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Pokemon Gold and Heart Gold, Dual Play!

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Nice, ahaha.

What other girls Pokemon do you plan on having on your team?

Tis a secret.



You'll have to wait until I actually catch them lololol.

He's obviously trying to do what he can't do IRL: have a bunch of girls following him.


This was a pretty darn amazing post by Supermarth.

I now see what you did there, Sir Bedevere. :p

whaaaaat D: I did nothing. I almost always get swamped by Pokemon of the same gender (usually with like, one weirdo who's the opposite). My teams are always either harems or sausage fests... It's kind of annoying actually. >.>

The game looks a lot better than I expected.

Is that Hiker Anthony? I love that guy.
Yeah, he was one of my favourite guys to talk to on my old Crystal. :p I'm trying to re-create my old list of telephone contacts, and he's one of them...or, uh, has the limit been removed now? o_O


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 3
Location: Ecruteak City.
Status: Starting my secret quest. >.>

No new updates on my Pokemon, though Heracross is now Level 22 and knows Brick Break and Aerial Ace over Leer and Endure.

Just the shrine in Ilex Forest, although if you've been watching Serebii, you've probably seen pics of this from the notched-ear Pichu quest.

Yes, Route 34! :D This is one of the more memorable routes from this game to me, probably because I spent so much time in Goldenrod. >.>

So yeah, apparently Lyra is Day-Care Man and Lady's granddaughter. Kinda weird. She, as well as the Day-Care people, give you their number, so you can call the Day-Care center any time to see how your Pokemon are doing. Which is nice.

Goldenrod! My favourite town. :p

The department store has always been good to me. I was lucky to come in on a day the lady who gives us Return was there, and I got a crapload of Luxury balls for winning 2nd place in the lottery a couple times.

The radio tower got a graphical update, but beyond that, its the same through and through.

Same old dialogue. XD

I can't remember if the Game Corner was here before, but even if it was, it got a major update. There's now only one game, and its a somewhat modified version of minesweeper. I also suck at this. <_>

Said game. I forgot to get the 2nd screen screencapped. XD

The 3rd gym didn't really change much, aside from more graphical updates. Still the same Goldenrod through and through. <3

Leer was actually useful in this match. :o It would have been much easier if I had Brick Break at this point, but it was MUCH easier than what I remember from Gold/Crystal.

Classic scene. :p I decided to kill it for EXP, since I'm not trying to "catch em all", nor do I need him for my team. I BROKE HIS BRICK

Taking a picture with my team. :D I put my slaves in my PC just for the occasion LOL. You meet this camera guy all over the place and he takes pictures of your team, which you can view on your PC. ZOMG POKEMAN SNAP 2 REFERENCE

The screencap tells all. You find this place right before entering the Bug-Catching contest area. Unfortunately, I won't be taking any pics of it, since my emu slowed down INTENSELY when I tried playing some of the games. The lowest it usually ever goes down to is 80~90% like when I'm in a big city, or if I'm being dumb and running other programs with it. During the games, it was running at or below 10%. The music was a series of beeps. That area is off-limits to me.

Ecruteak City, where much of the story takes place. However, I don't have time to explore or do the next gym, as I have a very pressing matter at hand...


Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I believe the Telephone List has an unlimited amount for storing contacts.

I'm still extremely sad that they revamped GoldenRod's theme.


Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
*has been waiting for someone to post*

This thread needs moar activity. :mad:

Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 4
Location: Olivine City.
Status: Preparing for the long trek across the ocean. <.>

The first stop on my quest is Olivine. :D After my Rival interrupts me and tells me about the missing Gym Leader and what not, I grab the Good Rod.

Then I head all the way back to New Bark Town. You can guess what I'm after by now.

Chinchou! :D And better yet, it's Modest with Volt Absorb, the exact combo I wanted! It actually didn't take me that long to find this; the other Chinchou you see in my party are my only other failed attempts (though there might have been one or two in my Box, I forget). I named it Proton because I couldn't think of anything else, so any suggestions for better names are appreciated (I don't want it sharing the name of one of Team Rocket's Executives >.>).

It might seem redundant to have two water types on the team, but I'm a big fan of integrating HMs into the team, and like this, I can have Waterfall (on Gatr) and Surf (on Lanturn) at all times.

And hey, it's male...the only one I'll get. >.>


Right, now back to business. This is the newly revamped Dance Hall. Fits well with the overall theme of this town.

Here's the Ho-Oh girl I mentioned before. Apparently she's a Kimono girl. o_O Is she like the Eusine of this game? Anyways, you don't fight a bunch of Eevee-evo carrying Kimono girls this time around; just one Rocket. An old guy gives you Surf.

Speak of the devil >.> I was expecting this, since he's in the opening credits. You can see the dogs below in the open floor.

In the Burned tower, you face off against your Rival, just like old times. Proton swept him easily (with some help from Heracross against his Bayleef), but I avoided so many of his attacks, it wasn't even funny. <.>

The dogs jump around and leave and Suicune stares at you, just like it did in Crystal. Then Eusine comes down to **** talk to you. Says he should be more forceful with Suicune. Lol.

With that out of the way, it's time to take on the 4th gym!

...what is this. So yeah, apparently my emu sucks at rendering light effects. :laugh: I should have seen this coming from Fantina's gym (the flashlights didn't look right). This little bug made navigating the gym easier; not that it was hard in the first place. And I get an unobstructed view of the cool floor effects. :p

This battle was definitely the hardest one thus far. His Gengar 2HKO'd all my Pokemon, and his Haunters kept getting REALLY lucky on Hypnosis hitting. I had to try it a couple times to get everything happening right (Gastly using Spite instead of Curse, Gengar using Mean Look instead of just Shadow Ball, Haunters missing their Hypnosis). Every member was valuable here (even Rattatta lolol).

