Cool Trainer Ace
Smash Journeyman
Something I think would be cool, but will never happen for as long as I live. It sounds a little weird, and is really deep for Pokemon, but hear me out.
Give me your opinion! I know the names are pretty much puns and personalities aren't all that creative, but I think it leads to a very diverse cast of characters. I've put every character I've come up with in the spoiler below, which will be updated frequently with ideas.
Feel free to give your thoughts on different characters, or give personalities, weapons, and abilities to Knights that don't have any, or haven't been created yet! I'm always open to ideas, just refer to the list before posting.
Specific people are chosen by Mythical/Legendary Pokemon to become a Legendary Knight, a person with such a strong connection to the Pokemon they represent that they are able to mimic the Pokemon's special ability/power (i.e.: Mew's tranformation, Celebi's time travel, Giratina's distortion world portals, etc). Together, the Legendary Knights defend the world from certain destruction. They all (obviously) wear armor based on what Pokemon they represent*, and some Knights are more powerful than others (Like the Creation Trio is much more powerful than, say, Manaphy). All Knights have the power to summon their respective legendary/mythical Pokemon at will. The Knights have weapons which they use to fight other Knights, rogues, and other evil characters/creatures. Knights work side-by-side with their Pokemon, and the stronger the bond, the more powerful the combination.
The Knight Council is led by Girre (Pronunciation: 'Geer-ray'), Pearl, and Timmothy who represent Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga respectively (I got Timmothy from the word 'time' if you're wondering), and consists of the most powerful legendary Pokemon. They make sure the Knights know their place and don't defect to use their power for their own purposes. Aaron (Arceus), the most powerful of all the knights, left these three in charge while he guards Arceus in his slumber. There is one defector that stands above all others. Nocturn, the representative of Darkrai. Originally a trustworthy and loyal friend, brother, and respectable Knight, he was exempted from the Council for trying to illegally rise through the ranks to make the Council bend to his will. Soon after he created his own Knight league, the Black Knights (Sooo creative Ace. Soooo creative
). Nocturn and Girre used to be best friends, so when Nocturn defected from the Knights, he tried to convince Girre to come with him. Girre refused, and eventually a battle broke out between them, severing their friendship, and banishing Nocturn to wander the outer realm of the Arcana Region. He believes that he is the most powerful, and has found a way to sever the connection between a Knight and their Pokemon.
Soon after his exile, he meets Y, the representative of Yveltal who abuses his power to destroy civilization, and Mithryl, the represtentative of Mewtwo who has recently defected from the Knight league due to a cause she refuses to say anything about. Her motives for joining the Black Knights are unknown, as she is not out to destroy like Nocturn and Y. Meanwhile, back in the Legendary Knight Council room, a new Knight is being accepted into the league. A Pollyanna-type girl named Sharon, who has recently been chosen by Shaymin to become a Knight. Not even a month into her Knighthood, and she is already best friends with her Pokemon, which is rare. The High Councilman agree that Sharon has an entire ocean's worth of untapped potential ready to be reached in the near future, and have begun her training. Girre, being intrigued by this girl, and has volunteered to train her personally with some input from others. Sharon has admitted to some that Girre is very intimidating, but is very trustworthy and has begun to make friends with him as well.
**Sort of like this:
The Knight Council is led by Girre (Pronunciation: 'Geer-ray'), Pearl, and Timmothy who represent Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga respectively (I got Timmothy from the word 'time' if you're wondering), and consists of the most powerful legendary Pokemon. They make sure the Knights know their place and don't defect to use their power for their own purposes. Aaron (Arceus), the most powerful of all the knights, left these three in charge while he guards Arceus in his slumber. There is one defector that stands above all others. Nocturn, the representative of Darkrai. Originally a trustworthy and loyal friend, brother, and respectable Knight, he was exempted from the Council for trying to illegally rise through the ranks to make the Council bend to his will. Soon after he created his own Knight league, the Black Knights (Sooo creative Ace. Soooo creative
Soon after his exile, he meets Y, the representative of Yveltal who abuses his power to destroy civilization, and Mithryl, the represtentative of Mewtwo who has recently defected from the Knight league due to a cause she refuses to say anything about. Her motives for joining the Black Knights are unknown, as she is not out to destroy like Nocturn and Y. Meanwhile, back in the Legendary Knight Council room, a new Knight is being accepted into the league. A Pollyanna-type girl named Sharon, who has recently been chosen by Shaymin to become a Knight. Not even a month into her Knighthood, and she is already best friends with her Pokemon, which is rare. The High Councilman agree that Sharon has an entire ocean's worth of untapped potential ready to be reached in the near future, and have begun her training. Girre, being intrigued by this girl, and has volunteered to train her personally with some input from others. Sharon has admitted to some that Girre is very intimidating, but is very trustworthy and has begun to make friends with him as well.
