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Pokemon Trainer vs Ike


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Alrighty y'all. Ike vs PT. He won't give PT any simpathy and we aren't his friend so we'll see how we do.

Let's get some in-depth discussion going here! I'm always up for a few matches, but if i find the lag is just too much of a hindrance, i'll only play a few rounds. Everyone knows Ike likey the lag. :p I live in Kansas, so if you live near here, maybe we can give it a go. :)

the thread in the pt board:


most of the pt responses are there, if you all want to butt heads.

my three cents:

ivysaur does very, very well. razor leaf forces a difficult approach on ike's part, and aids ivysaur in approaching ike, if ivy wants to go on the offensive. both offensively and defensively, ike has to work harder than ivysaur does. bair is very safe and ike will have a tough time dealing with it. it links well with ftilt, as does razor leaf. and ivy punishes ike's slow moves very well with bullet seed. ivy's grab has some nice range, bthrow does an great job of taking ike offstage. ivysaur can gimp ike with a constant bair barrage...and the tether gives ivy a safe way to latch onto the ledge as ike aethers. ivysaur just has similar range with a lot more quickness. 7:3 ivy?

charizard will space very well with ike. zard's ground attacks, particularly ftilt and jabs, have similar range to ike's attacks. in the air, ike's fair outprioritizes everything except perhaps a well spaced rock smash...but the fair is fairly laggy. zard cannot consistently counter a fair in the air without simply attacking first and hitting during or before fair's startup lag...however, on the ground, zard can easily shield it into a grab if ike didn't space it enough, or rock smash/flamethrower out of shield. flamethrower and rock smash are your go-to moves, particularly flamethrower. really outspace and rack up damage on ike. your grab game can set up some gimps offstage and put ike in a bad position. if the ike likes to approach with spaced fairs, shield dash into him and then grab him during his landing lag. quick draws are shieldgrabbed or flamethrowered. dash attack can be shielded and then dsmashed or backward ftilt'd, since ike's dash has a habit of going through your shield and finishing behind your character.

zard does very well edgeguarding. offstage, a fair or bair means instant death for ike. a more conservative player can just stay on stage and then flamethrower ike for huge damage as he recovers with aether. i'm not completely sure on when ike's super armor frames end, but i'm fairly certain that flamethrower will put him into hitstun when he reaches the apex. i think zard has an advantage, 6/4.

squirtle is kind of tricky. both ike and squirtle are offensive characters that hate being on the defensive. squirtle is much much quicker than ike and mobile enough to get into ike's zone and pressure him...ike has to just focus on hitting squirtle as many times as he can. he has a huge swing radius on some of his attacks, so squirtle has to be careful. at high level play, i think a good squirtle will just be too confusing and too much to handle for ike. defensively, ike is a little shorthanded...

shellshifted shieldgrabs get right inside ike's range and protect squirtle from ike's attacks...and squirtle's grabs do a great job of either killing (dthrow 130%ish) or putting ike into a position where squirtle can follow up with a string of attacks. at this point, it'll be hard to test because online lag affects this matchup muuuuuuch more than ivyzard...i want to say squirtle has close to an advantage at 55/45. It could go either way, imo. ike kills at insanely low percents, so he can definitely make up for any string of attacks on squirtle's part with just a few swipes.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
If your looking at them individually they all have a disadvantage against Ike.

If you work with them together I think it will be closer to even.

I'll add stuff later...


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I'm partial to agree with Arturito on this one.

They all lose to Ike one on one, but you can still manage to shore up some weaknesses by working as a team.

I'll go argue with the PT boards, because debates are quite entertaining.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Well, what would you prefer I say then? besides, I already gave them my insight, so I guess what's done is done.
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