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PC Podcasts - The Snorlax Cast

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울

Hey guys! As you all may or may not remember, during the summer, a group of us recorded the PokeCenter's first ever podcast--Snorlax Cast #0. While each episode has been released as a separate thread, this thread helps planning and organization of new podcasts. Since I can now record and edit Skype conferences, I can help out more and hopefully contribute more SnorlaxCasts.

The following is a list and links to the previous podcasts, the participating panelists, and a short summary of the covered topics.
Podcast Archive
[collapse=View]Snorlax Cast #0--Terywj, UltiMario, Wave, Circa, Riddle, Supermarth64
  • Gen. IV OU / Ubers / UU / NU, Pokemon Black and White, PC Activities
ChristmastCast--Terywj, UltiMario, Wave, CRASHiC
  • Gen. V OU, PC Activities, Christmas!

If you'd like to help participate in a SnorlaxCast as a panelist, post the following and I'll add you in. A general idea would maybe have these Snorlax Casts to be a bimonthly / semimonthly release. I'll try my best to work with times and everything.

Skype Name // Time Zone

[collapse=Members]Terywj // Terywj // EST
UltiMario // ultima_mario // EST
Wave // wave.dash // CST
Riddle // riddleswf // EST
CRASHiC // whamcity // EST[/collapse]

If you can't partake in a podcast, feel free to bring up topics or suggestions you'd like to see discussed. While the obvious topics are competitively related, they don't necessarily have to be! Creativity is wonderful, and as long as other people are willing to talk about it, chances are you'll see a podcast on it.
While all bases can't be covered due to time issues, I'll try and work with the most supportive ideas.

Hope to be working / talking with everyone soon!

"Teryble Riddle Campagin -- Full Restore the Poke Center!"

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Don't we already have a thread on this?
No, we have separate threads which only contain the actual podcast. This thread is kinda like seeing who wants to participate in them and organizing stuff, etc.

And if you mean a podcast organization thread, either such thread does not exist or has been dead for a long time.
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