I forgot to take a pic as I won, so me receiving the badge will have to do.

I take a small detour to check out Bell Tower (was known as Tin Tower). The autumn leaves look really beautiful.

The tower itself. Of course, I still don't have full access to it until I get the Rainbow Wing.

Now, we head to Olivine.

Miltank Farm! :D Miltank's cry gives me such a feeling of nostalgia.

Sick Miltank. :/ I don't have enough Oran berries...

In Olivine City, in front of the house with the Good Rod. I already went ahead and cleared what I could of the lighthouse, but I'll take pics of it when we can do all of it. Right now, Cianwood.

The whirlpools are a lot bigger now. o_O They don't do anything to you though; they just act like walls.

Made it. :p Above me you can see a camera where you can take your picture; this time it's automatic. Aside from that, it's mostly unchanged. Except for...

This. I was planning on getting the next member of my party in here, but I didn't know I don't have access to it yet. With Surf in hand, however, the 5th (now 4th) party member is also available, so we're going to do that. There's still a few things we can do here though.


This is also the place you find Suicune and fight Eusine, who's team is full of Pokemon who are REALLY GOOD at forcing Hypnosis. :mad: But Proton is too good.

Now, let's go get that 4th Pokemon.

The Ruins of Alph, one of the many places I haven't shown yet. >.>

Managed to snag a picture of the completed puzzle (I missed all the others lol). This one's Ho-Oh if you couldn't tell. I still need Strength to gain access to the last one though. >.<

Who could it be? :p

I love Natu. :D But I HATE trying to catch one with a good nature and the right ability. >.< I must have gone through at least 30 until I found something at least halfway decent...though maybe that isn't a lot for the people who do this often lol. The Quirky nature is "meh", but I'm happy I found one with Synchronize and a good Speed IV (at least from what I've seen of other Natu). You wouldn't believe how many Timid Early Bird and Adamant Synchronize Natu I found. >.>

I taught it Shadow Ball since otherwise it would have no attacks LOL. I'm not counting Me First since it isn't reliable.

And yeah, Poppy is just a name I thought of off the top of my head (like I did with Proton and Alyssa). If you can think of a better name, tell me.


And randomly:

I saw it on the map and knew I needed to see it. Reason I have Rattatta out is its the only thing that could possibly hit it (lolquickattack) and I didn't have any Pokeballs on me (used too many trying to find a good Natu). >.>

Back to training my Natu.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Gold Run Part 1

Well, I restarted Gold, and just beat teh Violet Gym with my solo-run Hoothoot (Hooty).
Here's some screenies!

Game: Gold
Trainer: MEWTER
Rival: JASON
Badges: 1
Location: Violet City
Status: Just beat Bellsprout Tower, after grinding my Hoothoot from level 3 to level 9 and releasing ditching my Chikorita.

Okay, let's do this!

Looks like all that grinding was worth it! : )

That's right, because I stole them.

Call me once you have more Pokemon!

Hey, it's a Bitter Berry!

Look. It's a Pokeball. It was a Paralyz Heal, I think.

Hoothoot FAIL

2 VS 1! Let's do it!

After all the action is over...

Meanwhile, I meet this old guy at Bellsprout Tower

It's JASON! >:O

I want to be a master! Teach me!


Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Lol, I hadn't noticed that my "adventures" were being put into the OP. XD


Edit: What did Earl do? I don't remember him from playing through the original Gold..

He was the teacher of the academy place in Violet City. I didn't show him in my run yet (it's entirely optional/for the newbs who don't know how to play yet), so I guess that's something I could do while I wait for things to happen. /explained later


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 6
Location: Azalea Town.
Status: Just standing around. >.>

Though I don't show how the screen looks when you have them, this is me having two items, the Bike and Dowsing Machine (aka Itemfinder), as registered on the bottom screen. I'm riding the bike while searching for items. Epic.

My Natu evolved! :D My training paid off. I forgot to take pics of its new stats and such, but I really should do that for my whole team, since they've changed a lot since you last saw them.

How Xatu looks while she's following me.

Anyway, now that we're done training, it's time to take on the 5th gym.

The gimmick of this gym is that Chuck is under a waterfall and can't hear your attempts to battle him, so you need to work your way up to the top and press the button to turn it off. Really simple; the only challenge is the trainers (but my team took care of them easily).

I seem to be very good at one-shotting gyms. >.> His Primeape went down without too much difficulty (would have went faster if he hadn't healed it, buuut...). His Poliwrath gave me a bit of trouble, especially since it was carrying Hypnosis (and you know how much I hate that :mad:), but ultimately, CPU stupidity shone through, since he kept attempting to use Focus Punch, when Proton was quite set on Sparking him into oblivion. I thought Patricia (Heracross) and her Aerial Ace would carry me through the match, but it was Proton and Poppy that did most of the heavy lifting. And don't think that Poppy got off with nothing; the Poppy shown in the above picture is currently at 1 HP and asleep. :laugh:

I forgot to take a picture of me winning again. >.< Arghhhh.

The lady outside gives you Fly only after you beat Chuck, just like before. And I'm still just as pissed as before that a move that could seriously help you against the gym if off-limits until you beat it. :mad: Xatu could have seriously benefited from it, as its Attack stat isn't half bad.

With the ability to Fly, travel becomes a lot easier, so we're heading back to Olivine to do the Ampharos-healing quest.

Outside the lighthouse. Looks much better than it did 2nd gen lol.

