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Please Critisize My DeDeDe


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
seems like you're pretty good against g&w

just don't let his bair get you that much, it's pretty avoidable if you time your sidesteps better, and then that leaves the g&w right on top of you

then you can follow up a lot of stuff after you dodge, such as a grab, bair or dair.

and when you grab, you should try tech chasing a little more.. ftilt is one of the wimpy options to follow up in my opinion

if you down grab and he ends up rolling behind you, turn around and quickly grab him, or go into a dsmash.

if he rolls away, just dash and shield grab him

on another note, don't rely on the dash attack too much, it's a lil too laggy and should be used for tech chasing (snags a nice KO sometimes ;D)

and that's about it, learn to space your bairs and you'll be one mean dedede

P.S. lol at the pissed off dude playing g&w


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
seems like you're pretty good against g&w

just don't let his bair get you that much, it's pretty avoidable if you time your sidesteps better, and then that leaves the g&w right on top of you

then you can follow up a lot of stuff after you dodge, such as a grab, bair or dair.

and when you grab, you should try tech chasing a little more.. ftilt is one of the wimpy options to follow up in my opinion

if you down grab and he ends up rolling behind you, turn around and quickly grab him, or go into a dsmash.

if he rolls away, just dash and shield grab him

on another note, don't rely on the dash attack too much, it's a lil too laggy and should be used for tech chasing (snags a nice KO sometimes ;D)

and that's about it, learn to space your bairs and you'll be one mean dedede

P.S. lol at the pissed off dude playing g&w

You are ********..you can't sidestep the back air. It has a multiple hit hitbox. Don't give him false advice when you know nothing of this matchup. GW is a touh matchup. Back thow alot more, 16 damage right off the bat. Try to kill with the up tilt more in this match up..cause you are hopeless in the air against GW, plus its quick, try to save it for an early knockout, when I say save it,I mean don't use it until u can kill with it


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
You are ********..you can't sidestep the back air. It has a multiple hit hitbox. Don't give him false advice when you know nothing of this matchup. GW is a touh matchup. Back thow alot more, 16 damage right off the bat. Try to kill with the up tilt more in this match up..cause you are hopeless in the air against GW, plus its quick, try to save it for an early knockout, when I say save it,I mean don't use it until u can kill with it
GaW is a hard matchup for DDD for sure

Shield cancel your dashing grabs...

Utilt is a good option against GaW

Tech chase is king against GaW

Learn better spacing


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
GaW is a hard matchup for DDD for sure
Learn better spacing
the only thing you need to worry about is improving your reaction time,
and avoid taking hits. remember where the hitboxes are on your moves & your opponents.
bAir leaves you open above you, fAir leaves you open below you(not as much though).
read the threads here and watch some vids for free knowledge


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
Free knowledge. The best kind of knowledge. :)

I agree with whut?, try to bring your reaction time up. You would often bair too early, or dtilt too late, etc. I know it's hard to do, I have the same problem, but I would try to work on it.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alrighty. Thanks for the advice everybody.

I did feel like I used the dash attack a bit much, but I love how the move is so strong and how just about his whole body (If not THE whole body) is a hitbox. I know it's a bit laggy though, so I'll need to stop using it as much. Though I have an excuse for a few times. I would try to jump but enter the Fair command too fast and it would make him do a dash attack. XP

I also feel like I do use my Bairs so early. I'll definitely work on it.

Do you guys have any other ideas that you could throw at me?

(I plan to try and get some more videos up of my gameplay against different characters at some point in the future.)


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
You are ********..you can't sidestep the back air. It has a multiple hit hitbox. Don't give him false advice when you know nothing of this matchup. GW is a touh matchup. Back thow alot more, 16 damage right off the bat. Try to kill with the up tilt more in this match up..cause you are hopeless in the air against GW, plus its quick, try to save it for an early knockout, when I say save it,I mean don't use it until u can kill with it
I agree the spotdodge doesn't completely cover g&w's bair, but it does cover most of it if you have better timing to punish bad spacing.
plus, it's definitely better than shielding the turtle, look at 1:45 of the first match.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
Listen, just so you all know, you can smash DI out of GWs back air and get hit only by the very first hit, Tap the control stick up multiple times, the back air becomes useless if u can do that.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I can understand the D-Smash, that is something that I plan to work on, and the F-Tilt, which I normally do use a lot, just didn't in those matches.

But the Up-Smash is such a terrible move. It is so slow and the Up-Tilt seems to kill at lower ranges than the Up-Smash.
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