got most of her techniques stolen from by Ness for use in SSB and SSBM.

- Fanbase. Japan´s MOTHER fans adore Kumatora, and she has arguably become the most famous character from her game. Fans are always a good thing to have if you expect to get into Super Smash Bros.; fanbase alone is what took Gardevoir, an unimportant, non-legendary Pokémon with a very minor appearance in the anime series to appear on Sakurai´s poll.

- Recent appearance. She made her entrance into the game with MOTHER 3, the most recent (and very possibly the final) game in the franchise. The most popular Brawl picks from MOTHER, Jeff, Poo and Paula, are all from a game that appeared several years ago, and which Ness already represents. Her status as relatively new (and still loved in Japan) is to be taken into account.

- Advertisement. Remember Marth and Roy, and how they made Fire Emblem get released stateside? Kumatora is a perfect form of advertisement to get people outside of Japan interested in the franchise (either reviving their love for Earthbound out finding out about it for the first time), which could easily warrant a release of MOTHER 3 stateside and possibly encourage the continuation of the series.

One big argument against Kumatora is that, since she heavily relies on PSI, she would be too similar to Ness and possibly end up being a clone. Actually, Kumatora has a plethora of abilities not restricted to PSI as well as an unusual array of armaments, which I will outline here.

- Gloves as main weapons
- Frying pan as a side weapon
- DCMC pamphlet thrown for distraction
- A yo-yo
- A pole
- A prickly ball
- A messenger pigeon
- Bombs, Blast Bombs, Super Bombs
- A dragonfly
- A ball of dung
- Honey Shower, which sics a swarm of bees on the enemy
- Bottled insecticide
- Mole Cricket´s Little Brother, which transports her instantly to the Mole Cricket Hole
- Salt Water Gun
- PK Freeze, which hits the enemy with ice shards
- PK Ground, which causes an unpredictable quake
- PK Starstorm, an extremely powerful technique perfectly suited for a special attack
- Brain Shock, which confuses the enemy
- Counter, which hits back with the enemy´s attack, and PSI Counter, which does the same but with PSI
- Hypnosis, which causes the foe to fall asleep
- Paralysis, which causes the enemy´s muscles to stiffen
- Shield and PSI Shield, which deflects physical and PSI attacks respectively

I am by no means good at movesets. Nevertheless, I´ll try my hand at a Kumatora one.

Power - ****
Speed - ***
Jump - ****
Weight - **

Size - Same as Ness

A-ATTACKS - Would largely consist of punching with her gloves on for basic A-attacks, as well as an assortment of kicks and maybe a headbutt thrown in there for good measure. Other options are pulling out a frying pan (although that may be too close for comfort to Peach), smacking the enemy with a pole, or assaulting them with a yo-yo.

B - Honey Shower: Kumatora holds a pot of honey (about half her size) above her head, with a visible white aroma emanating from the open jar. The pot of honey remains above her head for as long as you hold B. Kumatora can move while doing this, but at half of normal speed, and cannot perform any other actions (such as jumping or attacking). Gradually, bees will begin to appear on stage and gather around the pot, forming a buzzing cloud of yellow and black around Kumatora´s head. The longer you hold B, the more bees will gather. The move is chargeable; the bees will follow Kumatora when she puts the honey jar away in the form of a large swarm above her head. If Kumatora is KOed, the ´bee counter´ will be reset.
B-Up - PK Freeze: Kumatora holds her hands downward, creating a glow of blue energy that materializes in the form of an ice pillar beneath her, pushing her upward at the same time. If Kumatora is hit during the attack she will stop. When the attack is done, the pillar stands in place for a second and then falls apart in a flurry of ice clusters that do minor damage to enemies below.
B-Up - Messenger Pigeon: Kumatora stops in midair, pulling a letter out of her pocket and holding it up, at which point it disappears with a poof. Instantly she resumes falling while a grey pigeon flies into the stage. Kumatora catches its leg and the pigeon pulls her diagonally upward before she lets go and it flies away.
B-Side - PK Ground: Kumatora concentrates and yells the name of the technique as she thrusts her arms forward. A wave that shakes the ground will extend forward from her, causing damage and shaking foes up, until it reaches the edge of the platform.
B-Side - Call of the Cricket Mole: The Cricket Mole´s Little Brother jumps out of Kumatora´s pocket, and Kumatora holds onto it with both hands. It then pulls both forward and underground, moving forward under it and resurfacing further to the side. Kumatora will only go underground if standing on a level´s ground platform; if performed on a thin platform or in midair she will simply keep going until she hits something.
B-Down - Insecticide: Kumatora takes out a large can of insecticide and faces the screen, spreading the aerosol in a green cloud all around her, which slowly dissipates. Approaching enemies will become dizzy but will not be damaged. The most important effect of the Insecticide, however, is that it will anger the bees that Kumatora has summoned with Honey Shower, causing them to attack the closest enemy for 5% damage per second. The assault lasts longer depending on how many bees were summoned, the maximum being 8 seconds (40% damage).
Super Smash Special - PK Starstorm: Kumatora faces the screen and focuses, pointing her fingers to her forehead, as the stage darkens. A short moment later she will throw her arms upwards and several giant, glowing yellow stars will crash into the stage from random locations, severely damaging enemies in their trajectory.

