Perpetual Lazy Bum
Link to original post: [drupal=1684]Please, clean up after your horses[/drupal]
4:28 PM, the 23th of May, 2009. Chris Mitchell, also known as Zook, is riding his bike down a picturesque New Hampshire road, zero traffic aside from himself. To the right of him is a small meadow, a small herd of cows grazing lazily in it. To the left, an old chicken farm, now being used as a house. It's a pleasent 70 degrees out, and the smell of lilacs in bloom drift on the breeze like dandelion seeds.
In other words, it is a perfect day to ride a bike.
Suddenly, Zook notices another smell. A bad one. The destinct smell of horse **** penetrates his sense of smell the same way a mosquito penetrates a sleeping baby's arm. Directly in front of him is a large pile of the stuff. He swerves to the left, and misses it.
7:32 AM, the 24th of May, 2009. Zook is waiting for the bus stop. An enormous pile of a horse's excretement is next to him, although probably not waiting for the bus. It reeks.
I wish there was some law that required horse owners to pick up after their horses. Really, it's disgusting. I'm not sure how many of you live near a horse farm, but it isn't pleasent. Every now and then, I'll come across large piles of horse crap just lyin' around in the middle of the road, oftentimes smashed flat by cars. Ever waited for the bus with an enormous pile of **** next to you? Not fun.
Would it really be that hard to pick up after a horse? People pick up after their dogs all the time. Sure, there's a LOT more poop with the horse, but I'm sure the horse could carry it. Tie a bucket and shovel to the side of the horse, take it off when needed, shovel it in, then put the bucket back and put a lid on it. Hey, even put a plastic bag or something on the head of the shovel if you want.
If there are any horse owners reading this, please, lead the way to a new era.
A happier era.
An era with no horse **** lining my streets.
4:28 PM, the 23th of May, 2009. Chris Mitchell, also known as Zook, is riding his bike down a picturesque New Hampshire road, zero traffic aside from himself. To the right of him is a small meadow, a small herd of cows grazing lazily in it. To the left, an old chicken farm, now being used as a house. It's a pleasent 70 degrees out, and the smell of lilacs in bloom drift on the breeze like dandelion seeds.
In other words, it is a perfect day to ride a bike.
Suddenly, Zook notices another smell. A bad one. The destinct smell of horse **** penetrates his sense of smell the same way a mosquito penetrates a sleeping baby's arm. Directly in front of him is a large pile of the stuff. He swerves to the left, and misses it.
7:32 AM, the 24th of May, 2009. Zook is waiting for the bus stop. An enormous pile of a horse's excretement is next to him, although probably not waiting for the bus. It reeks.
I wish there was some law that required horse owners to pick up after their horses. Really, it's disgusting. I'm not sure how many of you live near a horse farm, but it isn't pleasent. Every now and then, I'll come across large piles of horse crap just lyin' around in the middle of the road, oftentimes smashed flat by cars. Ever waited for the bus with an enormous pile of **** next to you? Not fun.
Would it really be that hard to pick up after a horse? People pick up after their dogs all the time. Sure, there's a LOT more poop with the horse, but I'm sure the horse could carry it. Tie a bucket and shovel to the side of the horse, take it off when needed, shovel it in, then put the bucket back and put a lid on it. Hey, even put a plastic bag or something on the head of the shovel if you want.
If there are any horse owners reading this, please, lead the way to a new era.
A happier era.
An era with no horse **** lining my streets.