You climb the stairs and come to this floor, which seems like a dead-end...but actually, you jump through the door that I'm facing to get access to the next level. The first time I went into here (when I said "I cleared what I could" in my last post), I didn't notice this, and was really confused when I tried to get at Jasmine, but I eventually found it. You jump down and it leads you to...

...this beautiful little place. This seems like the perfect spot to look at the stars. I should come back here at different times of the day to see if it changes...

Jasmine and her Ampharos before lighting the lighthouse. Sick Amphy is sick. :(

Back to Cianwood to get the SecretPotion.

Woah, lazer light show!

And now Jasmine is back to gym, leaving Amphy to stay up in the cold, metallic confines of the lighthouse. Lonely Amphy is lonely. :(

After leaving the lighthouse, you get a call from Balboa (or something like that LMAO), who tells you the Safari Zone is open. Exactly what I've been waiting for.

After a long trek through a few routes that lead off from Cianwood, you eventually get to the Safari Zone. :D Boy, I can't wait to get my next Pokemon!

Oh wait, I can't, because the Pokemon I want is not in the available Safari regions the game provided for me, and the only way to gain access to it is to do the Warden's little tests, and I need to wait another 3 game (not realtime, GAME) hours until I can change the regions. ****.

Ah well, its not like my next Pokemon would have helped me against the next gym anyway. /smallhint

I'll get pics of the Safari Zone when I can actually do anything I to want do in it. >.>

It's a good thing you can fly to the Safari Zone, because I definitely don't want to go through all those routes every time I want to get to it. Here's what the Fly map looks like if anyone's curious:

A Pokeball means you can fly there.

Anyways, gym time.

There actually isn't a gimmick or trainers to this gym, just like in the original (unless you want to count the lighthouse trainers and stuff). But there are people in here that trick you into thinking they're actually trainers (they get exclamation marks over their heads and approach you), but you can tell they're not since the gym music doesn't change. Still a cool/funny addition to an otherwise boring gym.

Easiest gym by far. Proton absolutely annihilated everything in his path. Surf 2HKO'd everything. First Magnemite used Thunder Wave (lolvoltabsorb). Second Magnemite used Supersonic, which misses, like it always does. Steelix used Rock Throw, and gets a crit, but doesn't even send me into red health, and I still KO him with 2 Surfs even after he uses his Sitrus Berry. Proton is too ****.

You should know what I'm angry about for this picture.

The next item on the agenda is to head East from Ecruteak to the Lake of Rage, but before that, I want to catch my next party member so it isn't completely behind when I get there. Hence, I'm standing around doing nothing while I post/lurk on here. XD Time management ftw?

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
^Exactly. :mad:


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 6
Location: Ecruteak City.
Status: Getting ready to grind.

The first half of the pics I took were last night, when I got bored of standing around and decided to go explore what I could of Johto. After that (when the screens are in daytime), is this morning, after the time limit of the Safari Zone expired and I could finally get my next party member.

My first stop was the academy:

So apparently the epic Earl is replaced by this guy, who only talks about making groups on Wifi, whatever that means. Glad I decided to skip this place.

Then I decided to go explore Dark Cave:

Fail lighting at its finest. My emu stands proudly.

Still have those annoying black bars even after I flashed lol.

And it looks like our path is blocked by Strength. >:[

I'm really liking the music in here.

Suicune (as well as Eusine) wait for you on the path to the Lake of Rage, which was PROBABLY in Crystal, but I don't really remember it. I don't care about Suicune; I just want the apricorns. D:

I didn't go into Mt. Mortar since I don't like exploring things I can't explore fully yet (Dark Cave was an exception lolol).

Seeing Suicune reminded me of the dogs, and I realized I could be spending time trying to catch them. So I did just that.


I noticed they really like hanging around the center of the map (that and the route below Blackthorn, but that place is ugly to maneuver around, and isn't accessible yet), so I devised a strategy to get lots of encounters with them using Violet City and the route below it. Because they won't change their positions if you exit/enter a route through a house (as in, the place where those "guards" are), you can get to them no matter what so long as they land on a route adjacent to Violet, no matter if you're in or out of Violet. Let's say you're in the route below Violet, and Raikou is to the right of Violet. You can't just directly re-enter Violet (they'll move), so instead, you cut through the Ruins (which also have "houses"), cut through Violet, and he'll still be there. I'm probably not the only one who's thought of this, and there are probably better strategies, but this is the most convenient for me.

Patricia is (ironically) my fastest Pokemon, and can thankfully hit them with a STAB Brick Break.

This is what my strategy amounted to, after only about 10 minutes or so. I'm not attacking Entei again, unless I decide to get a False Swipe Scyther (and a Mean Look Haunter :laugh:), like I did in my old Gold.


Soon after that, I got a call from Balboa saying his next challenge was ready. FINALLY.

This is what the Area Organizer looks like. You choose an area and can switch it around with whatever area you want, and you can put it where you like. I put the Desert in first (because Balboa wants a Sandshrew), and also the Forest, where...

I catch my 5th Pokemon! :D Ghost+Psychic may seem redundant, but I just wanted a team of Pokemon that I really like but rarely used, if ever. I named it Staples after a male Misdreavus (womg, another male lol) that I made as my starter in a Pokemon LeafGreen file, which became an awesome file that I'll always remember (and that's part of where my Trainer ID comes from).

But wow, this thing was amazingly hard to find and catch, and I was lucky to find one with an average nature and a nice speed IV. I found a Modest one, but its speed wasn't that great, and I need my speed. :mad:


Spread, my virus, spread!