**Sort of like this:
Give me your opinion! I know the names are pretty much puns and personalities aren't all that creative, but I think it leads to a very diverse cast of characters. I've put every character I've come up with in the spoiler below, which will be updated frequently with ideas.
The Legendary Knights
Sharon (Shaymin): The main character. Extremely cheerful and upbeat with a passion for helping people and giving thanks. The newest recruit to the Legendary Knights, and loves flowers. Has a red poppy in her white hair as her signature style. Has the power of flight, can resurrect plants, and can cleanse the air of toxins. Weapon(s): Dual Tessen; Weaponized air toxins through her own version of Seed Flare.
Relationships: Best friends with Melody and Cecilia; Student and friend to Girre; May have a small forbidden crush on Nocturn.
Melody (Meloetta): A pop star with an incredible singing voice. Somewhat self-centered and acts like a spoiled rich girl. The Knight Council disapprove of her being a pop star over being a Knight.
Weapon(s): Her voice. She can put people to sleep, make them flinch, or hurt them with loud, amplified frequencies.
Relationships: Best friends with Sharon and Cecilia; Says she's in a romantic partnership, but this so-called "boyfriend" has never been seen nor heard from.
Cecilia (Cresselia): A soft spoken healer with the power to heal wounds and cure nightmares. Sibling and rival to Nocturn. Her level of power depends on the position and phase of the moon in the sky. During a full moon, she is at her most powerful, but during the new moon, her brother is at his most powerful.
Weapon(s): Lunar Scythe (Full Moon).
Relationships: Best friends with Sharon and Melody; Sister to Nocturn.
Vivian (Virizion) is a quick and agile fencer with a habit of sarcastically mocking opponents. Moves so fast that she is often mistaken for having the ability to teleport.
Weapon(s): Rapier.
Relationships: Teammates and best friends with Coen and Trenton; in a dedicated relationship with Coen.
Coen (Cobalion) is the leader, with a strong sense of justice and pride. Very Strong-willed.
Weapon(s): Double-edged sword and shield.
Relationships: Teammates and best friends with Trenton and Vivian; in a dedicated relationship with Vivian.
Trenton (Terrakion) is the stereotypical 'Tough guy'. Mildly unintelligent and clumsy, but extremely strong and has a great sense of humor. Can punch a boulder to bits with his bare hand.
Weapon(s): Two-handed broadsword.
Relationships:Teammates and best friends with Vivian and Coen.
Aaron (Arceus): The most powerful of all the Legendary Knights. His power comes from the mighty Arceus himself, and is sworn to guard him while he is in a state of renewal. Aaron is not seen or heard from through anyone except Girre, whom he trusts. Aaron is only seen when deciding the fate of a rogue Knight. He acts as the judge for all of the Legendary Knights, and gives out most of the orders regarding the entirety of the Knights. Aaron's abilities are almost exactly like Arceus', bar the ability to create.
Weapon(s): Type plates, which he can use to manipulate the elements at will.
Relationships: Best friends with Girre; doesn't see anyone other than Girre enough to have other friends.
Girre (Giratina): Current Knight Council leader in place of Aaron, and second most powerful Legendary Knight. Has the ability to summon portals to the Distortion World, in which he can pull off superhuman feats such as flight, shadow cloning and strikes, teleportation, and super speed. A rather emotionless person with an emphasis on bringing justice to the Black Knights. Is extremely loyal to Aaron. Is the chairman of the High Council and representative of Aaron while he is not present. Sees that his orders are carried out with the utmost swiftness.
Weapon(s): Dual swords, each with a fragment of the Griseous Orb in it.
