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Please Help Me Improve


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
No matter what happens, whenever I post a smash bros video on the internet, I get comments saying that I suck, never any constructive criticism, just always: "You suck." So help me out, please rate/help me fix my Kirby.

If you're going to leave a negative response, please justify it and leave constructive criticism.


There's me playing my brother, he's not that great, but hopefully you get an idea about how I play from that. I'll upload more videos if need be, but for now I only have the one.

Thanks in advance for your help.

(I apologize if this thread isn't allowed, I'm just getting desperate I really want to get better.)


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
I don't know if it's just me but it won't let me play past the point where you do your "bye" taunt =[

Anyways, let me start by saying, I'm still a kirby nub. You're kirby is infinitely better than mine. The only reason I'm even posting is because I'm a much better analyzer and better with the theory than putting it into practice myself. I hope my advice is helpful, but if not just ignore it(that includes future flamers X_X)

Moving on. Just a few things I noticed:
Falco's up b recovery when below the stage is predictable in the sense that you know exactly which direction it's going to go, and you can see it coming. One thing that I like to do against those kind of recovery characters is get them to a point where they have to use it, and instead of just trying to "semi-spike" them with dair, i find it's one of the few places you can actually go into stone form safely since you'll have the floatyness to recover instantly, and if they try and approach you as you recover, whip out an up b to a edge for invincibility frames and if you're lucky, you'll meteor smash them as you grab onto the edge. That's a thought anyways.

The only other thing I can suggest is that you think about using grabs every so often. Kirby's grab range isn't TOO bad. And usually his grabs can actually be followed up into what few combo's brawl actually has(inescapable ones that is).

Oh, and though I an understnad why it'd be harder to use against falco, but if you get the chance, d-tilting is a great way to get in a good forward smash since it trips them. =]

Great vid though!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
I don't know if it's just me but it won't let me play past the point where you do your "bye" taunt =[

Anyways, let me start by saying, I'm still a kirby nub. You're kirby is infinitely better than mine. The only reason I'm even posting is because I'm a much better analyzer and better with the theory than putting it into practice myself. I hope my advice is helpful, but if not just ignore it(that includes future flamers X_X)

Moving on. Just a few things I noticed:
Falco's up b recovery when below the stage is predictable in the sense that you know exactly which direction it's going to go, and you can see it coming. One thing that I like to do against those kind of recovery characters is get them to a point where they have to use it, and instead of just trying to "semi-spike" them with dair, i find it's one of the few places you can actually go into stone form safely since you'll have the floatyness to recover instantly, and if they try and approach you as you recover, whip out an up b to a edge for invincibility frames and if you're lucky, you'll meteor smash them as you grab onto the edge. That's a thought anyways.

The only other thing I can suggest is that you think about using grabs every so often. Kirby's grab range isn't TOO bad. And usually his grabs can actually be followed up into what few combo's brawl actually has(inescapable ones that is).

Oh, and though I an understnad why it'd be harder to use against falco, but if you get the chance, d-tilting is a great way to get in a good forward smash since it trips them. =]

Great vid though!
Thanks, I appreciate the well-thought-out response. I never use Kirby's grabs because they always seem to put my opponent at an advantage, it has nothing to do with the game, just personally I never have good experiences with them; I'll give'm another shot though. I'm also going to try that rock thing agains't Fox and Falco, you never realize how obvious things like that are until someone points them out to you. I d-tilted a lot in the last game, that just seemed to vanish for me in this one, don't know why, I'll try to pick back up on that from now on.

Thanks again.

Any other comments/suggestions?


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Traveling to Bryyo on a warpstar
You have a nice kirby, but you can try to spot dodge more instead of rolling, because you can get too predictable and get punished for it. Also, try using tilts more.

Oh, and for your brother, tell him to practice short hop double laser.

Kirby Redux

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2007
Southern California
You're pretty good, but you definitely need to use grabs a LOT more. There were so many times when a D-throw or Side throw would have been useful to you for setting up combos. Try using Final Cutter a little more, as well as dodging instead of always rolling. Try to use more tilts and knock him in the air, as that is where Kirby's strength is.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
You have a nice kirby, but you can try to spot dodge more instead of rolling, because you can get too predictable and get punished for it. Also, try using tilts more.

Oh, and for your brother, tell him to practice short hop double laser.

Okay so spot dodge more, gotcha.

(I'll tell him that too)

You're pretty good, but you definitely need to use grabs a LOT more. There were so many times when a D-throw or Side throw would have been useful to you for setting up combos. Try using Final Cutter a little more, as well as dodging instead of always rolling. Try to use more tilts and knock him in the air, as that is where Kirby's strength is.
Since I made this thread I've been trying to do more grabs, it's really hard to work into my playing style, but that seems to be one of the common things in peoples suggestions, so I'll keep working at it. I haven't heard, "use final cutter more" so I'll give that a shot too.

Thanks guys, any other suggestions folks?


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Haha, if you're having trouble with grabs, don't overuse them(you become predictable anyways). Just try shield grabbing(shield + a), it's fast, you bring your shield back up almost immediately after if you miss, and it's just one button that you're finger is probably on anyways ~_^

But update on how you're doing =] I learn a lot from your videos for things I could be doing myself =D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
Haha, if you're having trouble with grabs, don't overuse them(you become predictable anyways). Just try shield grabbing(shield + a), it's fast, you bring your shield back up almost immediately after if you miss, and it's just one button that you're finger is probably on anyways ~_^

But update on how you're doing =] I learn a lot from your videos for things I could be doing myself =D
Okay, I'll give that a go, and I'll post some more videos as soon as I get the chance.