Staples in the overworld.

Back to training. >.>

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
This is my third instance of Pokerus. My first instance was in my (now deleted >.<) Crystal file, when I had absolutely no idea what it did and just ignored it, so even if I had the file today, I wouldn't be able to spread it, since I wasn't smart enough to put any Rus'd Pokemon in a box. Also, my Pokemon were probably too high-leveled to really benefit much from it. I caught it around Mt. Silver. :laugh:

The second time was in my Ruby file, but I have no idea how it happened. All I know is that SOMEHOW my Swampert (and some other Pokemon) had contracted Pokerus, and I preceded to ferry them over to my Colloseum, where's it was safe. Although I didn't know that it was safe, because I STILL didn't know anything about Pokerus. :laugh: I still might have one stored in my Colosseum, but more than likely, they're all in my FireRed/Ruby and immunized.

This time around, I think one of the Misdreavus I caught (the one with a Bold nature >.>) infected my other Misdreavus and Sandshrew, and I've currently got them in my box right now, if I ever need more Rus.

What sucks is that I would totally trade one of my Rus'd Pokemon over to you guys to help you, but since this is on an emu... >.<


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 7
Location: Goldenrod City
Status: Prepping for Ho-Oh.

Rofl, RaiJesus.

Also, even at this level, Misdreavus outspeeds Raikou. :D Mean Look'd!

...Then Roar'd. T.T

Off to Mahogany!

Haha, I don't remember if this was in the original Gold, but it's funny nonetheless. Hm, that tree looks suspicious...

I got robbed. ;-; I forgot these guys take your money if you go through this way...

The raging Gyarados caused the entire area to flood! :o I'm QUITE sure this wasn't in the original Gold.

Just outside the house with the guy who gives you Hidden Power. Secret Power is also on the ledge in the top right corner. Power to you?

Another very classic scene. :p


I decided to catch it for lulz.


Lance! And Dragonite too. <3 Time to take on the secret base under the "Souvenir Shop".

The sensors are back with a vengeance! Two Rockets come at you each time you go in front of one. I went in front of all them on purpose, because I wanted EXP. :p The trainers are really low-leveled...I think I was supposed to do this before Cianwood/Olivine. >.<

The infamous Explosion-laden floor. >.> Not even trying it.

What's this? Giovanni really IS back?

No, just an impostor. >.> That probably tricked me too when I first played through this, cus I really did think Giovanni was back. :embarrass

After you beat him, you follow his Murkrow around the base (it's not another Farfetch'd chase quest), since he knows the password and is mimicking the impostor's voice, and you need both of those things to get past the door to the Electrodes. I don't remember if that was in the original either. >.<

Ariana (the red-headed Rocket Exec) and a Grunt try to double team you, but Lance comes in to save the day. So much paralysis in this fight between Arbok's Glare and Poppy's Synchronize. <.>

Knocking out the Electrodes. Looks a lot better than it did in the GBA versions.

With the radio transmitter destroyed, the obvious fake tree is destroyed as well. Yey.

Time to take on the 7th gym.

This gym revolves around pushing ice blocks and then using them to access the next area. The correct formations can be seen above. I don't remember if this is how it was in the GBA games either (you can tell which part of the game is vague in my memory lol).


This gym was pretty easy for my team, but his Hail+Blizzard Piloswine hurt me quite a bit (as you can see in the second screen, Staples is frozen lol). Proton was the MVP here, obliterating his Sleep Talk Dewgong (rofl).

This game definitely seems easier than its Gen ll predecessor; the two toughest gyms for me, 3rd and 7th, have been absolute cake, though that might be because of my increased knowledge of competitive play, and my choice of Pokemon. Hopefully I have an insanely difficult time with the 8th, like old times. <.>

After you exit the gym, you can hear this transmission from your radio:

Time to take down the radio tower.

When you get to the tower, you're presented with a unique challenge; there is a guard blocking access to the next floors, and he proclaims that only Rocket members may enter. So how do you get in? Well, exploring Goldenrod, you would have found a cameraman in the underground who took a picture of you and your Pokemon, and gave you a Rocket uniform to wear, just for the occasion. Going to that same place now, you'll find a Rocket who mistakes you for a new recruit, and dresses you up in this:

Totally awesome. Now we can infiltrate the radio tower without even battling anyone!

...Or not. Stupid Douche. :mad: He strips away your clothes and you never see them again, or at least it seem so. ;-; I would have loved to use it as an alternate costume...

It's funny how you turn away from him, as if you're trying to hide your identity. I love random adds like that.

Oh, and in my vain attempts to see if I could change my clothes back to a Rocket, I noticed this:

lol, just lol

Grinding on Rockets pays off. :D Alyssa now knows Slash over Water Gun.

It's actually pretty creepy having this hulking thing follow you around. >.>

Anyways, we beat the Rocket Exec who gives us the Basement Key, so we're off to the Underground to save the Director! Just like old times. ^_^

We get mobbed by the Ho-Oh-Mo-No girl, who says we might be worthy to face the legendary Poke...and then she cuts off. Whatever could that Poke-thing be?!?!?!?? :O:OO:O:O:O:

Entering the warehouse, our rival comes in and says he was following us. Stalker. Time for the next Rival Battle.

I quite literally reset my game after I missed my chance to screencap this. It's simply amazing. Better than "This is Sparta!" on Phoenix Wright.

I wish he'd step away from my Sneasel though. :mad:

I suck at not spamming B after battles.

This battle actually was pretty epic, with a frozen Meganium and a Brick Break actually breaking a Reflect, but again, chalk up another battle that I found incessantly difficult in past gens becoming easy. :/


Proton evolved! :D My team is looking a lot more mature than before.