Relationships: Best friends with Aaron, friends with Pearl, Timmothy, and Remmington; In a dedicated relationship with Mithryl? (Formerly)
Pearl (Palkia): A rather young girl of the age of 20 who can summon rifts in the fabrics of reality to travel through, allowing her to instantly teleport anywhere. Can also travel between dimensions to Palkia's realm. She has a loving peronsonality, but is merciless in battle. She holds the Lustrous Orb in the center of her breastplate. Likes to greet people with "Hello, love!" She is tied for the third most powerful Knight with Timmothy. Part of the High Council.
Weapon(s): An ornate spear decorated with silver lining and pink gems she lovingly calls "Spacial Rend". Relationships: Friends with Aaron, Girre, Timmothy, and Remmington.
Timmothy (Dialga): A wise man with the power to adjust time to his liking and summon time rifts to Dialga's realm. Due to his intense bond with Dialga, he has lived on the planet for more than 200 years, but doesn't look the part. Lots of battle experience and has partaken in five wars. He is very watchful of the knights, and will do everything, including shielding his allies from hits, to protect them. He is tied for third with Pearl for the third most powerful Knight. Part of the High Council.
Weapon(s): A large, indestructible shield that consists of a metal similar to Dialga's body, with an Adamant Orb in the center.
Relationships: Friends with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and Remmington.
Kairi (Kyogre): A very calm and passive Knight with incredible power over water. It is well known by the Knights that she can sense the location of every drop of water in her immediate vicinity and have them spring forth to form shields, walls, and even arrows and weapons made of ice.
Weapon(s): Her extremely potent aquakinesis.
Relationships: Rival and teammate to Gregory; Student and teammate to Remmington.
Gregory (Groudon): A very aggressive individual with the ability to cause earthquakes, sinkholes, volcanic eruptions, and more. It is well known by the Knights that he can sense the location of nearby underground magma chambers to create his own volcanoes. He can be rather explosive and requires the help of Kairi and Remmington, his teammates, to keep his massive power under control.
Weapons(s): His extremely potent geokinesis.
Relationships: Rival and teammate to Kairi; Student and teammate to Remmington.
Remmington (Rayquaza): The most aristocratic of all the knights who prefers diplomacy over fighting (much to the dismay of his teammate Gregory). While not afraid to get his hands dirty, he will always try to find a peaceful way of doing things before jumping straight to violence. He has an innate connection to the wind, and can control it at will. From literal razor-sharp whirlwinds to tornadoes, he is one of the most powerful knights in the league. He acts as a father figure and mentor to Kairi and Gregory, and steps in constantly when they get to fighting.
Weapons(s): His mastery over his aerokinesis powers.
Relationships: Mentor and teammate to Kairi and Gregory, friends with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and Timmothy.
Howard (Ho-oh): Laid back and somewhat arrogant, he prefers other people to do his work for him. He can usually be found staring at sunsets on the top of the Knight Council building. A technical fighter with multiple tricks up his sleeve which include small multi-colored feather-shaped kunai he keeps in his cape and small firecrackers that can be used for distractions and setting fires. Has the ability to fly using his cape, which resembles Ho-oh's wings.
Weapon(s): Multi-colored feather kunai (like Wing Kirby if you need a mental image) and firecrackers. Relationships: Teammates with Lucas. Even though they are complete opposites, they are one of the most prevalent teams in the league.
Lucas (Lugia): Uptight, strict, and a bit of a control-freak, he feels like he has to clean up other people's messes all the time. One of the Knights' most brilliant minds, and one of their better fighters. Has the ability to fly, like Howard, with a cape that somewhat resembles Lugia's wings. He can control air and water currents and temperatures, allowing him the ability to create storms like tornadoes, hurricanes, and whirlpools. Does not like to fight unless absolutely necessary.
Weapon(s): His control of the air and water.
Relationships: Teammates with Howard. Even though they are complete opposites, Howard and Lucas are one of the most prevalent teams in the league.
Diana (Diancie): A mysterious princess (of course) with a love for ornate gemstones. She never speaks, and is usually sitting in the Knight Council garden, looking into the lake and making friends with the birds. Modest and kind, she creates gemstones out of thin air and gives them to people for free. She is the most beautiful of all the female Knights, and is best friends with Diancie which gives her an even stronger boost to her power. The amount of power she has is unknown, as she is never seen in battle (or anywhere else, for that matter). Not many people know much about this mysterious pink diamond, but it is said through rumors that she was once in love with Nocturn.
Weapon(s): Unknown.
Relationships: Unknown.
Ren (Raikou): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard.
