User Name: (M)
IGN: (M)
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: MuItiple
Skype: Person4youu
Country of Residence: USA
Palette: 4
Message: Success , or failure, Always remember both experiences, and use them to be come stronger. In-game, or life
User name: AJDOH
In-Game name: [FL]AJ
3DS Friend Code: 3866-8495-8989
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Don't have one
Skype: notAJDOH
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: 4/8
Message: Show me something new.
User name: Arikie
In-Game name: Arikie
3DS Friend Code: 4854-6594-5929
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Arikie
Skype: Jesse.harlow
Country of Residence: California
Palette Color: 3/8 depending on Matchup
Message: Ancient Light
User name: Auroura
In-Game name: SWS| Auroura
NNID: Auroura
Skype: auroura2
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 1
Message: What up tho.
User Name: Aquasition
In-Game Name: Aquasition
3DS Friend Code: 1091-8948-2851
Skype: gregmlln06
Country: Canada
Palette Colour: 8
Message: I am learning to play as Sonic, so I'm hoping to get some help from the other sonic mains here
User name: BballLuke13
In-Game name: Helix
3DS Friend Code: 5129-1952-0414
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: BballLuke13
Skype: BballLuke13
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 3 (may change because a lot of people seem to use 3)
Message: I also main Jigglypuff, Lucario, Yoshi, and I'd like to pick up one last character.
Username: BluBlur91
In Game Name: BluChili
FC: 1762 3703 4910
NNID: Sonickidd51
Skype: BluBlur91
Country of Redsidence: U.S
Palette Color: 5
Message:I play to learn, laugh, respect, and have fun!
User name: Bman1K
In-Game name: Bman1K
NNID: Bman1K
Country: USA
Pallet color: 3
Message: So yeah, lets like, play and stuff.
User name: Camalange
In-Game name: Camalange
3DS Friend Code: 1160-9836-5007
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Camalange
Skype: Camalange
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: 8
Username: CrabMan
In-game name: CrabMan
Wii-U NNID: Pipopolus
Current Residence: USA
Palette color: 3
Message: i consider myself to be good based off how I do in tournaments but I know I still have room to improve, I would love to play some high level sonics I've seen here and pick up a few pointers, always open to advice, don't hesitate to message me!
User name: Damandatwin
In-Game name: Adam
3DS Friend Code: N/A
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Damandatwin
Skype: damandatwin
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: 1/3
Message: I suck at the Sonic ditto, pls help
User name: DarkBlueSpark
In-Game name: DBSpark
3DS Friend Code: 0920-2076-2551
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A
Skype: darkbluespark
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: (The Sonic Color/Alt You Mostly Use): 1st and 3rd ones
Message: (One sentence about yourself): Have another go, if you think you're fast enough
User name: DerZoidSplash
In-Game name: DerZoidSplash
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: DerZoidSplash
Skype: live:weelkirby
Country of Residence: Ontario, Canada
Palette Color: Mainly: 3 Alternately: 7
Message: ^The possibilities are endless^ *can i be in such skype group chat please, i wanna improve and help others :3
Username: Dinoslashz
In-Game Name: <<atm>> dzx
3DS Friend Code: 2724-0038-5761
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Dinoslashz
Skype: Dinoslashz
Country of Residence: U.S.A
Palette Color: Only 5/8 for as long as I live
Message: One must live in the shadows in order to obtain true light.
User name: Discoid
In-Game name: Discoid
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Discoid
Skype: Discoid.EXE
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 3, love them Crystal Rings
Message: I just started playing Smash competitively a week ago - my friends are really good and I've always really admired the Smash community, so I'm excited to talk to and learn from you all.
Username: DisqoBunny
IGN: DisqoBunny
FC: 5301 0833 2565
NNID: DisqoBunny
Skype: disqo_bunny
Country: USA
Color: 6
Message: Come Get A Plate
User Name: DjRelly
In-Game name: Djrelly
NNID: Djrelly
Norcal Resident
Skype: dj_releeferd
Pallet Color: 3
Username: Duck SMASH!
In game name: C
NNID: C.Piglet
Country: Canada
Palette: Blue with blue arm rings
Message: I'm too slow.
User name: Dydro
In-Game name: Dydro / Dy
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: DydroX
Skype: dmcgxz
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: (The Sonic Color/Alt You Mostly Use) 5
Message: I'm a Sonic speedrunner and die-hard fan looking to get better at Smash. I'd also like to join the skype group if possible
Username: Elliott Crawford
In-Game name: EC2
3DS Friend Code: 3695-0557-2895
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Elliance1
Skype: Elliance1000
Country of Residence: US
Palette Color: 6
Message: Gotta go fast!