Fish Pokemon look weird walking on land. o_O

Anyways, you have to do the same puzzle you did before, flipping switches until you opened the right combo. I just did what I did before; flip them at random and hope for the best. :laugh:

Saved the Director, got the Card Key, cleared out all the other admins. Time to finish this.

Lol, Koffing. I think the Exec sprite is the "same" one they used for the original male Exec in GSC, which is pretty cool (Ariana would be the female Exec).

Haha, finally! Now we can go catch Ho-Oh. I've been eagerly awaiting the so-called "epicness" of its encounter. <.<

One last thing:

I REALLY like how they're making the Choice items much more easily available, especially to non-Battle Towerers like me. Now I can actually take on gyms and the Elite 4 with Choiced Pokemon!

I smell a Scarfcross! :p

In case you're wondering, you get the Specs from a ledge somewhere above the Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, and you get the Scarf from your Mom, who buys the elemental Berries (I have too much Babiri >.<), Potions, and apparently, Choice Scarfs for you, so save your money! The guy in the picture giving me the scarf appears in all Pokemarts, after your Mom calls you to tell you she bought something.

Oh, and the other item in the picture is one of the new ones. Sky Attack Swellow anyone?

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
I was kidding lololol. :p And thank you!


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 8
Location: Between dimensions.
Status: what is this i dont even

I decided to take a quick detour and head to Blackthorn first. I'm standing outside of the Ice Path.

One thing I haven't shown in my little playthrough is that each cave/area/anywhere that might be considered a "dungeon" now has their own unique intro screen (no more monotonous "THIS IS A PICTURE OF A CAVE" screens!), with a Pokemon that can be found in it hidden in the picture. It's a neat little feature, and it makes each area seem unique.

This puzzle should be familiar. I had so much trouble on it as a kid, but now it's positively easy. >.<


Also in here, you encounter the Kimono girl, who you need to push with Strnegth in order to progress. Kinda random. I forgot to take a picture. >.> You also find Waterfall sometime after the ice puzzle I did in the picture before.

I'll show Blackthorn later on when I get there "for real", but right now, it's time for my last Pokemon!


Probably the longest time I've spent trying to catch a Pokemon in this game, not because it was hard, but because I really wanted a good nature'd/IV'd/Shiny (lolno) Pokemon, and it was actually quite fun. This also marks the first time I've ever had a gender-balanced team. <.>

Go, my Zook army!


Overworld Zook. The house you see houses both Move Deleter and Tutors, the Tutors being the Heart Scale one, one who teaches your starter the elemental Hyper Beams, and another who teaches a Dragon-type move (I think). I was FINALLY able to delete Rock Smash off my Gatr for Waterfall. :bee:

Then I went to train him, since his Ice Shard would be very nice against Clair's dragons.

Recognize where I am? I'm standing very close to the place I was surfing on in my previous post. Apparently, the Lake of Rage goes through high and low tide (whether it's based on time of day or day of the week, IDK), which changes what's available to you. Today was Wednesday, so I found Wesley here, who gave me a Black Belt.

Alyssa wants to Waterfall up it. :p This route is below Blackthorn, and you can catch Gligar here. <3 I didn't want him for my team, but I caught one anyway.

With that out of the way, its time to take on Ho-Oh!

More laser light shows when you approach the first staircase to the Bell Tower.

I totally forgot about these ramps. >.< So annoying lol. It seems they've also added teleporters; and no, they don't look like that, my emu just sucks.

After getting past all those floors, it's time to face the legendary...


This doesn't look right. <.<

So yeah, apparently you need all 8 gym badges to find Ho-Oh LOL. Looks like we'll have to take on Clair earlier than expected.

The 8th gym also got a revamp, but the puzzle isn't as hard as previous gyms. The aim is to get across the lava using these moving platforms; stepping on the arrows moves the platforms in the indicated direction for a set distance, while the blue circle rotates it. You'll notice I don't have my Pokemon out with me; this is because the game makes you put it back in its ball, since the floor is apparently "too hot" for it (though the real reason is that so it isn't left behind as you move a platform LOL).

Now for Clair.


At least I got it for the "last" gym. :p

This match really wasn't as close as I make it seem with that first pic; I was actually setting up and stalling the game just so I could make that happen. :laugh: Sorry to ruin the magic.

You should be, you just won me the battle. :p

Anyways, Clair tells me I need to do the test in the Dragon's Den (as usual), so off I go.


Using Whirlpool for the first time. Had to go back and get my shiny Gyara just so I could get through. <.> Here she is btw:

As has been shown, shininess is retained even in the overworld.

Don't ask me why I called it Tyra. >.>


Apparently, I didn't answer the questions totally right, so no Extremespeed Dratini for me. :/ Ah well, I ddn't need him anyway; it just would have been nice.

After exiting, we get a call from Elm, saying he's got something great for us. *fly*

Whoo, the Master Ball! I forgot you get it this early. Elm tells us the Kimono Girls are looking for us, so off to Ecruteak. I don't know why he said Kimono Girls with an "s", maybe-

Oh crap, mindmuk. >.< There's actually been 5 different Kimono Girls we've seen all throughout Johto; we just think there's only one, since we never see 2 on-screen at once. Epic ploy by GF. <3

NOW we fight the Eevee-evos.

It's a gauntlet of 5 level 38-Pokemon wielding trainers, so don't be stupid and lead with your slowest, weakest Pokemon like I did (or attempt stupid things when you don't need to, like I did. LOL I'M SURE SWINUB CAN OUTSPEED FLAREON AND OHKO WITH DIG).

