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Possible chainspike?


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2008
I was playing my friend's kirby on FD. He was around 40% dmg when I landed the first downsmash so I did a second one into an up B, immediately followed by 2 more down smashes and another up B. I've done this chain a good bit but usually they can escape by the 2nd or 3rd time. His Kirby couldn't escape for anything though, I ended up doing that chain all the way to the edge of FD at which point the up B spiked him. I couldn't find any videos of this or see any talk of it, but anyone else ever pulled that off?

I'm curious as to which other chars it works against, since normally the dsmashx2 followed by up B works best on larger chars, I thought it was pretty strange that it was inescapable for Kirby.

Sorry if this is old news, but I've been using that chain for awhile and I've never seen it be inescapable for that long.


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2008
Yea I've Claw's video but he does it right to the point where it's escapable and then follows with a bair most of the time. I'm looking for some videos of it being inescapable up to 150% or so, which is where mine ended due to the spike. Like I said, I know the combo is old, but I'm wondering if anyone else has known it to be inescapable for that long?

Thanks for the reply, and to the other guy, there's no need to be a douche because I just registered here.


Mar 16, 2007
If Mew2King himself came in here telling us that we might be able to do this as a chain, I'd tell him to learn how to tech.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Victoria, BC, Canada
They can DI left or right while being pulled by the Up-B (which means you will have to be prepared to react with a pivot if they DI behind you) and they can tech immediately on landing. It can be escaped every time you use the Up-B, with all characters at any %.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Thanks for the reply, and to the other guy, there's no need to be a douche because I just registered here.
is this^ directed at me???!! cause I was just trying to help and was telling the other people not to be mean and flame you because you're new here...cause it happens a lot on the ZSS boards and I like keeping everything friendly...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
As it's said before, it's absolutely impossible to escape this at any percentage... if the opponent has put down their controller to go get a drink.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Your friend either doesn't know about teching or DI or for some reason is unable to move his joystick a millimeter or press shield. Being able to chain it from one side to the other and spiking is pretty hysterical actually.

Going for the d-smash is pretty pointless really. At the percentages where they don't fall down you might as well try to keep Up-Bing them up and down because they can even shield ages before the down smash comes out. It's not really hard to DI out of though. At higher percentages people can obviously tech it. I do use the double d-smash to Up B anyway though, but I like to either try to follow up with an up-tilt or a tech chase grab.

Thanks for the effort though, and just post something like this in the Q&A thread next time instead of making a whole topic about something you're unsure is useful or not.
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