1) Use the Downsmash as much as possible
2) Use the c-stick for fsmash and dsmash it's fast and it's helpful
3) Press down b for turnips
4) Throw them with c-stick
5) If attacking normally use dash attack, and if the opponent gets stunned or whatever convert to down smash
6) If the opponent is in the air, throw a turnip up with the c-stick and then upsmash with c-stick
7) Never charge any smashes with peach unless the opponent walks into it
8) Shield grab if attacked. I use L so it's easy for me
9) Ground float, or just short hop float by shorthopping holding X/Y and then hitting down.
10) Then you press nair to attack and follow the enemy while floating
11) Float cancel: I use L for wavedashing and cancelling so it's easy, press L while attempting the short hop float, while it gets cancelled press A and once you drill him to the ground, tap down c-stick downsmash
12) Use the parasol only if you've flown too far or opponent is too high up to finish him, otherwise don't use it. Parasol can help in preventing getting spiked
13) Rely on X/Y for floating
14) If possible Down A at the edge for you to spike while the opponent is recovering
15) In Project M when your opponent is at 0% and is a fast faller you can constantly upthrow chaingrab him until he DIs