Taunt: Kumatora retrieves a large, transparent jar and opens the cap, releasing a dragonfly that lazily drifts across the air and eventually flies out of the stage. If Kumatora uses the Insecticide while the dragonfly is nearby, it will spin in the air a couple times and fall to the ground, presumably dead. This does nothing, but is just an odd tidbit.

So, opinions? I´d really like it if she got in.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I like your arguments as to why she could get in, especially comparing it to Marth and Roy. But i dunno. If theres another Earthbound representative, it'll probably be Poo, IMHO..

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
The more Mother 3 characters in Brawl...the higher the chances of Ninty localizing it for other regions. Plus, Kuma'd be spiffy.

Not much of an argument, but I have little to no authority when it comes to Mother. Sue me.

EDIT - Moveset: mostly fine, but I've got a few questions/suggestions.

1-Are her stats out of five? If so, she's pretty dang strong.
2-While I like the B/Down+B synergy, it sounds pretty complicated. But then, Ness' specials are pretty whack, so maybe they're fine like they are.
3-Her recovery should damage by making contact between her (on top of the growing pillar) and an opponent. Damaging via shards is a tad impractical, since any smart opponent won't just sit there and wait to get hit by the residue. It'd also be cool if you could alter it's direction of growth in mid-air.
4-PK Ground sounds much better than Cricket Mole.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . .Ness almost didn't make it into Melee so I can't see how he is " cemented " into smash.

I think Ness will be replaced by Lucas and I support Kumatora coming as well.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Thanks for the suggestions, Chief Mendez. Now that you mention it she is pretty strong, and I should probably tone at least her Jump down...you´re right about PK Freeze, however. And PK Ground does indeed seem more useful.

Black/Light said:
. . .Ness almost didn't make it into Melee so I can't see how he is " cemented " into smash.

I think Ness will be replaced by Lucas and I support Kumatora coming as well.
I´m one of those who thinks that the original twelve will always be around, although now that you mention it it is possible that Sakurai will choose to place Lucas instead of Ness in order to represent MOTHER 3 and be done with it. At least, I think it´s a safe bet to say that there will be a MOTHER character in the game. What isn´t is whether there will be two.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
I don't know.....

I mean Mother 3 was for GBA.... and GBA is kinda dead now. I don't see Ninty releasing it anytime now, (like does people still wish Demon World for NES to be released in the US?) so I think Ness is safe... But I could be wrong.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I´m one of those who thinks that the original twelve will always be around, although now that you mention it it is possible that Sakurai will choose to place Lucas instead of Ness in order to represent MOTHER 3 and be done with it. At least, I think it´s a safe bet to say that there will be a MOTHER character in the game. What isn´t is whether there will be two.
The original Smash Bros. will always be included, very true. The only exception is Ness, what with all this "Lucas" business.

I would really hope that more than Ness/Lucas is included. Maybe Ness and Lucas, or Ness/Lucas and someone from Mother 3 (Kumatora, Dusty...).

Anyway, that's all irrelevant since we all know Pokey's the new Mother/EB rep. :p

Chidosengan said:
I mean Mother 3 was for GBA.... and GBA is kinda dead now. I don't see Ninty releasing it anytime now, (like does people still wish Demon World for NES to be released in the US?) so I think Ness is safe... But I could be wrong.
...Thus Ninty releases it on a DS card, along with Mother 1+2, which was in the process of localization before it was canceled for whatever satanically-influenced reason.

Man, I remember reading about Demon World a while ago after I found out about that "hidden" trophy in Melee. What a pile of garbage that game is.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Perhaps they could make Mother 3 downloadable on the VC as an "original game" in those countries that Mother 3 never came out in. That'd be rather cool.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I was going to suggest that, but I think a GBA game's too large for the VC. That, and I can only see Ninty VC'ing games you can't buy at regular retailers.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
It's not that much bigger than the N64 games on the VC right now, apparently.