After you get the Crystal Bell, some girl comes in and says something was flying up above. Back to the towerrrrrrrrr.

I didn't take any pics of its entrance or the fight because 1) you can see it on Youtube (or your own game) in much better quality and detail, and 2) I didn't catch it (I kind of want a shiny version, so I'll just reset for one later when I'm not in a hurry to finish this game before I need to do my homework).

After beating it, I went back to Elm, who told me it was time to take on the Pokemon League. In Gold, I was really confused at this point (I thought there was some secret entrance to it in Dark Cave or Mt. Mortar or something LOL0, but now, I know exactly where to go.


I still remember going completely insane when I realized I'd be going through Kanto again. :laugh: I thought the game was over. So much more awesome left.

Having to use a slot for my Waterfall slave really tripped be up back in Gold, but with Alyssa, I have Waterfall all the time. :p

That's a Moon Stone, btw.

I remember this place too! You find the diary of the 7 "week" siblings, and this time they have their own coloured beds. So nice.

Victory Road time! :mad: What the hell did they do to the theme? >.<

Like always, your Rival mobs you before you can leave.

Gutscross is win.

Outside the Pokemon League. mukkkkkkkk

Remember this guy and his Abra from the original Gold, who would teleport you back to Johto, since you couldn't just fly back? Well, you don't need them anymore! :bee: Now you can fly anywhere from the League to Johto anytime, and anywhere from the League to Kanto, as well! No more surfing through random encounters or running a mile east just to be able to fly to Kanto from Johto!


Here we go! :mad:

Here is the team I'll be taking on the Elite Four with:


Right after my break. >.>


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2005
Probably should get Pokerus onto a spare Pokemon so you won't have to spend forever getting it again.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

Probably should get Pokerus onto a spare Pokemon so you won't have to spend forever getting it again.


There are more.


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 8

Even Zook's pumped. Let's do this!

Will's Psychic E4 room has weird squares floating around. o_O Random, but okay.

Also, the "VS" screen has come back from Platinum, and it looks pretty sweet in action. You got one for the Gym Leaders too, I just didn't bother to show it (it wasn't as cool as this one either).

I want that hair. :mad:

I didn't have TOO much trouble with this guy, although his Exeggutor and Slowbro caused a bit of problems. I THOUGHT I was going to get a Spec'd Misdreavus Shadow Ball sweep here, but his second Xatu was too fast for me. >.< If only Staples was a Mismagius...

Moving on.

Koga's E4 room is a pretty cool forest area; I had to stay back in order for you to see the leaves. I think I preferred the one in Gold. :p


Black Sludge+Minimize+Toxic Spikes (from Forretress) = Painnnnnnnnnnnnn.

2nd hardest battle out of the E4 I'd say.

His Forretress was also a pain. >.> Luckily I stalled it out of Protect PP and was immune to all his attacks.

Charge Beam Misdreavus is pretty ****.

Next up is Bruno with his weird magma-filled E4 room. I've always thought a dojo or mountainous area would have made more sense. >.> I might have thought he was a Fire-type user the first time I fought him in Gold lolol.

Ahhhh, Ice Shard revenge-killing. :) Zook is too good.

I'd say this was the 3rd hardest battle for me; it went smoothly enough, but I ended up taking a lot of damage in the process, and Zook might have been my last Pokemon (I've forgotten). Speaking of my Swinub:

It evolved. :bee: I was actually considering going hardcore and keeping it as a Swinub, but he really hadn't been pulling his weight, and I needed all the force I could muster for the next few battles, since my Pokemon were WAY underlevelled anyway. I'd only prevented it from evolving it so it could learn Earthquake earlier, and with that taken care of, I had no reason to stop it now.

Overworld Piloswine. We'll need that concentration! :mad:

Karen's E4 room is decked out with sparkling crystals, a star-spangled floor, and some velvet curtains. Looks MUCH better than that black hole of a room she had in Gold. :p

Easiest battle by far. None of my Pokemon fainted (in all the other battles at least 1 did), only half of them were damaged (not TOO badly), one statused (lol Xatu Synchronized it back), and one (Staples) never even used (because I was scared it would die). :laugh:

Heracross OHKOing Umbreon using her last Close Combat for the win was probably the highlight of the battle.

This is it; the final battle approaches!

Looks like it went through "Pimp Your E4 Room". >.> Golden Dratini statues line the path to Lance, with golden walls and floors all around, and a subtle reference to Red/Blue in the Pokeball beneath his feet. But as he says, this in not the time for words; we fight!

Cue amazingly epic music.

Look at this.

Revives saved my life.

Seriously. Without revives, this fight would not have been possible. I used them to PP stall, I used them to get Ice Shards in with Zook, I used them to bring back all my key players after they were brutally crushed by Outrage/Dragon Rush. I ended up using all 24 revives that I had in this fight alone. I did this entire E4 run without losing, and that wouldn't have been possible without the revives I used.

Or Zook. Zook was amazing here. He outprioritized everything Lance had with Ice Shard, and everything Lance had was faster than all my Pokemon, so that was absolutely crucial. I wouldn't have won if I didn't let him evolve into a Piloswine. Proton too was pretty important; he had the bulk to take a few of his attacks, absorbed a Thunder (rofl) and Paralyzed one of his DDnites so Gatr could get in an Ice Fang. Those 3 together helped me take down his ****ed dragons.

After the fight, Mary and Oak come to congratulate you (like they do in Gold), and you're swept off into the Hall of Fame.

