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playing ice climbers defensively


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
so over the past couple days, ive noticed that i tend to be very agressive with desynch pressure on my opponents and many times i feel like i shouldnt be doing that as much as I am. i know from playing computers (yes i play them cause they are able to dodge everything you throw at them) that it not that difficult to be able to get around the desynchs and punish my ICs so i figure that it will be even worse when i playing someone with a mind.

so what i am asking is what is the best way to play ice climbers defensively so that i can completetly shut out any approach my opponent gives and also make up for mistakes that I make to get me damaged or KOed. i know abotu spacing with blizzards and stuff but i feel like that isnt enough when in a real match

any thoughts?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
When I go on defence, I usually do a retreating blizzard if they're somewhat up close. And sometimes, I do a retreating squall to get distance.

I try and space myself so I can get some hits if they try to ge near me, I also do some Ice Block Spam or just grab them if they get too close to get that insta stock loss xD

Really I don't like playing defense, so I can't think of much now.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
depends on the opponent. characters like Falco or Pit who enjoy camping don't really give the option of playing defensively since they can easily get a percent advantage on you. But if it's a melee only character or one with a worse projectile game, then to me it becomes all about forcing them to approach so I can get a grab and proceed to destroy them.

The second they get at least 1% more than you, you have percent advantage and in a tourney match will win if the clock runs out. They'll be given no choice but to approach. So what I do is run away and desync blizzards and ice blocks so that their approach will be difficult. However, you don't want to deter them too much, so throw in a desynced nair or something to make a hole in the defense appear. That should give them some confidence with approaching. When they get near you, it's relatively simple to get a grab.

(Not sure if that's the type of answer you want. If it isn't my apologies :) )


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Pits doesn't enjoy camping.... Only "noob" Pit's camp because they don't know how to use their close combat... Snake is more of a camper than Pit because of his grenades and explosives...


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
Pits doesn't enjoy camping.... Only "noob" Pit's camp because they don't know how to use their close combat... Snake is more of a camper than Pit because of his grenades and explosives...
Camping doesn't make someone a noob. And how does a Pit players ability to camp mean they can't use his melee attacks effectively? At least at the tournies I've been to, Pit's will try and camp if it means a win. Hence why they love Rainbow Cruise. But this is all besides the point as I was just using a reference character, but if it matters that much then replace "Pit" with "Snake"
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