I agree with some of what the original poster said. Red and Blue are of course classics. Gold and Silver did much to keep the series alive. They introduced genders,breeding, the day and night function and so much more. G&S was a great sequel.
So now we get to RuSa. This game is so incredibly dull. Not only do they make the mistake of removing functions, they hardly add anything worth mentioning. Traits? Double-battles? And? That was about all the innovation the series had to offer.
I'm pleased to see that DP are making changes to the battle system and online is a major plus. But I'm still not sure if that's enough. It's frustrating that the series doesn't seem to be living up to it's potential.
Mario Kart showed us that DS games could handle better graphics than the 64. Why am I still looking at these horrible little sprites? And why the stagnant sprites? Crystal and Emerald had moving sprites so it's really dumb to remove this feature again.
True, graphics aren't everything and like every good RPG pokemon has an amazing story to go along with it. Right? Sadly no, while the story in RB was sufficient it hasn't changed a bit since then. Nothing has. You start out the same fight the 8 gym leaders and elite 4. Fight the evil team whatever their name is and save the day. Yawn.
And don't get me started on the horrible pokemon design.
I really want this game. But I see so much bad that I'm not sure the good can outwiegh it.
IMO, RSE added more to the metagame than any previous version. The addition in RSE are probably the most impacting factors of the Pokemon metagame. Traits gave something for Skarmory to fear. Magneton can come in and trap it with Magnet Pull. Intimidate lets Salamence to come in on Heracross without so much taking a dent, when previously, nothing could safely come in on anything Heracross did. Levitate shot Weezing up entire tiers because now it is a true physical wall due to no physical weaknesses, and it also gave Gengar a third immunity, even further boosting its usefulness. Sandstream gave a whole new definition to TSS that became so popular in GSC. Swift Swim redefined Kingdra, while Chlorophyll made so many previously useless Pokemon viable as sweepers. Rock Head gives Aerodactyl no reason to hesitate to choose Double Edge over Return now. Thought Heracross was scary before? Burn it and its Guts will sweep entire teams. Some Pokemon are used solely for their abilities as well *Looks at Ninjask, Shedinja, Magneton, Dugtrio, Medicham, Dunsparce, etc etc etc*. Marvel Scale makes Milotic even more of a ***** to kill, while Banette and Hypno are now standard switch-ins to Sleepers. And... I'm not even gonna go into Flash Fire/Volt Absorb/Water Absorb/Drought/Drizzle =/
Natures and new EV limits affect the metagame even further. Ttar can't Ice Beam you and still expect to hit too hard with Earthquake, like it could in GSC. Jolteon couldn't take too many hits before, but now, it gets OHKOed by anything if it still wants to do what it does best.
Pokemon sucks because it never changes, Chill is right, you mean after all this time we still watch battles with these freakin' stangnant sprites!? The battle system is the same so I don' see a point in pursuing this redundant RPG.
Well, the 3D consoles offer dynamic sprites. The battle systems change drastically each generation, although not all these changes are apparent. For example, formulas for Critical Hits, the EV system, etc etc.
EDIT: And for definition of repitition, see "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy". I wonder when it's finally going to be the
Final Fantasy.