Also, you can't buy unlocalised games at regular shops except for a very select few.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
Although I'd rather have Duster or Flint, anyone from M3(except Lucas) is good enough.

200th post :D, only took 6 years.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
If Ness isn't in, Mother isn't in. Simple as that. Ness is Earthbound's Mario.

Plus, I forgot who said it, but that person said they don't want as much ***. Only Characters.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2006
Wherever free pamphlets are sold.
Looking at how two MOTHER3 (spell it right, folks, all caps on MOTHER <<; ) composers are on the list, MOTHER3 characters are pretty realistic. I love your Kumatora character sheet there.


Flint, Duster, or Masked Man seem more likely to get in. Lucas, not so much. BUT, if they include Ninten like Sakurai was considering, Lucas' odds go way up.

My money's on Flint though.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Dude I totally agree that Kumatora should be in the game. She is one of my favorite female videogame characters ever. In Mother 3 she was awesome, with you through a majority of the game being your main PSI(PK) user.

Also I don't get what all you nay sayers are talking about, "I rather see Lucas in Brawl", and I'm all like WTF? He is pretty much exactly like Ness, maybe if they took out Ness and replaced him with Lucas he could get in the game. I much rather see Ness stay and Kumatora get in.

Though there is some other Worthy Mother 3 characters that should be mentioned. Flint, Lucas's and Claus's Dad is only playable in One Chapter but he is awesome. Plus he suffers through so much if you actually played Mother 3. Duster is another great suggestion, if Duster made it into the game, he probably be the only character that limps when walking. XD

Now I really don't see how Lucas or Claus can get in since they are pretty similar to Ness. Though the Masked Boy (I know who it is :p), that would be a pretty nifty character to add with his special light saber/gun weapon.

To really go out there with the Mother 3 series. What if some how the Womanizing Pig Mask got into the game? THat would be so freaking Shweet! Plus they have 2 outfits to choose for him (I think his 2nd outfit is pimper)

Of course many of you all never played Mother 3 (by the way I do own the game), many of you say since its on the GBA that means they shouldn't come out over here (if that's true, all GBA Fire Emblem Characters Shouldn't be allowed either)

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Why doesn't anyone read topics that aren't on the first page? ARe people that lazy now-a-days?.... >.>

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I don't see any reason for Lucas. Ness was basically in the first two games (Come on, Ninten looks EXACTLY like ness in every way. He just has a new name). I could see Kumatora getting in. She is a really cool character.


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2007
Forest Maze
Glad to see all the fans of Mother 3. I think that Flint would be the best choice. I mean using a 2 by 4 as a weapon is just classic. I also like the idea of Lucas and Claus in the game, but they are too similar to Ness. If they are in the game they should be seperate characters with both teenage and young forms. I mean either the young or teenage could be an alternate costume. Claus' "other self" could be a costume. If the both are in the should be in as their regular selves.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
He stole a lot of Paula´s techniques, which is in part why I really don´t see her getting in.

The sad truth, however, is that as far as I can see the Earthbound/MOTHER roster in SSBB will be Lucas replacing Ness, or Ness soloing again. The franchise is unfortunately not that big.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
The Mask Boy (everyone knows who it is now) would be a awesome addition but would be awkward with Lucas missing. Though I guess the same could be said for any other Mother 3 character.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
New York State
I really like your argument and everything, but I just can't see her in brawl. There are SO many other ideas that just seem so much more likely though. Maybe if she was a more popular or a character that most people know she could win a spot. Who knows?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
I can't see the Earthbound series having more than one character, and there's no reason to remove Ness.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
As much as Kumatora would be a rockin fighter (even with her huge array of PSI) i would rather see Lucas or Flint in SSBB. FLint over Lucas though because both Kumatora and Lucas specialize in PSI and Flint (from the same series as Ness) would be a much more different playing experience but still hail form the Mother series.
what i'm getting at is some, but not all series represented in smash that have more than one character seem to have similar play styles....I.E. fox and falco from starfox are both "speedy" fighters, pokemon are generally "floatsy" fighters ect.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2007
As far as Earthbound goes I don't care much for any of the supporting characters at all (Poo, Jeff, Paula) and cant see them being in Smash. But I really like Kumatora and think she would be awesome in Brawl. If I had it my way I'd kick Ness, replace him with Lucas and add Kumatora as the other Earthbound character, but I think that either Ness will be the sole representative or he will get replaced with Lucas who will be the sole representative. If thats the case then Kumatora for AT!!!
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