Smash Hero
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- May 27, 2019
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PorygonThat would be a good story summary, I'll use that
Anyway voting for the next two partner pokemon will be starting
Vote for your top 3, you may vote for your own in second or third place
Job 8
Create the 2nd Dungeon
Continuing from where the story summary gets off create what the 2nd dungeon will be, describe what possible story importance this location has, use the template below
Dungeon Name:
Number of Floors: (Dictate if it has Basement Floors and/or Upper Floors)
Enviroment: Where will this dungeon be
Description: What gimmicks will this dungeon have, or any major landmarks
Enemies: What enemy Pokemon will live in this dungeon, plus optionally what moves they would use
Job 9
Submit the first town
After the first story beats you gain access to the first town, describe what landmarks, people, and businesses this town has, it should be noted that the entrance to the 2nd dungeon will be located here
Durant Mines
Some mines where Durant work to get metal, used by the town for all sorts of stuff. The Durant are being forced by a Heatmor to work for it instead, and Darmanitan sends the player's group to take it down as a test, a trial by fire of sorts. The group has no idea until they come face to face with Heatmor, so Darmanitan can get the most genuine reaction. After beating it, Darmanitan will carry it off to be arrested, and says the group is ready to be a proper team. Everyone leaves, except the player, as the Durant notice a mysterious gem on their scarf. They tell them it means dangerous things, as the player leaves. The Durant talk amongst themselves about it.
Floor Number: 5
Environment: Undeground, Cave like area. Gems and minerals protrude from the walls, and various machinery and trollies can be seen out of the player's reach.
Enemies: Diglett, Skorupi, Purrloin, Geodude, Machop, Sableye, Carbink, Gible, Heatmor (Boss)
Job 9: Pleasant Village
This village is located near the top of a mountain, named Ragged Peak. The village consists of a few houses and several shops, serving as an exploration outpost. A fountain is located at the center. The guild is located at the peak, and a wall painting lies at its back, which is actually Runerigus, who tells stories of the old times to anyone who asks him. The mine's entrance is located behind him.
General Residents
Ferroseed: A young and hopeful kid, who hopes to be an explorer. He continues to try to join the Guild, only to fail due to his age. He befriends the player and sometimes gives them advice or missions involving his friends who have gotten in trouble. This leads to a whole quest chain where the player must rescue all of Ferroseed's friends from various different villains. After completing all of them, Ferroseed offers to join as a member.
Ferrothorn: Ferroseed's mother. She is the first needed to be rescued in Ferroseed's quests, as she needs help after her groceries kept getting stolen by an Inkay. After defeating it, it is arrested and Ferrothorn rejoins the village. She is known as a fantastic cook despite the lack of proper appendages.
Baltoy and Claydol: A pair of brothers. Baltoy keeps getting into trouble, and thus Claydol gets into trouble to rescue him every time. After Baltoy is rescued from the depths of Durant Mines, they will rejoin the village. The two often run around playing games such as Tag and Hide and Seek. Claydol also offers to go on missions with the player's group from time to time, which the player can accept or reject.
Ducklett: The wisest member of Ferroseed's friends, who often is forced to give advice and guiding words despite his age. Ducklett is kidnapped by Archeops whilst investigating Evergreen Swamp and has to be rescued. After being rescued, he'll roost on top of the fountain, and recap certain functions or give hints. He'll also sometimes give challenges to the player.
Sigilyph: Baltoy's best friend. Despite being far older, Sigilyph enjoys his company. He is kidnapped by Probopass to awaken something in the Astral Volcano, but Probopass is defeated by the player's group. Afterwards, Sigilyph will occasionally fly around town, sometimes roosting by the Guild entrance. He will give the player hints about Legendary Pokemon in the postgame.
Unfezant: Considered a nuisance by the town, he walks the shadows and spies on everything. He always knows more than he lets on and speaks in riddles and hints. He seemingly knows the player is a human, but decides not to say anything. He becomes important to the plot later down the line.
Smeargle: A newspaper deliverer for Pelipper Post Office. He often rushes about to deliver them, but gets constantly bullied by Carbink. After Carbink is defeated in a quest, Smeargle will start delivering to the player without any long term charges. He makes up with Carbink later.
Carbink: He lives in the mines, and bullies Smeargle for fun. He is eventually defeated, but afterwards always tries to fester more trouble. He eventually gives up and becomes a cool dude, befriending Smeargle. He also becomes friends with one of the siblings.
Other Pokemon also randomly show up as residents, mostly to imply the town is bigger than what we can see. They all have generic dialogue.