User name: EnigmaSSB
In-Game name: Jake
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: ssbenigma
Skype: j.walker21
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: 2
Message: I am a big fan of Sonic in Smash. He, Luigi, and Yoshi make up my three characters, and I'd love to improve my game as a whole and learn how other players play the character.
User name: Exceladon City
In-Game name: Exceladon
3DS Friend Code: 1435 6089 6348
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Exceladon_City
Skype: Candlejackexcel
Country of Residence: U.S.A
Palette Color: 7
Message: I actually main King Dedede and secondary Sonic. I play a variety of other characters, so if you need match-up experience I can provide some assistance.
User name: Foul Play
In game name: Drew
NNID: Four_Eyed_Snake
Skype: foul_play22
Country/state: U.S. Missouri
Message: NOT a sonic main, but i need to get good at the matchup, so please add
User name: Im Fragbait
In-Game name: FRAG
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Fragbait
Skype: CGGxFragbait
Country of Residence: United States.
Palette Color: That black one XD
Message: ... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY... TOO ... MUCH... PRESSURE kgj;alsdkjhg
User name: Gameplayzero
In-Game name: Blaze
3DS Friend Code: (never play it)
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Retro_Blaze
Skype: Blazinreload
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: too many good ones to choose
Message: Price is always right (message me before adding me)
User name: Golden Sun
In-Game name: Rayman / Starfy / Keishoui (I change my name a lot, but now I don't)
3DS Friend Code: 5112-4134-2235 (Only play 3DS, Wii U is expensive lmao)
Country of Residence: North America
Palette Color: 1 and 4
Message: ITS NO USE!
User name: GreenChaChing
In-Game name: Ferf
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: GreenApples
Country of Residence: 'Merica
Palette Color: 2
Message: Constantly trying to learn and get better.
User name: Gregory2590
In-Game name: Greg
3DS Friend Code: 2277-6686-5228 (i only play on wii u though)
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: phireblast
Skype: gregory2590
Country of Residence: burgerland(USA)
Palette Color: 1(the correct color)
Message: It is never not time to fast.
User name: Grugurphan
In-Game name: Fiber (on 3DS, currently waiting on money for Wii U)
3DS Friend Code: 0147-1080-9948
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A (Will Update in Near Future)
Skype: j.walker21
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: 2
Message: I go fast. Not because I want to, but because no one else will.
Username:HunterNinjaReaperPirate / KMZ | WolfieXVII
In Game Name: Wolfie
NNID: Wolfie9090
Skype: wolfie9090
Country: USA
Palette: Purpleish? If someone is using i- actually no, I'll play you for it : ^ )
Message: Don't get 5'0d
User name: ImReallyFeelingIt
In-Game name: CHIMI
3DS Friend Code: 3325-2973-6688 (I don't use Sonic on 3DS, though... So I rarely go on SSB3DS)
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Sailings
Skype: chilimints
Country of Residence: United States.
Palette Color: 1 and 3.
Message: smash at me bro. B)
User name: iSpiN
In-Game name: iSpiN
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: iSpiNbro
Skype: Nicholas Sanderson
Country of Residence: US
Palette Color: 7
Message: Old Sonic main from Brawl that just wants to be the best.
User name: Jasku
In-Game name: Jasku
3DS Friend Code: 0920-0185-1410
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Jasku-sq2
Skype: jasku_sjc
Country of Residence: Spain
Palette Color: 3
Message: Cocky, ready for everything, friendly. I taunt after every kill.
User name: JayBee
In-Game name: Kojin
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: jamesbrownjrva
Skype: James Brown Jr VA
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: Random
User name: Jaycen_Thunda
In-Game name: Jynko
3DS Friend Code: N/A
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Jaycen.Storme
Skype: Not Yet
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 2
Message: What hit me?
User name: JenDarknight
In-Game name: Jen / JEN
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: JenDarknight
Skype: jenniferdarknight (Wow, so original)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: #3, Teal. If someone else is teal, I use silver.
Message: I'm still new at playing with Sonic against people that aren't in my immediate if you see a weakness in my game, please let me know!
