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Paralysis Ou RMT (please rate >_<)


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2010
Hey guys! Listen, I'm making a paralysis team for OU, something I have rarely seen. After much procrastination, I have an idea on how to do it. But before I go at it, I need to get other people's opinions. The people at smogon ignored this and I'm sad. I would like to constructive criticism, so please help out.

To those who noticed that there are no Gen V pokemon: I may as well see what I can use for now. I don't want to use Gen V until I know for sure what I can do with my current options.

Also, can someone help me on synergy for this team? Asking too much?

The Team:

The Supportive Swordsman
Gallade@wide lens
Trait: steadfast
EVs: 252 hp/152 atk/104 spe
Nature: Adamant
-Thunder wave
-Night Slash
-Close Combat
One of the main paralyzers on my team. The EV's attempt to give a chance of survival against some of the special attacks while inflicting paralysis. The speed IV's outspeed some threats like adamant breloom, tyranitar, and I believe in some cases, Cresselia. The Will-o-wisp is a back up plan in case there are resistors against paralysis. Wide lens is for accuracy, but since there is only one move that needs the accuracy boost, I'm thinking of replacing the item.

The Lumpy Magnet
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP/252 SpA/84 spe
Nature: Naive
-hidden Power grass
-Thunder Wave
Paralyzer #2 is just a bunch of magnets lumped together known as magnezone. I just found out on smogon that this is a killer of steel types, if anything. That could explain a few things when I was against my friends. The main purpose was to take some physical attacks without too much danger as it inflicts paralysis. Hold on, lemme guess. Fighting moves can put it out of its misery. Unfortunately, that is true. Substitute, I hope, can sponge the hits. I'm considering replacing him with a different pokemon. Maybe a faster waver.

Big Bird on Roids
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 atk/224 spD/36 Spe
Nature: Calm
-Thunder wave
-Hidden Power Ice
Another damage sponging paralyzer, which is why I wonder about Magnezone and replacing him with someone faster. This bird has capabilities of resisting special attacks and a fair amount physical attacks, especially the likes of EQ. The problem with this bird is the tried and true stone edge. Its bulk provides good use against special attacks, though.

Jack of All Attacks, Master of None........Zappy
Electivire@expert belt
Trait: Motor Drive
EVs: 36 Atk/252 SpA/220 Spe
Nature: Mild
-hidden Power Ice
-Cross Chop
With an outstanding move pool and this kind of distributions, Electivire does work out as a mix attacker. Functionality of moves: coverage, coverage, and more importantly, coverage. With the expert belt, super effectiveness increases :D!

Groudon's green headed cousin
Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 136 HP/252 Atk/120 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-swords dance
-wood hammer
-Stone Edge
When one thinks of continent pokemon, one thinks Groudon. Thanks to Gen IV, Groudon has a relative. Sadly, its not as uber as him, but hey. I think Torterra is underestimated at times. By Placing him on this kind of team, Torterra can be a monster, what with his defensive skills and all. With swords dance, he can exploit his defense to make his offense grow. I am seriously considering replacing Torterra with a better pokemon. Any suggestions?

Pidgeot's insane brother
Staraptor@Choice Scarf
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 60 hp/252 atk/196 spe
Nature: Adamant
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat
-Double Edge
The Predator pokemon comes in hopes of killing with extra speed. This also takes care of some of the threats who don't mind paralysis, such as Machamp, Umbreon, and Heracross. This also takes care of physical walls like Blissey.

Some threats that should take notice (including at a glance and in depth):
Swampert: Ah yes, the tried and true Swampert. Swampert can take out my entire team, what with its move pool, typing, distribution of stats, etc. My only counter against it is my Magnezone, what with hidden power grass. But the problem is, of course, who is faster? I can consider Dusknoir in here or, rather, another swampert :o

The Gutsy Pokemon:The pokemon I refer to here, in case of the OU tier, are Heracross and Machamp. To those who don't know who I mean, Guts is an ability that increase attack power of those who are status'd. Countered by my Staraptor, with its high speed and all.

Rock Types, Fire types, and Ground types: Many can see that there is a typing weakness. Rock and Ground, despite being resisted by Torterra, cripples 2 out of my 3 paralyzers. Torterra is taken down by fire types as well as my Magnezone. After that, the rest are easy pickins. All the more reason to add a swampert here. Fire beats my Torterra and Magnezone, Rock beats my Staraptor and Zapdos, and Ground beats my Magnezone, Electivire. It seems that the only one safe is Gallade.

Sychronizers: Despite the fact that Umbreon has been moved to UU, there is a good possibility that the dark pokemon can make a come back on some OU teams. His synchronize ability makes my paralyzing team paralyzing victims instead.

After much more research, and advice from awesome people I know, I have found good enough replacements for a few of the pokemon. I just didn't want to use some of the OU pokemon mainly because I wanted to A) add the element of randomness and unpredictability and B) I feel as though I shouldn't use some of the metagame's big threats.

For Gallade, I have found.........

