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Pound 4 shout outs!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
I thought we should make a threat for people whom want to shout outs. Some people would like to see other SO (shout outs) but is hard when there like other things going on. So I am going to start with this....

WATO: I would like to thank this guys for EVERYTHING! With out them, I woun't have been at the tournament. We all got better after our trip, meet new friend and old friends, had the best fun and the likes.

-------------------------------------falcon segment------------------------------------------------

To all falcon players (whom I know):

Hax $: Yo man! I am glad to meet you! thanks you for telling me my mistakes and such. I wish I recorded our match too! Your sooooooo nasty!!!!! it makes me want to main falcon more too XD. I can't wait to play you once more!

SS: I love your serious face when you play man! when I saw you lose a match to armada, I felt how serious you looked. "Wow, this guy is so serious that he might destroy armada," And you did just that. I glad I played you but I also regret not recording our matches. Other than that, good job on making it to the bracket.

Scar: YO MAN!!!! is good to see you again! We did our secret hand shake and everything XD. I wished we should have hanged out more though. Your matches were awesome to watch as
always. I tried to scar jump on you again...but for some reason, I couldn't do it the whole event. Ah well, maybe next time >:3.

Darkrain: I look at you as you come in the event and I was like," Oh crap, is da-man" I am glad I meet you as well as playing you. It was also fun hanging around with you as well. Oh and great stuff making it to second on doubles! I can't wait to play ya again too X3.

G-regulate: Your really cool too, but you playing other character killed it O_o. naw just kidding. Thanks to tell me what was I doing wrong and what I should work on as well. you and hax was the only two who gave me details on my mistakes and such. But I respect the lot of you.

F-Zero: It sucks that you quit melee tourney, other wise it would have been a lil fun.

yes, all these falcon players where amazing that I still want to main falcon and get better at him in hope to be pair with the lots.

--------------------------------------end segment--------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------european segment-----------------------------------------

amza:(I really had a hard time pronouncing) his name OMG! I didn't knew you were a One piece fan O_O!!! but I wish you weren't on my bracket :x. Other than that, it was fun playing with you and stuff. sorry for not making that One piece meeting idea, zoro was tired and not sure about the other. I woun't mind IM ya to talk about the maga and stuff XD. Hope to see you again!.

Armada: This guy pick people's habits really quick, your so nasty and I wouldn't mind playing you again. I also wouldn't mind hanging out with ya too.

Cash Mooney: Mooney! I learn the other day that you snore O_o...well a little not alot. As for me stop asking for MM...I am pretty sure I stoped after our MM...but I might ask you somewhere in the future and stuff. Oh and I still want to know your diet plans.


--------------------------------------Puerto rico segment-----------------------------------------

lord HDL: YOOOOOO MIRA!!! ESTE TIPO ESTA BIEN SUCSIO!!!!! Erm, I mean...This guy is soooooo nasty! he is, by far, the best link in the world. I don't care who say it but he defently is. He define the theory that Link can't place high and if it wasn't for armada being on his third pool, he would have make it to bracket. I can't wait to see this guy again on my P.R vacation.

Ex-zero: I saw your double match against sebrik and GDX...good stuff there. Sorry if I din't see your other brawl matches.

Rasalas (AKA the sauce of P.R): You got wayyyyy better when we played. It was fun hanging with you and stuff. but seriusly, no more A.B jokes :p.

Hyper:(HYPER UPERCUT!!): Some smashers says that I am the most oddest smasher in the world but if you ever meet this guy...he's just weird O_o. But yea, it was fun hanging around...sometimes....other than that..your coo.

cartoon: I called you Jman a few time by mistake O_o. Um good **** on your matches.

luigimax: your Dr. mario is sooooo nasty! I can't wait to play you again.

zoro: your sooo nasty too! he laugh at stuff too :p

merin: glad that I earn your respect, I felt the same way too.

Negi: I'll be taking your *Best* falcon in P.R soon :3. Loved hanging around with ya.

Blaze: Coo hair.

to other: sorry if I din't talk to you guys but yes, next time :3.

---------------------------------End of segment-----------------------------------

----------------------------------America segment-------------------------------

Mango: Your soooo nasty!>..but for the love of god, NO PUFF DITTOS >:/. I recorded the crowed, and I am sure that a few were yawning, sleeping and the likes. Other than that, I wish I would have played ya again.

Lucky: I am glad I play you! and was nice hanging out with you.

lady luck: Nice meeting you too, nice peach btw ^_^

Renth: Don't get mad, get glad! o_o. Honestly, good sets and glad that I get to see ya again! I wan't to play with ya again!

Rockcrok: I wanted to play with ya man :3.

Apollo: good sets and stuff.

PB&J: Where are ya at?

Chu: I forgot to interview you, I herd you where wrecking in brawl, good **** too X3.

kage (canada):...NEVER EVER GET WARLOCK PUNCH!!! In america, being falcon/warlcok punch by a noob is an insult O-o. I never got to play you as my main though. Oh well, good set :3.

Inui: I like your MK...good stuff.

Ka-master: I finaly learn how to karate! :D...naw just kidding. Your luigi is nasteh!

Zhu: I wanted to play your falco :o...but it still good with falcon ditto.

M2K: sorry to hear about the DQ :/. Good match against armada n' H-box though :3. I can't wait to hang out with you once more :D.

G money: Good set! Glad I play ya once more

DJ Nintendo: Yooooo this gah is my homie son. yo, we should MM 10 bucks, Super mario speed run next time I see ya gah.

Linguini: yo man! your nasty! I want to play your ganon X3. See ya back in FL.

Phil: I wanted to play you the whooole time after our pool, but maybe next time! :D good set.

Home made waffles: I wanted to play ya as well, it was really cool chilling with you, oh and thanks for the cup cake :p.

Shroom: Yo man, I wanted to play you too X3.

Dr. PP: Your so nasteeehhh...I also wanted to play you too, nice meeting ya though.

forkgirl: Nice meeting ya too ^_^! we should hang out more often :3. erm...next major tourney or something.

milky: sorry if I didn't interview ya, next time though.

Ally (canada): yo man, sorry if we din't do that falcon ditto again, next time though

and...I think taht about everyone I can think off. Anyways, I an't wait to go to pound 5!..in two years :p
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