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Possible suggestions for Mario in the next smash game!


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
So i've been playing alot of Mario games recently and I've thought of a few things that would do Mario some justice in the next smash game!

1. Glide. Yes you heard me, the glide. Not only would it move Mario's recovery to stellar level, but it would incredibly cool. Essentially, it's animation is the cape appearing on Mario's back so he can glide with it.

2. Hover Nozzle. Mario can use fludd in the air to hover for a while. Mario has juggernaut frames during this (see Snake's Up B)

What do you guys think?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2008
ok those are some nice ideas but....

1. Glide won't happen i think its gay to have glide on Mario. basically only those with wings can glide i think they would keep it like that.

2. Hover nozzle does seem like it would work but the super armor frames (juggernaut frames) on the move won't work. even without the super armor frames they still wouldn't put it in. the water that comes out of the nozzle would go down and probably push others away or cause a semi spike. That would make Mario's gimp game almost unbeatable. completely unbalanced.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Well, then he better make Metaknight better, and he can make DDD have the infinite! Oh, hopefully he can make Link have a decent recovery, holy God, 3 games, the same three mistakes with Link. Maybe 3rd time is the charm.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Well, then he better make Metaknight better, and he can make DDD have the infinite! Oh, hopefully he can make Link have a decent recovery, holy God, 3 games, the same three mistakes with Link. Maybe 3rd time is the charm.
What the heck are you talking about?


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I dunno lol Oblique was talking about how stuff would be broken if Mario had that, so I was just kinda...'exageratting' about how they would balance the game.

It's okay Pk, like Mario is supposed to be the mid character remember? With that kind of recovery he'd be good, but he can't be good because he's like the 'medoicre' everything guy. Gliding seems like a cool add, but hmm...it doesn't really suit Mario, and I would love to see all applications of the FLUUD in the game, it'd be pretty sweet.
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