My little pink floaty that's cute its manly
Mesprit @ Leftovers
EV's: 252 hp/92 spA/164 spe (honestly, I think it should be 252 hp/52 spA/204 spe)
Nature: Timid
-Thunder Wave
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam
From what I hear, this adds a good element of unpredictability. This set, mainly supportive, will help deal with many pokemon while still able to deal some considerable damage at least.

For Magnezone or Zapdos, I have this guy

Dubbed SumoBoy
Thick Fat
EV's: 80 HP / 176 Atk / 252 Def
Nature: Impish
-Force Palm
-Ice Punch
An alternative to the overuse of Thunder Wave, I can use this hunk of terror to deal some good damage and deal with those pesky fire and ice types. Plus, don't you wanna give a hug to this guy? He's got the hands and arms

For another, I say Boom

Dubbed Fatman. The super fat superhero who knows how to take a nap on crime!
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Thick Fat
EV's: 168 HP / 120 Def / 220 SpD
Nature: Careful
-Body Slam
Yet another alternative to Thunder Wave and another potential paralyzers and weakness fodder. He may replace Torterra (my Torterra!!!!! D: I like him).

Alrighty, constructive criticism please! :D?


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Hey guys! Listen, I'm making a paralysis team for OU, something I have rarely seen. After much procrastination, I have an idea on how to do it. But before I go at it, I need to get other people's opinions. The people at smogon ignored this and I'm sad. I would like to constructive criticism, so please help out.

To those who noticed that there are no Gen V pokemon: I may as well see what I can use for now. I don't want to use Gen V until I know for sure what I can do with my current options.

Also, can someone help me on synergy for this team? Asking too much?

The Team:

The Supportive Swordsman
Gallade@wide lens
Trait: steadfast
EVs: 252 hp/152 atk/104 spe
Nature: Adamant
-Thunder wave
-Night Slash
-Close Combat
One of the main paralyzers on my team. The EV's attempt to give a chance of survival against some of the special attacks while inflicting paralysis. The speed IV's outspeed some threats like adamant breloom, tyranitar, and I believe in some cases, Cresselia. The Will-o-wisp is a back up plan in case there are resistors against paralysis. Wide lens is for accuracy, but since there is only one move that needs the accuracy boost, I'm thinking of replacing the item.
Gallade's a unique lead, I like that...but I don't think he really fills your purpose very well. I think you should run a standard OccaGross lead, who works better than both your gallade and your mesprit lead in a lot of cases.

The Lumpy Magnet
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP/252 SpA/84 spe
Nature: Naive
-hidden Power grass
-Thunder Wave
Paralyzer #2 is just a bunch of magnets lumped together known as magnezone. I just found out on smogon that this is a killer of steel types, if anything. That could explain a few things when I was against my friends. The main purpose was to take some physical attacks without too much danger as it inflicts paralysis. Hold on, lemme guess. Fighting moves can put it out of its misery. Unfortunately, that is true. Substitute, I hope, can sponge the hits. I'm considering replacing him with a different pokemon. Maybe a faster waver.
This guy is critical for trapping Skarmory, so I think you should run Explosion over Thunder Wave. He doesn't do much good spreading paralysis, as his weaknesses are too easily taken advantage of. Maybe some more speed would be useful?

Big Bird on Roids
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 atk/224 spD/36 Spe
Nature: Calm
-Thunder wave
-Hidden Power Ice
Another damage sponging paralyzer, which is why I wonder about Magnezone and replacing him with someone faster. This bird has capabilities of resisting special attacks and a fair amount physical attacks, especially the likes of EQ. The problem with this bird is the tried and true stone edge. Its bulk provides good use against special attacks, though.
Zapdos is not a good pokemon to spread paralysis with since he lures out bulky grounds. Running a double powder Venusaur would be better here imo, he can fill your special walling function and deal with swampert.

Venusaur @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Def
Calm / Overgrow

Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Energy Ball
Leech Seed/Sludge Bomb

This gives you the freedom of dual status, helping to cover grounds who would otherwise cause you problems, and can cripple things that hope to switch in against him. He is a nice special wall as well, doesn't take extra damage from SR, and gets rid of toxic spikes who would otherwise destroy this team. This gives you a way to paralyze some otherwise annoying threats for paralysis teams, Gliscor and Flygon.

Jack of All Attacks, Master of None........Zappy
Electivire@expert belt
Trait: Motor Drive
EVs: 36 Atk/252 SpA/220 Spe
Nature: Mild
-hidden Power Ice
-Cross Chop
With an outstanding move pool and this kind of distributions, Electivire does work out as a mix attacker. Functionality of moves: coverage, coverage, and more importantly, coverage. With the expert belt, super effectiveness increases :D!
Electivire doesn't have the power to sweep. You want something that can both protect itself from status and also take advantage of paralysis, so I suggest running a more powerful stat-booster that can beat common defensive threats. With Slowbro being a lure for Scizor and having Fire Blast to 2hko Skarmory, I think you can enjoy the power of Porygon-Z, since there are not a lot of other common priority users and not a lot will enjoy taking a +2 tri attack.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
252 SpAtk/120 Speed/132 HP

Nasty Plot
Dark Pulse
HP Fighting

If you'd like you can run Agility and beat base-100 scarfers, but since your goal is paralyzing everything I think this will work much better. If you like you can run Hyper Beam to ko Blissey after it comes in on SR, but I don't see this team having problems with blissey since you can bring Torterra in on any blissey to set up.

