So I tested some strings with WFT. I posted the results on twitter (no video unfortunately) so I'm just gonna copy/paste the tweets. Sorry if it seems a bit disjointed as a result. Strings were tested with staling enabled on various weights, most nair starts need to be with both hits. I tested the strings on Mario, Jiggs, Bowser, Samus, Peach, Fox, Pichu.
Seems like with Wii Fit at 0% you can connect a falling nair into 2 utilts, into s-hop nair on lights and middle weights (inconsistent on heavys). Around 30% you can get falling nair to utilt to s-hop nair, to jump uair on all. Tested on Jiggs Mario and Bowser.
On 0% Fox, WFT can get falling nair, 2 utilts, to rising nair to uair. At 30% falling nair won't connect to utilt. You need to go falling nair, to nair, to uair. Timings a bit tight but its gets Fox to 70
Peach 0% WFT can get falling nair-utilt-utilt-short hop nair, then you have mutlichoice. After s-nair nair you can: 1) uair [64%] 2) fade back with nair then fair [66%] 3) fade forward then bair [slightly harder and only 59%]
So at 30% on Peach, WFT can get sometimes connect falling nair to utilt. Super inconsistent tho. She can get nair to nair to uair. She can also get nair to slight fade back nair to fair.
On Samus at 0 WFT can get fall nair, double utilt into uair. At 30 all WFT can get is falling nair, utilt into uair.
On Pichu it was a bit hard to get both hits of falling nair, but you can connect it to utilt, utilt, sh-nair, to uair. Single hit nair can, sometimes, lead to ftilt to nair.
Seems like with Wii Fit at 0% you can connect a falling nair into 2 utilts, into s-hop nair on lights and middle weights (inconsistent on heavys). Around 30% you can get falling nair to utilt to s-hop nair, to jump uair on all. Tested on Jiggs Mario and Bowser.
On 0% Fox, WFT can get falling nair, 2 utilts, to rising nair to uair. At 30% falling nair won't connect to utilt. You need to go falling nair, to nair, to uair. Timings a bit tight but its gets Fox to 70
Peach 0% WFT can get falling nair-utilt-utilt-short hop nair, then you have mutlichoice. After s-nair nair you can: 1) uair [64%] 2) fade back with nair then fair [66%] 3) fade forward then bair [slightly harder and only 59%]
So at 30% on Peach, WFT can get sometimes connect falling nair to utilt. Super inconsistent tho. She can get nair to nair to uair. She can also get nair to slight fade back nair to fair.
On Samus at 0 WFT can get fall nair, double utilt into uair. At 30 all WFT can get is falling nair, utilt into uair.
On Pichu it was a bit hard to get both hits of falling nair, but you can connect it to utilt, utilt, sh-nair, to uair. Single hit nair can, sometimes, lead to ftilt to nair.