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Pit vid finder/Vid guide (read OP before posting)


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
So i was asked to make a thread for everyone to put there vids in to help stop clutter and put all of everyone's vids in one place to make it eaiser to find. Then as I was telling Rogue to do it himself, because i am far to full of myself to keep something like that updated when ever someone puts a vid up, i came up with an idea that requires little to know work from me so I said " hell ill do it myself". So here it is and the best way for it to work.

This is not a place to talk about vids or anything like that, if you wanta do that you can post in there own Vid thread, Pm them or somthing like that. This is a place to post links to your own vid thread if you think you have enough vids or are know enough.

All you need to do is make a post hit advance options then in the title bar put ~ and your name in the title, (when you update the vids in there you can change the title to say "updated X/X/X" Then post a link to your own vid thread, any vids that you wanta have in here ex. combo vids, any fights you really wanta show off or what ever.

This should help:
1) Stop people from making there own vid thread with only about 4 vids in it.
2) Allow for faster finding of each person's vids.
3) Allow for us to replace the vid thread up at the top that noone cares for.

~~For faster seaching hit: ctrl F, then type ~ and the name of the person who's vids you are looking for.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino


Found a good mate who will be uploading my Pit vids (and all my other vids)

First one up:

RWoI Video
Just me screwing around, meant to get this up ages ago to show what I meant by RWoI

~Coming Soon~

~Coming Soon~


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
I tried to get vids up today of me playing CJ right when I could record but me not playing for a while of brawl really took it's toll... I don't even think anyone would want to see them...
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