Edward (Entei): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard.
Sarah (Suicune): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard; Leader of the squadron.
Zane (Zapdos): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas.
Moira (Moltres): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas.
Alyssa (Articuno): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas; Leader of the squadron.
Zelda (Xerneas): The Legendary Knights' second dedicated support knight who uses power borrowed from Xerneas' Geomancy to augment the abilities of her teammates while simultaneously healing them. Beautiful and majestic, people rescued by her have said that they were staring into the gorgeous eyes of an angel. She acts very adorably and is overly apologetic, but is loyal and willing to put her life on the line for the people she loves. Before joining the Legendary Knights, she was in love with someone before losing her memory and being chosen by Xerneas. All she remembers from her past is her asking: "Why?" She holds the record for most uses of "Sorry" in one conversation.
Weapon(s): No weapons. She uses Geomancy and her healing abilities to support her teammates, rather than fighting herself.
Relationships: Friends with most of the league, as everybody likes and/or feels perpetually sorry for her.
The Black Knights:
Nocturn (Darkrai): Originally a good person, brother, and friend, Nocturn defected from the Legendary Knights, cursing their name and creating his own Knight league, the Black Knights. He is a cool, calm and collected person with more of a sociopathic mindset rather than a murderous one. He doesn't usually wear his armor, instead he wears modern clothing from the Kalos region. A black fedora, black jacket with white undershirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Can instantly materialize his armor and weapon when need be, and can move through the shadows at will. His level of power depends on the position of the moon in the sky, with the full moon granting the most power to his sister, Cecilia, and the new moon granting him the most power. He only focuses on bringing down the Legendary Knights, and firmly believes that his sister and best friend betrayed him. Before he left, he was part of the High Council with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and others.
Weapon(s): Lunar Scythe (New Moon).
Relationships: In a partnership with Y and Mithryl for vengeance, but not friends with them. Brother to Cecilia; Said to be in love with Pearl at one point.
Y (Yveltal): A purely evil and maniacal Knight with an obsession for seeing towns burnt to the ground. Frequently labeled as 'insane' and 'psychotic'. Y was never originally part of the Legendary Knights, but was offered a spot on the Black Knights by Nocturn in exchange for the ability to destroy any town he sees fit. He has the power of flight, and produces an aura of darkness wherever he goes, strengthening the power of evil forces in the vicinity.
Weapon(s): The ability to fire life-stealing beams of energy.
Relationships: In a partnership with Nocturn and Mithryl; recruited for the sole reason of wreaking havoc on the Legendary Knights and their territories.
Mithryl (Mewtwo): A woman who is usually silent. She is mistaken for a rogue due to the fact that she isn't seen with the Black Knights often, even though she is officially a member. A knight so unpredictable even her own teammates don't know if she's going to betray them, and based on her mood, has actually worked for the opposing side. Mithryl only joined the Black Knights to get "revenge" on Girre, but she never mentions in what way. She says that after he is dealt with, she has no use for the Black Knights. Legend has it that Mithryl used to be an upstanding part of the Legendary Knights, and some rumors say that she and Girre were once in a dedicated relationship, almost to the point of marriage. When asked about this, Girre confirms that Mithryl is a defector and admits that she was a fantastic addition to the Knights, but denies any social ties with her. Before leaving the Knights, she was the fourth most powerful Knight on the High Council.
Weapon(s): Her psionic abilities and a katana.
Relationships: In a partnership with Y and Nocturn; In a dedicated relationship with Girre? (Formerly)
Neutral Parties:
Zuriel (Zoroark): The one and only Knight who represents a non-legendary Pokemon. Zuriel, like Zoroark, is a master of illusions, able to disguise himself as anyone and create shadow clones of himself to fight for him. Zuriel trained in a matial arts dojo for his entire life, and is an eighth degree black belt in Ninjutsu. A very mysterious figure who is known to be a mercenary of sorts.
Weapon(s): Dual daggers. Zuriel has multiple tricks hidden in his sleeves and belt, including smoke bombs, poison needles, tranquilizers, shurikens, and a contraption that allows him to shoot fire.
Relationships: Unknown.
Harry (Hoopa): A Knight who is not part of the Legendary Knights nor the Black Knights. A mischievous and shady character who has access to the Prison Bottle, which turns Hoopa into his unbound form and grants him extreme power. Harry's golden bracelets can be used as teleportation rings like Hoopa's.