Groudon's green headed cousin
Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 136 HP/252 Atk/120 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-swords dance
-wood hammer
-Stone Edge
When one thinks of continent pokemon, one thinks Groudon. Thanks to Gen IV, Groudon has a relative. Sadly, its not as uber as him, but hey. I think Torterra is underestimated at times. By Placing him on this kind of team, Torterra can be a monster, what with his defensive skills and all. With swords dance, he can exploit his defense to make his offense grow. I am seriously considering replacing Torterra with a better pokemon. Any suggestions?
Torterra is good, he just needs team support. Swords Dance lets him really muscle through teams, just be careful that you eliminate Skarmory before trying to sweep with him.

Pidgeot's insane brother
Staraptor@Choice Scarf
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 60 hp/252 atk/196 spe
Nature: Adamant
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat
-Double Edge
The Predator pokemon comes in hopes of killing with extra speed. This also takes care of some of the threats who don't mind paralysis, such as Machamp, Umbreon, and Heracross. This also takes care of physical walls like Blissey.
Replace him with slowbro. A set like this would be handy for your team:

Slowbro @ leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpAtk
Bold / Own Tempo

Thunder Wave
Slack Off

The last attack depends on what you want to hit: Psychic is a good neutral stab hit, can deal ok with gyarados, flamethrower hits scizor. you can run a lot of moves in the last slot, and they can all hit specific targets. He takes roughly 70% from a CB U-turn, so keep that in mind.
comments in red.


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2010
Quick question: What about Sloking? What about Hariyama and Snorlax?

And after another good look at this, I realized that you may be right. Venusaur, Slowbro, and Porygon-Z may look like they serve well as paralyzers.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Slowking would be ok except that he doesn't handle physical attacks as well. He can run exactly the same set, but just because a lot of OU threats will hit him on his weaker defense stat he isn't as useful (in most cases).

Hariyama doesn't really do very much to take advantage of paralysis. Something like Togekiss would take advantage of paralysis and spread it very well too, but he has a lot of the same physical weaknesses that Zapdos has, which is why I suggested replacing it with something that isn't sr-weak.

Snorlax is good except for the fact that he won't be as powerful as quickly, and even after getting to +2 defense you'd be relying on paralysis hax to beat a fighting-type. Torterra can boost faster, and doesn't usually need more than 1 swords dance to beat a target, and has better coverage with his offensive moves.


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2010
Oh I see where you're getting at now. Would you say that a good amount of UU pokemon are good for OU status and stuff too?


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
sometimes. a lot of people say that UU pokemon aren't worth using in OU, but they just have to be geared to fit their purpose, as they generally don't have standard, plug-and-play sets in OU. UU pokemon are flawed, but it's because of those flaws that they're useful (i.e. Slowbro's massive bug/grass weakness luring in Scizor/Celebi, letting you paralyze them and smack them with Fire Blast). Strategies and Pokémon that aren't used much in Gen 4 are also generally not prepared for, which is what your team is aiming to exploit.


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2010
How will OccaGross be able to support the team? Wouldn't it be better to spread paralysis as soon as possible? Is the standard this:

Metagross @ Occa Berry
252 hp/252 atk/4spe
Adamant Nature/ Clear Body
-Stealth Rock
-Meteor Mash/Earthquake
-Bullet Punch


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
How can you have a Gen IV paralysis team without Togekiss, Rotom-S, and Jirachi?


Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2010
Just a little digging around is all. I just wanted to consider my options before I see the "parahax" pokemon, lol. I'll probably end up using one of them, lol.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
I agree with leading with something more normal so you can at least get a step off the right foot. Following Metagross, I recommend...
- Over Raeg's recommended Venusaur to help your team out a bit against Earthquake. But in complete honesty, it just depends on whether your team needs more physical or special bulk. Tangrowth also hits harder, which is nice.
- I really, really like Staraptor here as a wall breaker. There are some better options, but I just really like Staraptor. However, I would use U-turn over Pursuit here, simply because it increases your damage output. Not too many Pokemon are worried about a Pursuit from Staraptor.
- Your set is fine, but I would use smogon's charge beam set here instead. Magnezone is used for trapping, he doesn't really support well with the weakness to fire, fighting, and ground.
- These guys both do good things for your team, one's OU, one handles Machamp better.
- Both these guys offer good support for your team while still packing quite a punch. I like them both. Huh? Wondering how Porygon2 can pack a punch?

Trace @ Leftovers
Modest: 252 HP, 136 Satk, 120 def
- Blizzard - Recover
- Gravity - Zap Cannon
Massive ouchies ensue when Gravity gives you 83% accurate Zap Cannons. It's like Trick Room support, but BETTER.
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