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Possible recovery with Link

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Okay I want to get a vid up even though I don't really play Link but this seems like it COULD be a useful tactic for Link.

Now I believe Link has a sucking recovery, the Up+B and yes please flame away at me if I'm wrong, but during a match where me and my roommate both randomed Link and screwed around he did something interesting on accident but I haven't tried to replicate it again.
He was trying to recover and meant to do an Up+B. He pulled a Boomerang instead and threw it at what looked like a downward angle. He then did an Up+B. Being low I just sat and watched not caring to edge guard since friendly. He then got a LIFT from the Boomerang and got the edge. Maybe it just looked like lift since he was already headed up but the boomerang definitely looked like it pushed him up a bit since he didn't catch it.

Fluke or new hope for a better recovery?


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
This is expected since the boomerang does interfere with Link's movement.

If you toss the boomerang at a ledge and it touches you during the ^B it stop your horziontal movement.

Basically self pwnage.

I expect it should do something similar when you toss it behind you.
never thought it practical enough to try though.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
It's a nice concept, but it's not going to happen. Like LinkSpecialist said, it won't pull Link unless reflected.

I think you just got tricked by the appearance. =P
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