Weapon(s): Longbow and his golden bracelets. Harry can telepathically control his bracelets to move wherever he wants, making sure that every arrow counts.
Relationships: Unknown.
More to come! (Ultra Beasts, perhaps?)
Sharon (Shaymin): The main character. Extremely cheerful and upbeat with a passion for helping people and giving thanks. The newest recruit to the Legendary Knights, and loves flowers. Has a red poppy in her white hair as her signature style. Has the power of flight, can resurrect plants, and can cleanse the air of toxins. Weapon(s): Dual Tessen; Weaponized air toxins through her own version of Seed Flare.
Relationships: Best friends with Melody and Cecilia; Student and friend to Girre; May have a small forbidden crush on Nocturn.
Melody (Meloetta): A pop star with an incredible singing voice. Somewhat self-centered and acts like a spoiled rich girl. The Knight Council disapprove of her being a pop star over being a Knight.
Weapon(s): Her voice. She can put people to sleep, make them flinch, or hurt them with loud, amplified frequencies.
Relationships: Best friends with Sharon and Cecilia; Says she's in a romantic partnership, but this so-called "boyfriend" has never been seen nor heard from.
Cecilia (Cresselia): A soft spoken healer with the power to heal wounds and cure nightmares. Sibling and rival to Nocturn. Her level of power depends on the position and phase of the moon in the sky. During a full moon, she is at her most powerful, but during the new moon, her brother is at his most powerful.
Weapon(s): Lunar Scythe (Full Moon).
Relationships: Best friends with Sharon and Melody; Sister to Nocturn.
Vivian (Virizion) is a quick and agile fencer with a habit of sarcastically mocking opponents. Moves so fast that she is often mistaken for having the ability to teleport.
Weapon(s): Rapier.
Relationships: Teammates and best friends with Coen and Trenton; in a dedicated relationship with Coen.
Coen (Cobalion) is the leader, with a strong sense of justice and pride. Very Strong-willed.
Weapon(s): Double-edged sword and shield.
Relationships: Teammates and best friends with Trenton and Vivian; in a dedicated relationship with Vivian.
Trenton (Terrakion) is the stereotypical 'Tough guy'. Mildly unintelligent and clumsy, but extremely strong and has a great sense of humor. Can punch a boulder to bits with his bare hand.
Weapon(s): Two-handed broadsword.
Relationships:Teammates and best friends with Vivian and Coen.
Aaron (Arceus): The most powerful of all the Legendary Knights. His power comes from the mighty Arceus himself, and is sworn to guard him while he is in a state of renewal. Aaron is not seen or heard from through anyone except Girre, whom he trusts. Aaron is only seen when deciding the fate of a rogue Knight. He acts as the judge for all of the Legendary Knights, and gives out most of the orders regarding the entirety of the Knights. Aaron's abilities are almost exactly like Arceus', bar the ability to create.
Weapon(s): Type plates, which he can use to manipulate the elements at will.
Relationships: Best friends with Girre; doesn't see anyone other than Girre enough to have other friends.
Girre (Giratina): Current Knight Council leader in place of Aaron, and second most powerful Legendary Knight. Has the ability to summon portals to the Distortion World, in which he can pull off superhuman feats such as flight, shadow cloning and strikes, teleportation, and super speed. A rather emotionless person with an emphasis on bringing justice to the Black Knights. Is extremely loyal to Aaron. Is the chairman of the High Council and representative of Aaron while he is not present. Sees that his orders are carried out with the utmost swiftness.
Weapon(s): Dual swords, each with a fragment of the Griseous Orb in it.
Relationships: Best friends with Aaron, friends with Pearl, Timmothy, and Remmington; In a dedicated relationship with Mithryl? (Formerly)
Pearl (Palkia): A rather young girl of the age of 20 who can summon rifts in the fabrics of reality to travel through, allowing her to instantly teleport anywhere. Can also travel between dimensions to Palkia's realm. She has a loving peronsonality, but is merciless in battle. She holds the Lustrous Orb in the center of her breastplate. Likes to greet people with "Hello, love!" She is tied for the third most powerful Knight with Timmothy. Part of the High Council.
Weapon(s): An ornate spear decorated with silver lining and pink gems she lovingly calls "Spacial Rend". Relationships: Friends with Aaron, Girre, Timmothy, and Remmington.
