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Possibly (useful?) new technique: Dodge Drop

Cranberry Rogue

Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2007
Newhall, California
Alright, so I was messing around in Training Mode a few minutes ago, practicing banana dribbling, doing smash attacks while holding bananas, etc, when I stumbled upon something sort of interesting. I'm not sure if it's been found or not, but I thought I'd post it here anyway.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the Z-Drop (dropping an item with the Z button while in the air), and this is sort of in the same vein. This little technique I found allows you drop a banana (or any item for that matter) while performing an air dodge. Normally, when you drop a banana and air dodge, you'll catch the banana immediately after, but this will allow you to more or less hide behind a banana with your invincibility frames while you're in the air.

To do it, you need to be holding a banana, obviously. While you are in the air, do an air dodge, and immediately after, press the A button (or whatever button you have attacks set to). You'll seemingly drop your bananas after your invincibility frames have begun.

I'm not really sure what sort of applications or strategies you could get out of this, but I thought it was an interesting little trick. This also works for other characters, as well as other items, like turnips and bombs. =)
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