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Player-1 Vs Rowan (Peach) WIFI FRIENDLIES


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Just do to some recent Peach problems (ADHD & Count), I decided to get some friendlies in with a good Peach player named Rowan. These matches were both ONLINE and FRIENDLIES so feel free to critisize and all, but just keep in mind that they were online and all that when doing so. I also play somewhat differently in friendlies (I use more barrel canceling than normal, I attempt spikes more, I try new stuff). I have 10 videos coming, and if for some reason you want more I've got about 10 more. Oh and I have no idea which ones I put up on youtube, I just chose randomly so if it looks like one of us is just always beating the other evry match, it wasn't like that in the actual matches because we're both pretty even in other matches (except in like the first few he was ****** me for some reason XD).

Games 1 & 2:

3 & 4:

5 & 6:

7 & 8:

9 & 10:

The other videos are uploading now and i probably won't be awake to update this until tomorrow so if you want to see more tonight just go onto my youtube page.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
2:03 epic stage spike
2:20 love daredevil **** o-o but its peach gotta be teh cautious. but i understand its friendlies :3
2:45-2:49 good **** by rowan o-o totally bent u over a barrel man
2:50 should not have barreled o-o i think u could of been safe.
2:59 i think rowan either expected that side b o-o or u went into his shield >_<
3:09 love dair to dsmash :3
4:02 good di rowan.
4:06-4:11 great punishes :3 **** that toad.
4:40 side b was getting on rowans nerves xD
6:59 seriously rowans di is like wtf o-o
7:09 yay backward kill fair xD

as it was a friendly i can see what u were expermenting with :3 and i saw opportunities where a pivot glide toss would of given u a free combo =P but overall u taught me alot about the peach matchup man thanks i would love to see more.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I played rowan at a tourney this weekend! He's got a great peach. First match he owned me second match I readjusted and should've won but it came down to the last hit and he beat me out. I will watch this later I gotta get some studying done shortly. Thanks for putting these up P1.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I took rowan to smashville, I don't like playing on gay stages.

Yes, Rowan his impressive DI, I would've won my rd 2 game vs him saturday if not for some amazing DI his second stock.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
it also says diddys bad on RC and Norfair lol
when ive played peach ive found that delfino is okay, idk something about the changes of the stage
I have a Delfino match uploading, threw this I think I found out that ground grab release near water to a spike is unavoidable, although I didn't do it, but I tried >.>

I wouldn't say Diddy is good on either stage either, and I think it is saying that verses most of the cast. I wouldn't take Wario, Link, ZSS, TL, G&W, D3, MK, Olimar, Marth, Bowser, DK, etc. to Norfair just because they all do better on that stage IMO, but Diddy doesn't necisarrily do 'bad' on those stages.

Edit batch 3 is up with the Delfino: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFEJB0bfkNc&feature=channel_page

That was my last update, going to bed nao.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
ajb(ny) ***** my Peach senseless on Wifi :< Dunno if he posts here. He camped a lot more with bananas and kept an impressive pressure game once I'd slip once. Peach has no safe means of approaching you so why rely so much on your ground game? Especially on BF. Stand under a platform, drop a banana right in front of you and spam peanuts or whatever. How would he approach you? You -know- he'll come in from the air if he attempts anything. Also, because of Peach's floaty nature, taking a hit in the air from a banana/peanut often leaves her wide open for a free f-air (her airdodge is crap) if you're close enough... Just work on creating openings with your bananas, imo. I do believe that Peach has far better tools in melee range so don't just rush in blindly (e.g. you ran after him even if your glide tossed banana missed and got punished).


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2009
Hey good stuff, you take friendlies more serious than a lot of people, even with the excessive spiking and b-cancelling
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