Timmothy (Dialga): A wise man with the power to adjust time to his liking and summon time rifts to Dialga's realm. Due to his intense bond with Dialga, he has lived on the planet for more than 200 years, but doesn't look the part. Lots of battle experience and has partaken in five wars. He is very watchful of the knights, and will do everything, including shielding his allies from hits, to protect them. He is tied for third with Pearl for the third most powerful Knight. Part of the High Council.
Weapon(s): A large, indestructible shield that consists of a metal similar to Dialga's body, with an Adamant Orb in the center.
Relationships: Friends with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and Remmington.
Kairi (Kyogre): A very calm and passive Knight with incredible power over water. It is well known by the Knights that she can sense the location of every drop of water in her immediate vicinity and have them spring forth to form shields, walls, and even arrows and weapons made of ice.
Weapon(s): Her extremely potent aquakinesis.
Relationships: Rival and teammate to Gregory; Student and teammate to Remmington.
Gregory (Groudon): A very aggressive individual with the ability to cause earthquakes, sinkholes, volcanic eruptions, and more. It is well known by the Knights that he can sense the location of nearby underground magma chambers to create his own volcanoes. He can be rather explosive and requires the help of Kairi and Remmington, his teammates, to keep his massive power under control.
Weapons(s): His extremely potent geokinesis.
Relationships: Rival and teammate to Kairi; Student and teammate to Remmington.
Remmington (Rayquaza): The most aristocratic of all the knights who prefers diplomacy over fighting (much to the dismay of his teammate Gregory). While not afraid to get his hands dirty, he will always try to find a peaceful way of doing things before jumping straight to violence. He has an innate connection to the wind, and can control it at will. From literal razor-sharp whirlwinds to tornadoes, he is one of the most powerful knights in the league. He acts as a father figure and mentor to Kairi and Gregory, and steps in constantly when they get to fighting.
Weapons(s): His mastery over his aerokinesis powers.
Relationships: Mentor and teammate to Kairi and Gregory, friends with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and Timmothy.
Howard (Ho-oh): Laid back and somewhat arrogant, he prefers other people to do his work for him. He can usually be found staring at sunsets on the top of the Knight Council building. A technical fighter with multiple tricks up his sleeve which include small multi-colored feather-shaped kunai he keeps in his cape and small firecrackers that can be used for distractions and setting fires. Has the ability to fly using his cape, which resembles Ho-oh's wings.
Weapon(s): Multi-colored feather kunai (like Wing Kirby if you need a mental image) and firecrackers. Relationships: Teammates with Lucas. Even though they are complete opposites, they are one of the most prevalent teams in the league.
Lucas (Lugia): Uptight, strict, and a bit of a control-freak, he feels like he has to clean up other people's messes all the time. One of the Knights' most brilliant minds, and one of their better fighters. Has the ability to fly, like Howard, with a cape that somewhat resembles Lugia's wings. He can control air and water currents and temperatures, allowing him the ability to create storms like tornadoes, hurricanes, and whirlpools. Does not like to fight unless absolutely necessary.
Weapon(s): His control of the air and water.
Relationships: Teammates with Howard. Even though they are complete opposites, Howard and Lucas are one of the most prevalent teams in the league.
Diana (Diancie): A mysterious princess (of course) with a love for ornate gemstones. She never speaks, and is usually sitting in the Knight Council garden, looking into the lake and making friends with the birds. Modest and kind, she creates gemstones out of thin air and gives them to people for free. She is the most beautiful of all the female Knights, and is best friends with Diancie which gives her an even stronger boost to her power. The amount of power she has is unknown, as she is never seen in battle (or anywhere else, for that matter). Not many people know much about this mysterious pink diamond, but it is said through rumors that she was once in love with Nocturn.
Weapon(s): Unknown.
Relationships: Unknown.
Ren (Raikou): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard.
Edward (Entei): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard.
Sarah (Suicune): Personality and Weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Beasts Security Battalion, under the command of Howard; Leader of the squadron.
Zane (Zapdos): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas.
Moira (Moltres): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas.
Alyssa (Articuno): Personality and weapon undecided. Part of the Elemental Wings Scout Battalion, under the command of Lucas; Leader of the squadron.
