Smash Apprentice
Hey Ness players/mains, I have a question for y'all. I main Lucario and Ness is probably my worst MU at the moment. Matches for me against Ness are typically super heart-attack inducingly close or I get rekt, and I like to consider myself a good Lucario player with almost 2.5k victories under my belt, almost every single one of those being with Aura Dog and less than 350 losses. Lately I've been doing better because there's been a sudden random influx of Ness players on 1v1, but this still perplexes me. Any time I try to gimp PK thunder while they're off-stage, it goes right through me and I barely cheat death when PK thunder hits Ness back to the stage. I'm absolutely certain I hit the core of PK thunder and not the tail, so why does it not disappear? Does PK Thunder have some sort of "protection" time when it's first used to prevent this?