Other Teams
Team Power Packers: A team consisting of Sylveon, Klinklang, and Steenee. Sylveon is the leader, and it is often implied Sylveon used to work for a criminal organization, and still shows hints of constantly doing the same. Klinklang and Steenee secretly despise their leader, but ignore it unless he does something reckless. Sylveon shows outwards happiness to everyone, but secretly hates everyone. They are known as one of the stronger overall teams despite this dynamic.
Drakloak's Team: A team consisting of Drakloak and two Dreepy. He is a simple mercenary type deal, who does anything anyone asks. He is very egostistical thanks to his track record, and randomly gets encountered in stages later in the story, trying to impede the player. He is always easily defeated, and his title "Drakloak the Undefeated" becomes "Drakloak the not so Undefeated" causing him humiliation wherever he goes. He decides to not bother with the group, and decides to just leave their "rivalry" aside. He acts semi antagonistically throughout the rest of the game.
Team Flower Power: A team consisting of Meganium, Combee, and Diancie. Meganium is said to be a former guildmaster of another place, and Combee sometimes works part time as a cook around town. They always support everyone they meet, even giving out free items to other teams. Diancie is Carbink's mother, and is often displeased with his behavior, thus showing gratitude later on for changing Carbink's ways. They are said to be the number one team out of all of them, achieving the highest rank.
Team Relic: Consists of Flygon, Aerodactyl, and Unown. The former two are unhappy with Unown's overall lackluster performance compared to them, but do not dump him as they enjoy his presence. Unown is always oblivious to his bad performance, always going on that he has bad days.
Team Swallow: A team consisting of Toucannon, Gabite, and Munchlax. The three have a voracious appetite and got a lifelong ban from the cafe for eating the entire food store in one day. They linger outside instead, expressing displeasure at this fact, always mentioning they are hungry, though they already have a mountain of food with them anyways.
Team Toxin: Consists of Koffing, Muk, and Scolipede. The group often spreads poisonous substances everywhere, and thus got banned alongside Team Swallow. They often fight Team Swallow as they often accidentally spoil their food stores. The two groups make up in the end.
Team Mountain Crawler: Consists of Machamp, Foongus, and Drilbur. They explore mountains for a living, and often talk about what they've encountered there.
Team Forest Dwellers: A team from the forest, consisting of Ledian, Trevenant, and Volbeat. They act as a comedic stage presence in the cafe, performing at night. The three can be found in the cafe at other times. Despite ranking lower on the list in terms of teams, they remain well beloved.
Other various Pokemon appear, saying they are part of teams, but do not have proper formations.
Various Shops
Kecleon Shop- Two Kecleon, one Green, one Purple, selling wares. Acts the same as normal PMD.
Aromatisse's Bank- Run by Aromatisse, who often dotes on the player's group. They are creeped out by her but do not say anything. She stores money like how older banks work.
Klefki's Lockpick- If the group finds a chest, Klefki can pick the lock to open it for a price if they leave it with him. After completing a few missions, he will have picked it open, allowing the insides to be revealed. Rarer end items, money, and even ancient Eggs can be found inside. He is always supportive of the group, and loyally stands up for them.
Mismagius' Storage- A storage facility run by Mismagius. She stores it in a place no one knows, and often creepily laughs and glares at those who come near. It is said the back of her shop is a never ending void.
Chinchou's Link Shop- A link shop run by Chinchou. He can link moves in order to perform combo attacks like in older games. He doesn't do much else, and acts very oftenly shy due to his shop's further away proximity from everywhere else.
Spoink's Move Tutor- Spoink offers to tutor moves, which are randomly selected by the day. After completing a mission, they rerandomize again. If you pay him a Heart Scale, he will tutor a Pokemon any move from his selection they can learn that the player selected. Spoink is outgoing and always smiling, no matter what.
Jigglypuff's Nursery- A nursery run by Jigglypuff. He looks after Eggs brought in by the player from missions, and when they hatch (A few in game days later), the newly brought Pokemon is brought to them. His sister is Igglybuff.
Igglybuff's Friend Shop- You can purchase Friend Areas here. Igglybuff is happy and outgoing like Wigglytuff was in PMD1, and her brother is Jigglypuff. Sylveon knows her, apparently as she was a former criminal mastermind despite her young age, though she brushes it off and pretends it doesn't exist while glaring at anyone who is with Sylveon.
Golbat's Dojo- A dojo like in PMD1 where you can train in various themed floors. Golbat will gift a Ginseng or Vitamins after the player clears one. He will hang on the ceiling and is always sleeping, but wakes up when the player comes to train. He is very no nonsense.