Zelda (Xerneas): The Legendary Knights' second dedicated support knight who uses power borrowed from Xerneas' Geomancy to augment the abilities of her teammates while simultaneously healing them. Beautiful and majestic, people rescued by her have said that they were staring into the gorgeous eyes of an angel. She acts very adorably and is overly apologetic, but is loyal and willing to put her life on the line for the people she loves. Before joining the Legendary Knights, she was in love with someone before losing her memory and being chosen by Xerneas. All she remembers from her past is her asking: "Why?" She holds the record for most uses of "Sorry" in one conversation.
Weapon(s): No weapons. She uses Geomancy and her healing abilities to support her teammates, rather than fighting herself.
Relationships: Friends with most of the league, as everybody likes and/or feels perpetually sorry for her.
The Black Knights:
Nocturn (Darkrai): Originally a good person, brother, and friend, Nocturn defected from the Legendary Knights, cursing their name and creating his own Knight league, the Black Knights. He is a cool, calm and collected person with more of a sociopathic mindset rather than a murderous one. He doesn't usually wear his armor, instead he wears modern clothing from the Kalos region. A black fedora, black jacket with white undershirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Can instantly materialize his armor and weapon when need be, and can move through the shadows at will. His level of power depends on the position of the moon in the sky, with the full moon granting the most power to his sister, Cecilia, and the new moon granting him the most power. He only focuses on bringing down the Legendary Knights, and firmly believes that his sister and best friend betrayed him. Before he left, he was part of the High Council with Aaron, Girre, Pearl, and others.
Weapon(s): Lunar Scythe (New Moon).
Relationships: In a partnership with Y and Mithryl for vengeance, but not friends with them. Brother to Cecilia; Said to be in love with Pearl at one point.
Y (Yveltal): A purely evil and maniacal Knight with an obsession for seeing towns burnt to the ground. Frequently labeled as 'insane' and 'psychotic'. Y was never originally part of the Legendary Knights, but was offered a spot on the Black Knights by Nocturn in exchange for the ability to destroy any town he sees fit. He has the power of flight, and produces an aura of darkness wherever he goes, strengthening the power of evil forces in the vicinity.
Weapon(s): The ability to fire life-stealing beams of energy.
Relationships: In a partnership with Nocturn and Mithryl; recruited for the sole reason of wreaking havoc on the Legendary Knights and their territories.
Mithryl (Mewtwo): A woman who is usually silent. She is mistaken for a rogue due to the fact that she isn't seen with the Black Knights often, even though she is officially a member. A knight so unpredictable even her own teammates don't know if she's going to betray them, and based on her mood, has actually worked for the opposing side. Mithryl only joined the Black Knights to get "revenge" on Girre, but she never mentions in what way. She says that after he is dealt with, she has no use for the Black Knights. Legend has it that Mithryl used to be an upstanding part of the Legendary Knights, and some rumors say that she and Girre were once in a dedicated relationship, almost to the point of marriage. When asked about this, Girre confirms that Mithryl is a defector and admits that she was a fantastic addition to the Knights, but denies any social ties with her. Before leaving the Knights, she was the fourth most powerful Knight on the High Council.
Weapon(s): Her psionic abilities and a katana.
Relationships: In a partnership with Y and Nocturn; In a dedicated relationship with Girre? (Formerly)
Neutral Parties:
Zuriel (Zoroark): The one and only Knight who represents a non-legendary Pokemon. Zuriel, like Zoroark, is a master of illusions, able to disguise himself as anyone and create shadow clones of himself to fight for him. Zuriel trained in a matial arts dojo for his entire life, and is an eighth degree black belt in Ninjutsu. A very mysterious figure who is known to be a mercenary of sorts.
Weapon(s): Dual daggers. Zuriel has multiple tricks hidden in his sleeves and belt, including smoke bombs, poison needles, tranquilizers, shurikens, and a contraption that allows him to shoot fire.
Relationships: Unknown.
Harry (Hoopa): A Knight who is not part of the Legendary Knights nor the Black Knights. A mischievous and shady character who has access to the Prison Bottle, which turns Hoopa into his unbound form and grants him extreme power. Harry's golden bracelets can be used as teleportation rings like Hoopa's.
Weapon(s): Longbow and his golden bracelets. Harry can telepathically control his bracelets to move wherever he wants, making sure that every arrow counts.
Relationships: Unknown.
More to come! (Ultra Beasts, perhaps?)
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