I bet it has. :p

After registering, you get this cool little cutscene that shows each of your Pokemon in all possible forms (back sprite, overworld, and front sprite). I accidentally took the pic too fast for Poppy, but that isn't too important. :p

Yeahyuhz! Winrar is me! I <3 my team. :D

After that is the ending credits, but I decided not to take pics; you can be rewarded with it when you beat the game yourself (or just watch it on Youtube. >.> It's probably up by now.)

Kanto soon!


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Pokemon Heart Gold Part 1

Good stuff, Sir Bedevere!


So, I started up Heart Gold and the title screen nearly took my breath away.
It was pretty cool!

Game: HeartGold
Trainer: ZENON
Rival: ELIX
Badges: 1
Location: Almost to Azalea, in a cave.
Status: Doing fine.


Unfortunately, I did a bunch of stuff and got as far as Mr. Pokemon before I started taking pictures. Oops! I chose Chikorita as my starter and didn't ditch it like I did in Gold. I actually kept it and named it Raffy.

I then ran into *gasp* my rival! Time to take down his Cyndaquil Pokemon with my level 9 Chikorita.

So I ran back to base, and this police officer asked me some questions. Just like in Gold.

Time to continue.

I wanted to break my tradition of naming all my rivals in these games Jason (he cheated me out of a Pidgeot in real life.) So I took Felix and subtracted the F!


A Hoothoot! Only one of many to follow! I was IV hunting, actually.

I caught TONS of them.

I eventually settled with a Hoothoot named Toohtooh. He's an invaluable addition to the team.

Here's what my party looked like afterward. Wait, level 3? Time to start grinding, methinks!

Just a snapshot of that.

So, I ran into all the trainers I could on the way to Violet City. No, I didn't rob him this time. :)

Hurray! :bee:

Hey, it's ELIX!

Yessss. Talk about a stall match! My Hoothoot was doing fine until that game-breaking leveled Pidgeotto came along with its broken roost. :mad:
Luckily, I had Raffy who knew Synthesis with me and was 5 levels higher anyway. <3

The newly hatched Togepi is hereby declared to be addressed as Gustaveh!

Right now, I'm in that one cave that leads to Azalea. Here's what my party currently looks like!

That's it for now!


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Hmmm lets see my progress:

Red got Cyndaquil from Elm
Red got to Falkner and beat his sorry ***
Red got to Bugsy and beat his sorry ***

The rest pretty much keeps on like that till:

Red got to Clair and got his *** handed to him
Red caught Raikou
Red came back and defeated Clair with Raikou

And now:

Red is at Pokemon League
Red beat 1st elite
Red beat 2nd elite
Red beat 3rd elite
Red got his *** handed to him by Karen

Anybody has some advice here? I'm extremely stuck at Karen and I can't beat her. I was thinking of teaching my pokemon Focus Punch and using Choice Scarf to defeat that ****ed lady

Also, I wish the page wasn't so long. Seriously guys, put them in spoiler tags or something


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
You're eventually going to have to make a decision between Noctowl or Togekiss for your flier of the game.

I recommend Togekiss.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Or you could use Lugia like I do... yes yes I know "What a waste of a legendary" but I really didn't care for Rainy Day so I replaced it with fly

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Anybody has some advice here? I'm extremely stuck at Karen and I can't beat her. I was thinking of teaching my pokemon Focus Punch and using Choice Scarf to defeat that ****ed lady
What Pokemon of hers are giving you trouble?

Also, I wish the page wasn't so long. Seriously guys, put them in spoiler tags or something
Noted lol.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
Hey I have a favor to ask for to anyone esle who has SS/HG and thought S/G was the greatest thing ever. Could someone tell me how the story compares to the first one like when I played pokemon yellow I still get chills playing when fighting gray at the etlie 4 only in pokemon yellow will I respect my rival enough not to name him "a f**" .

But in firered the story felt a little weaker as did the music(to me I have sat down and compared tracks). I really love silver and I even recorded the final battle onto my mp3 player to listen to all the time..

My basic questions
does it still have that epic feel to it like when you play the old games?
is it's music cool?
can you caught garados everywhere? because I hate how in the newer games it's uber easy to caugh pokemon who were uber hard to get in the old games like in yellow you could only caugh garados in one small pond at lv 20 and it was still really hard.

any added things ruin it? like I hated the D/P contests they sucked to me
is team rocket as hardcore as the first time around?

Thanks if you want you can leave me a message on my page, but if the story is great i'll play pokemon high levels


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2005
I hope you know there's no point in using Choice Scarf and Focus Punch, as Focus Punch has -3 priority.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Yes, but since Choice Scarf makes you go first all the time, I just need to be faster than my opponent so I don't break my focus

Plus, I just beat Karen just now by using Focus Punch/ Choice Scarf


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Im starting my Soul Silver now :bee:

My team so far =p

Chikorita/Nifty-lvl 8-Quirky nature


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Grrrr. I'm facing lance and he is IMPOSSIBLE! :mad:

I beat his Aerodactyl, Dragonite, and Gyarados.

Now I'm stuck on his second Dragonite :mad:

Someone help me out here by giving me advice

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Someone help me out here by giving me advice
Revives lol. Revives and ice attacks. If your Sneasel doesn't have Ice Punch or Ice Shard or something (and you don't have a TM on you), you're probably going to have to take the loss and train it/teach it one, or you'll never beat him without incredible luck. Can you post up your team levels/moves so we know what you have at your disposal?

Or yeah, get a Zook and train it, it learns Ice Shard at an earlier level and evolves into Pilorape. lol.


Game: HeartGold
Trainer: STAPLER
Badges: 10
Location: That other Route to Fuchsia.
Status: Training my Mons.