User name: Jords2good
In-game name: Jords2good
3ds friend code: 3ds broke
Wiiu ID: Jordine
Skype: live:jordine_95
Country: Canada
Palette Color: 1
Message: 2good
User name: Julesimanerd
In-Game name: JULES
3DS Friend Code: will update with it later
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Julesimanerd
Skype: Julesimaned
Country of Residence: US/
Palette Color: (The Sonic Color/Alt You Mostly Use) 1. Classic colors
Message: (One sentence about yourself) I gotta go fast
User name: J~Rod 00TimeMaster
In-Game name: J~Rod
3DS Friend Code: N/A
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A
Country of Residence: Idaho, USA
Palette Color: 6/1
Message: College student, Lucario/Sonic main. I have been playing competitively when I can, but I don't own a Wii U or 3DS
. I will update Wii U and 3DS info when/if it happens in the near future.
User name: Kaneki164
In Game name: Kaneki164
3DS Friend Code: 5172-2247-5437
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Thawk164
Country of Residence:USA
Pallet Color: 4
Message: Competed in some tournaments with little success, really want to master this character. Seeking to train with other Sonic players to find faults in my play style and become a better player.
User name: kataridragon
In-Game name: SB*katari
3DS Friend Code: UMMM?
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: SheriffCrazy
Skype: kataridragon
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 6-4
Message: Lets Rock!
Username: Kenate101
Usa Georgia
Pallette 1, 3,5
Message, Just getting into competitive smash and I've been to two tournaments so far. I main sonic and I need to learn matchups against other characters. Also learning sheik and Fox considering marth/lucina
User name: kid craft 24/sonic master
In-Game name: Craftis
3DS Friend Code: 3823-8516-6187
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: KidCraft24
Skype: Craftis1024
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 1
Message: .......
User name: Killua Kanmuru
In-Game name: Killua
3DS Friend Code: 0087-2330-8112
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: StaticImpulse
Skype: Killua Kanmuru
Country of Residence: USA, Florida
Palette Color: 3/6 and 5 when I want to get really serious lol
Message: Looking to find other great Sonic mains too learn new styles and such :D
Username: KingofDefeat
IGN: Kato
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: KingofDefeat
Skype: Don't use Skype anymore unfortunately
Country of Residence: USA
Palette: 1 (I always opt for the original colors)
Message: Hey everyone!! I've been playing this game basically since it came out (and all of the previous versions, of course). I've always wanted to find more people to fight against, but never mustered up the courage to actually post anything, so here I am finally. Sonic has been my main since Brawl with Mario as a close second, and I play Captain Falcon for fun pretty much (styling on people is just too much fun). I'm looking to get more involved in the competitive scene in my area and am hoping that I don't get destroyed too badly. See you all around! :D
User name: Kinzer
In-Game name: Kinzer
3DS Friend Code: 2251-6533-0581
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: N/A
Skype: Kinzerthebrawler
Country of Residence: U.S.
Palette Color: 1/3
Message: Livin' Luxuriously Large Like Larry.
User name: Kirby Phelps (PK)
In-Game name: PK, PK SMASH
NNID: PKGaming
Skype: pkgamingomega
Country: USA
Palette Color: 1
Message: Sonic speeeed!
User name: Kuraudo
In-Game name: Kuraudo/Emiya
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Kuraudo
Skype: brandon.jlee.olson
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: 1 & 3
Message: Racing across Canada
User name: KyroChao
In-Game name: Keaton
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Kyro_Keatonlabs
Country of Residence:NA
Palette Color: 1/2/3/7
Message: I'm just trying to learn some tricks for sonic, message me for a match.
Username: Luigimaster0
In-Game name: Benjamin
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Fanofgaming
Sorry no skype
Country of Residence: United States full of Capitalism
Palette Color: 1/2/4
Message: I know I suck, I'm a few decades away from being in competitive smash, but I just want lessons. Thx.
User name: mallow45
In-Game name: Chris
3DS Friend Code: forgot
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: mallow45
Skype: chrisc1345
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 3
Message: yes
User name: MarioFireRed
In-Game name: MFR
3DS Friend Code: 5026-4457-8398 (Currently Wii U-less)
Skype: MarioFireRed™ (Please add a reason if you're adding my contacts. I've had several contact requests from people who not only leave a blank message, but don't even go to any of the other groups I'm in)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: Purple (2), then Black (5)
Message: You guys might know everything I'm going to do, but that's not gonna work because as a fellow Sonic main I know everything you're going to do! STRANGE ISN'T IT?!
Username: MarKO_X
In-game name: Marko
3DS Friend Code: 2595-2072-2390
Skype: markomanx
Country of Residence: USA... in NYC
Palette Color: 1. 5 when I'm angry
Message: I'm just a 3DS For Glory Warrior. And not much more.
