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Ontario Melee Music Video


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2009
How far can I ride without turning back?
Today I was hit with the inspiration to try and make an Ontario Melee Music Video...not just a combo video but sorta like a splurge of combo video and montage-esque media? I want to spend the next year doing it.

I want random RL video clips of smashers (not necessarily just playing), pics, quotes, and whatever mushed into it with the obvious **** combos and I.B., chillin' next to David's silly faces and much much more. Yeah...just keep egging me on to make this though, cause my inspiration is very often followed by laziness, thus leading to disbelief in how awesome it could turn out. A camera at every smash fest, and a recording set up on every TV...it's lock down time.

The idea just came to me due to the fact that I switched scenes based off how chill you all are. I want everyone who has interest in joining the community, and those who have yet to understand its awesomeness to feel the same way as I did when I showed up at Kyle's house the first time for a tourney. You guys had my RL name memorized from day one so I deeply feel that this video needs to feel like home!

I realize there are a plethora of talented video makers here, and I have seen the work thus proving so. I am pretty new, about a year old and I really do not hope to sound cocky what so ever; I am just really excited about doing this. This being said, any and all ideas are welcome, though I do sort of wish to maintain my own vision of how this project will go.


For now.

Meaning there will be more.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2009
How far can I ride without turning back?
So this is going to be a of a jumble of ideas...bear with me as I push to organize this into something:

First off I want to pre-emptively apologize to anyone and everyone I annoy with a camera in their face or insist to strongly, that their friendlies and/or money matches be recorded. I need a lot, A LOT of footage to pull off what I have floating around in my head. I can't rightly explain what it is but I'll put up updates maybe monthly or bi-weekly to show progress, thus bringing you to a general idea of what I have in mind.

Theme - So I sorta came up with a a theme/clip transition to go with the first parts of the video; to be able to use it however I need to know the following:

I need arrange a list of Smashers who are interested in being a part of the video. If you are interested in being a part please add me to MSN or email me at Viaticalvivi@hotmail.com. This is sorta restricted to Ontario for now but I do have aspirations to make a collective video for Canada should this one turn out well enough for me to be proud of. Again I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything and I'm sorry if it comes off that way D:.

After I get some sort of a list put together of anyone who wants to be in it, the tricky part comes. I will post the list, then I want all of you to LINK yourself to someone on the list in the community, one person. You will be linking yourself to the person you think has the most influence over you in the community...be it a best friend someone who was nice to you on the boards, someone you look up to...whatever the reason just one person you feel strongly connected to. Granted a good deal of people may be influenced by the same person, so I may ask you to list a few names just so I can move on. I want it to feel like it does have some sort of a sequence/flow that shows how everyone is linked together as a community.

Second I would like to ask anyone interested to post their "Combo of choice" along with their tag. By combo of choice I mean a combo you feel best illustrates your play-style? Or defines you? Something you're proud to watch yourself do over and over, I guess. Not that there will only be one combo from each person for the entire video, just I have a special idea for your self-considered "best" combo.
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