After defeating the league, we go to Elm, who gives us the S.S. ticket, like in Gold. To Vermilion!

But Oak interrupts us and upgrades our Dex before we can get on. D: Looks like we'll be seeing some 3rd/4th gen Pokemon.

The out/inside of the S.S. Aqua. Not as many trainer battles as I remember. :(

Some old man gives you a Metal Coat for finding his daughter. I don't really need it; I have no Metal-Coat-evolving Pokemon, are even a Steel user. Plus I can't trade. >.>

As we leave, we catch a glimpse of Suicune walking on the water and Eusine popping out from nowhere. This is new; it seems we'll be dealing with Suicune in Kanto!

But before I go any further, I decide to head back to Johto (using Indigo as a Fly-stop <3). I've got a level 40 Mean Look Misdreavus, so there isn't going to be a better time to go dog-hunting.

Looks like the Sudowoodo respawned. :o I just flee from it this time lol; I'll reset for a shiny one when I have time.

I caught Raikou easily enough, but Entei was an absolute *****. It kept Roaring me and going out of its way to avoid the center routes. >.< Why couldn't he have been adamant about Stomping me as adamant as Raikou was in using reflect? :/ It still didn't atke too long though lol.

Here's their stats:

Entei's Attack IV is absolutely horrible. >.<

Right, back to Vermilion.

That building lot the Machop was stomping is still in this game. The guy says he has no money to build whatever he's building. Has there EVER been anything here? :/

I'll be taking on Lt. Surge first. It's neat that the Kanto's gym building are different from Johto.

Infamous garbage can switches.

I'm extremely stupid btw. I miraculously got the switches right on my first try, then left to heal because I thought they'd remain open. Wasted 10 minutes of my life on re-opening them.


Something I haven't noticed until now is that what your Pokemon says in the gyms actually change depending on their type in comparison to the gym leader's chosen type; i.e, Zook, who is immune to Electric attacks, is really confident, while Alyssa, who is weak to them, is nervous. I'm not sure if it says different things for x4 weak or X2 or x4 resist (I had none of those).

One thing that was weird about this was Proton was also nervous in here, despite having Volt Absorb and neutrality to Electricity (neutrals are supposed to be "eager", like my Heracross). Maybe its based on primary types? IDK. Let's just fight.

Staples learned Perish Song just in time.

I MIGHT be a TAD underlevled for Kanto, because Surge's Pokemon were higher-leveled than Lance, and I ended up using a few revives. >.< Half his team knows Double Team, so omg get Faint Attack or Aerial Ace or something because his Pokemon dodge things like Confuse Ray as if they were Sings.

I decided to check out Saffron.

Inside the Silph building. Some guy gives you Up-Grade in here, and that's all you can really do.

Now Poppy can have a reliable STAB! <3 I think I'll hold off on teaching it though, since Sabrina might be a pain. But I'm not fighting her yet.

The copycat girl.

Outside the two gyms. The left one is empty; the master is off in Mt. Mortar to train, apparently. I likely won't touch that until I have Rock Climb. On the right is Sabrina's gym, but again, not touching it; Ive always had problems with her. >.<

To Lavender!

The Radio Tower here is a lot bigger than Johto's , but is out of order. I'll do the stuff with the Power Plant later. Right now I want to check out Celadon and hit the slots!


Voltorb Flip seems quite contagious. And you STILL can't buy your coins for the prizes. Ah well, I don't need anything from there.

Outside the Department Store. I don't need to buy anything, but I might as well check it out.

Lol, it's Crasher. He gives you the three Sinnoh Starter masks and runs off. What a weird guy.

Woah, it's Maylene too. :o Didn't expect to see so many Sinnoh leaders here. There better be Hoenn Leaders in Fuchsia...

A message from the head of GF, basically. He understands us. <3

Top of the building with the GF employees. That room in the background has a guy who gives you something if you talk to him at night, but I don't know what; it's not night yet lol.

Alright, enough screwing around; time to face Erika.

What happened to the pervy old man? D:

Ugh, this gym's layout is really annoying. It's a maze with trainer's battles scattered around, but it's really hard to see where the openings are with all the stupid grass covering up the "arches". Really glad I'll never have to go here again.

I'm going to win all my Leader battles like, this, aren't I? >.<

So yeah, this battle was really annoying. She kept healing her Pokemon with Full Restores+ Giga Drain, and Grass attacks are super effective against 3 of my Pokemon. I thought I'd be able to taker her Bellossom out early with Perish Song, but the AI was actually smart and switched it out on the last turn. I didn't know this. >.<

What was funny was it was all thanks to Giga Drain that I was able to win without using TOO many items (I don't like abusing them , which is why my Xatu has Wish). Pain Split healed me, then Giga Drain took some of my life and gave some back to Bell, which I then Pain Split back. It wouldn't last forever (Giga takes only half back), but it lasted long enough that I didn't need more items to win.

And I missed the winning screen again, but meh.

On the revamped Cycling Road.

Now back to training. :mad:


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
D*** it I bought it without thinking and I don't have my ds and I can't play for 2-3 days. Also i'm so going to get nidoking on my pokewalk he's the greatest pokemon ever.

I hope this isn't like smash soooo much.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I have:

Lugia lvl.47


Typhlosion lvl 43

Rock Smash
Lava Plume

Raikou lvl 42

Quick Attack

Magmortar lvl 38 (currently in training)

Fire Punch
Lava Plume
Faint Attack

Tentacruel (Water HM slave)


Sneasel lvl 41

Icy Wind
Focus Punch
Ice Beam

Any suggestions guys?
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