User name: Neonspeed315
In-Game name: [SGT]Neon
3DS Friend Code: 2320-6337-1855
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Don't Have One
Skype: neonspeed12345
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 6
User name: Okagemi
In-Game name: Okagemi
3DS Friend Code: 0318-9534-4949
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Okagemi (Too poor to afford Wii U)
Skype: kshards (You should see under "Okagemi: The Original 1k" as well)
Country of Residence:USA
Palette Color: 1
Message: Been playing smash since 12/25/14 and I am very excited about becoming better at Sonic.
Username: OPT!XX
In Game Name: OPT!XX
NNID: opt1xx
Country of Residence: USA
Pallette Color: 4
Message: sanic the jankhog
User name: Phoenix_Dark
In-Game name: PD
3DS Friend Code: 1289-8343-1385
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Phoenix2337
Skype: Sumthinorother2337
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: The only correct choice. 2.
Message: 'Sup.
User name: pidgezero_one
In-Game name: GOT2GOFAST/pidge
3DS Friend Code: 3222-5601-4071
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: pidgezero_one
Skype: pidgezero_one
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: (The Sonic Color/Alt You Mostly Use) 3
Message: (One sentence about yourself) I'm mostly a Smash 64 player but am starting to dabble in wii u a bit
Username: Pika Kong
In-game name: Charles
Friend code: 3308-4834-0412
NNID: Funkermonster
Palette: 5
Country : USA
Message: Live and Learn!
User name: Pivot
In-Game name: Pivot
3DS Friend Code: Don't really play this version anymore
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: SinfulBliss
Skype: treyyjordann
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: 2
Message: I played Sonic as a pretty weak secondary in SSBB, but now that Sonic is so successful now in Sm4sh I'm trying to take him on as my main.
User name: pizzafarian
In-Game name: Bertaux
3DS Friend Code: N/A
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: HardcoreRabbit
Skype: (I think Skype may just have it as berto.carlos)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 2 (Purple) I REALLY wish they had Shadow/Silver skins like with Olimar and Bowser Jr.
Message: Sometimes I go too fast and SD.
User name: Platinumbat
In-Game name: Platinumbat
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Platinumbat
Skype: platinumbat (I'd love to join the skype group.)
Country of Residence: CA
Palette Color: 4
Message: Just get up and keep trying.
Leave an message explaining the friend request etc. I don't want to get blank messages randomly. Thx.
User name: Project SonicSpeed
In-Game name: Hypernova
Nintendo Network ID: SonicSpeed432
Skype: N/A
Country of Residence: USA, USA, USA!
Palette color: 2 and 4
Message: Way Past Cool!
User name: PsychoSy
In-Game name: Saiyuna( This is gonna be my name when I get a 3ds or WiiU)
3DS Friend Code:
(WiiU) Nintendo Network ID:
Skype: Ultimatelife2
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: 3 and 5
Message: I...die...hard!
User name: The_Paradiddler
In-Game name: Para
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Paradiddler
Country of Residence: US
Palette Color: 4
User name: RacerX
In-Game name: RacerX
3DS Friend Code: None
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: jamesbrownjrva
Skype: James Brown Jr VA
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 5
Message: I was formally known as "Kojin" in Brawl, where I spent a lot of time breaking the character down to maximize his metagame potential with my tech lab thread here and various videos online.
User name: Revolutionary Cafe
In-Game name: Revolutionary Cafe
3DS Friend Code: 2766 9632 2051
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: CafeRevolution
Skype: AndrewTheGamer1000
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 8
Message: 2fast5me
User name: Rucent
In-Game name: "Asian" or "Rucent"
3DS Friend Code: 3781-0199-8436
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Rucent
Skype: NarutoWhiskers
Country of Residence: Upstate NY, USA
Palette Color: 1. Any other color is because of another Sonic paying or I acidentally switched palette.
Message: I want to keep improving, and hopefully someday get to the point where I can go agianst top players. I'll accept any request to settle it in Smash, and if you need help on improving, I'll do my best to help too.
User name: RudyTutti
In-Game name: Rudy / RudyReapah
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Rudy16100
Skype: reapinrudy (Rudy is love, Rudy is life)
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: #2. Everyone likes #3!!!