I really appreciate all the help I'm getting.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Time your aerials better so that they can hit more often, and anticipate when the Falco is going to roll or jump towards you.
Nice spike-chains, Falco is good practice for these since he stands still for a second.
I'd like to see more dairs and uair juggling than bairs.
Try grabbing more, you can set up many combos against the spacies with grabs.
I don't find nair that useful with Kirby. You have a pretty good ground game, so knock him down to the ground with a dair and go from there. (rhyme!)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
yea, don't roll so much, and don't put so much emphisises (no way I spelled that right lol) on back air, when they are at low % combo combo combo, especially Falco! Gonzo has an ownage combo vs Falco.


watch that, definitly improoves any kirby.
I've been working on spot dodging more, it's hard to get into that groove, my fingers want to shield/roll. I like to use back air just because it gets them off my back in the air, but I'll use it less and try to combo more. (Also it's spelled emphasis, lol). Also I've seen that video, but I'll see what else I can pick up from it. Thanks.

Time your aerials better so that they can hit more often, and anticipate when the Falco is going to roll or jump towards you.
Nice spike-chains, Falco is good practice for these since he stands still for a second.
I'd like to see more dairs and uair juggling than bairs.
Try grabbing more, you can set up many combos against the spacies with grabs.
I don't find nair that useful with Kirby. You have a pretty good ground game, so knock him down to the ground with a dair and go from there. (rhyme!)
I'm not sure how I'm going to to go about "timing my aerials better" but I'll give it a shot. I'll throw more dair's and uair's in my playstyle, I do like keeping my opponents bouncing, and if you think that'll help I'll do it.

Thanks for commenting folks, I'll post a new video ASAP so you can see my (hopeful) improvements.

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
Don't think anyone has said this yet...use Kirby's specials more. Inhale can be good for outprioritizing, and if you're facing someone that has a good ability make sure you steal it. Just don't be too obvious about it. Final Cutter great for stopping an edgeguarder because of how fast it is.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Yeah like everyone else was saying you definitely need to grab more. Maybe not overuse the aerial hammer as an approach as well. You also need to work on your short hop game. Bairs coming from Kirby's short hop are much more intimidating than bairs coming down from a full jump. If you know how to RAR then you're already halfway there! Also, don't be afraid to copy characters with great projectiles such as Falco because if your brother was better, you would've been getting lazer'd til you got close enough for Falco to actually fight you, especially considering all of the jumping you were doing. Also dthrow -> utilt -> fthrow -> aerial hammer is a good combo that I use but doesn't work on lighter characters. Dthrow -> utlit -> utlit -> usmash -> uair -> uair... is also something very great. Kirby's uair chains makes Meta Kinght jealous. You can finish that with a bair, but you have to pay attention so that you can reverse during the right jump. And my last piece of advice is to not play 5-stock matches. Seriously. When you play better competition, matches get longer because you don't completely own them. Go for 3 stock matches, its the norm.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
Don't think anyone has said this yet...use Kirby's specials more. Inhale can be good for outprioritizing, and if you're facing someone that has a good ability make sure you steal it. Just don't be too obvious about it. Final Cutter great for stopping an edgeguarder because of how fast it is.
Every time I try inhale I always seem to have a lower priority, but I mainly face pit and falco, so who knows. I'll see how it works on other people though. I haven't thought of using final cutter for edgeguarding, good idea. Thanks for the input.

Yeah like everyone else was saying you definitely need to grab more. Maybe not overuse the aerial hammer as an approach as well. You also need to work on your short hop game. Bairs coming from Kirby's short hop are much more intimidating than bairs coming down from a full jump. If you know how to RAR then you're already halfway there! Also, don't be afraid to copy characters with great projectiles such as Falco because if your brother was better, you would've been getting lazer'd til you got close enough for Falco to actually fight you, especially considering all of the jumping you were doing. Also dthrow -> utilt -> fthrow -> aerial hammer is a good combo that I use but doesn't work on lighter characters. Dthrow -> utlit -> utlit -> usmash -> uair -> uair... is also something very great. Kirby's uair chains makes Meta Kinght jealous. You can finish that with a bair, but you have to pay attention so that you can reverse during the right jump. And my last piece of advice is to not play 5-stock matches. Seriously. When you play better competition, matches get longer because you don't completely own them. Go for 3 stock matches, its the norm.
I was playing some matches today, and I must say I am getting used to grabbing more, and it is helping.Using the hammer less has helped too, I seem to be doing better. I'll try to memorize those combos, because just from looking they seem like they could seriously help. Also, I'll try to switch over to 3 stock matches, 5 stocks been the norm for me and my friends since pre-melee days, but I'll see.

Thanks again folks. Sorry I couldn't get another video up to show you my progress, but my camera is on the fritz right now. Like I said though, I'll get one up as soon as I can!


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
Against Falco, try this combo at 0%.

F-Throw U-air F-throw U-air F-smash. If it doesn't work, try to replace F-smash with reverse U-tilt and go into B-airs. Also, tell your brother to use Forward B to get back on stage more. Kirby definitely needs to grab more, and his grab game isn't bad at all. Too much rolling. Not enough baiting into F-smash or ground hammer.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
If people would actually listen to me they would get better. Learn to powershield. Learn to do a running shield grab. Only do moves for a purpose. Use moves that have a high chance of hitting without you getting countered. I am not commenting on you being a good player or not, but if you want to get better then do what I said.
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