Message: Been a Sonic main since Brawl (I did switch to Wolf in PM)! I'm one of the only Sonic's in my region and I want to stand out from the others! I'm gonna start more Sonic replays here and on my YouTube, so if you guys can check those out and let me know what I'm doing right or wrong that would be AMAZING! Also I would love to play you guys just so I can learn more about the character!
Username: SchmamTheKid
in-game name: Schmam
3DS FC: don't have one
NNID: schmam
Country: USA (VA)
Palette Color: 1
Message: I gotta escape from the city.
User name: Sean
In-Game name: Sean
3DS Friend Code: 1461-7542-0706
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID:
Country of Residence: Canada
Palette Color: 1/8 (Can't beat classic)
Message: Looking to improve.
Username: Shade
In-Game Name: Stephanie
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: SilviaHedgecat
Country of Residence: Pennsylvania, USA
Palette Color: 7/8 (varies on match)
Message: Ready to come back a hero.
User name: SilverAvion
In-Game name: Bear
3DS Friend Code: 0447-6098-0944
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: (Don't have WiiU yet)
Skype: avionssilvershield
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: #6 (Golden)
Message: Give me 2 out of 3 and you'll lose.
User name: Spydreigon
In-Game name: Spy
3DS Friend Code: Lost my 3ds
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: spydreigon
Skype: spydreigon
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 5
Message: curry consumer
User name: Slowbroongus
In-Game name: Mickey
3DS Friend Code: 0791 2971 0578
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID:
Skype: edudikit
Country of Residence: US
Palette Color: 3
Message: I must proceed at a high velocity...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Username: Sonic Storm
In-game name: Johan
Wii-U NNID: Sonicboom93
Pallete color: Cyan and Green
Message: That's between me and the robot.
User name: SonicX2k0
In-Game name: SonicX2k0
3DS Friend Code:
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: SonicX2k0
Country of Residence: U.S.
Palette Color: 6
Message: 2000 i dont know something something
Username: StriderAaron360
In-game name: SA360
Wii-U NNID: TheBlueStrider
Current Residence: USA
Palette color: 1 and 3
Message: You can only accomplish what you believe you're capable of.
User name:SuperAirbender97
In-Game Name:Mel
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID:SuperAirebender
Skype: SuperAirbender 97
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 3
Message: I hope I get added to the Skype group and hope to face any of you guys soon.
User name: Syndralix
In-Game name: Syndralix
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Syndralix
Skype: Syndralix
Country of Residence: United States
Palette Color: 1
Message: Syndralix I've honed my skills on For Glory long enough to drive any man insane. I'm more than ready for some friendly matches with forum-goers.
User name: Terios the Hedgehog
In-Game name: Terios
3DS Friend Code:I choose to not put this as I need a new SD card for my New 3DS before I transfer my data and stuff. I'll update it later.
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Terios
Skype: terios_hedgie
Country of Residence: US of Murica
Palette Color: 2,5,7 Depends on my mood
Message: (One sentence about myself)
User name: TheSonicUniverse
In-Game name: SA~Asakura
3DS Friend Code:2664-2230-1187
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: TheSonicTeam2013
Country of Residence:USA
Palette Color: (White,Black)
Message: (I Don't Spindash)
3DS FC:Will add l8r
Pallet Color:5
Message:gotta go fast
Username: VKatana
In-Game Name: VKatana
3DS Friend Code: Don't remember, unimportant
NNID: erivatro5
Skype: daylight_king
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 8
Message: I dunno dude
Please add me to the Skype chat! didn't know it existed.
User Name: XLR8TION
In-Game name: XLR8
3DS Friend Code: 4399 0465 6002
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: No Wii U yet
Skype: larry.payne98
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 5
Message: Sonig The Coonhog
User name: YoYoFantaFanta
In-Game name: YYFF
3ds friend code: 4914-3889-8963
NNID: YoYoFantaFanta
Skype: yoyofantafanta
Country of residence: New Jersey
Palette Color: 1
Message: I played Melee, Brawl, and Project M casually and I want to get good at Smash 4 with my favorite character from Brawl, Project M, and Smash 4; the fastmaster himself, Sonic The Hedgehog.
User name: Zerker
In-Game name: Zerker
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: AlexZerker
Skype: striderzerker
Country of Residence: USA West Coast
Palette Color: 3
Message: I don't actually use Sonic often, but I do really need MU practice against him.
User name: Zero5642
In-Game name: Tyler
3DS Friend Code: 1375-8593-1598
(Wii U) Nintendo Network ID: Zero5642
Skype: StickyToast
Country of Residence: USA
Palette Color: 8
Message: Fast.