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Online Tournaments....


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
There's probably already a thread covering this topic but I wanted to bring it up again even if there is.

Online tournaments in Brawl have - for me and loads of people I know - spoiled the 'feel' of the Smash community coming together and fighting for a prize.

It's safe to say that Brawl has an extremely disappointing online mode, especially when compared to Mario Kart, which runs smoothly almost all the time.

That being said, the unreliable connections, the general lag experienced and the feel of not playing face-to-face with an opponent has ruined competative play for me.

Thoughts & comments appreciated. Thanks.



Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
I find it suprisingly stupid that Nintendo continue to mess things up. Here's how they could have improved Brawl immensely:-

* Polished online mode, running through Nintendo servers rather than relying on individual connections of the combatents
* Have the "With Anyone" matches available to be stock matches rather than just a 2-minute time match, as well as allowing only two players to fight
* Wireless headset....I know this issue has been raised before but there's a reason for that ¬.¬
* The ability to let you change the length of how long a replay can be rather than having to finish matches within three minutes as well as being able to fast forward, pause and rewind saved videos

Only a few of the many improvements that could have been. I'm one guy.....17 years old.....I live in Wales.....and I find it crap that there are hundreds if not thousands of others in the world that could have thought of these ways to improve Brawl, yet Nintendo - a huge, world-famous gaming company - with all of their employees can't (or can but choose to ignore it). Rant over, please discuss =P.


Sad Panda323

Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2008
QC, Iowa
-Online tournaments are a joke.

-Playing Online doesn't prove anything about how good you are.

-Playing online makes you WORSE when you're playing offline.


Smash Rookie
Mar 27, 2008
I think everyone knows that Nintendo screwed up with the online (so I won't say anything more about that), but... are you arguing that the existence of online play is a bad thing? That's the impression I got from the second and fourth line of your OP, sorry if I misunderstood.

But online play, however crappy, is a good thing. It adds another option, another way for people to connect. There are many reasons for someone not to be able to participate in tournaments where the participants meet. They could live in an unpopulated area, they could be too young/have strict parents, they could have issues with concealing their identity/exact location for safety. While it might not hold a candle to playing face to face, the existence of online play is far from a bad thing.

@Sad Panda: While I agree with your third point, I don't with your first two. To a person who has learned playing Melee, where the only method of connection was actually driving to a tournament site, a break in tradition/difference in play might seem like a joke. Face to face tourneys and online tournaments may have a big difference between them because of the lag, but online matches still take skill. Your second point could be revised by saying that playing online doesn't prove anything about how good you are in face to face tournaments (though I would definitely say that an online player would be better than someone who's never played before, in a face to face tournament).


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2008
England, Bedford
Technically the Smash Community is comming together but in a different method and also if the makers or SSBB didn't have an Online Mode you'd likely still be moaning. Plus theres methods of ways to reduce lag but whatever you can either deal with it or not.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Miami, Florida
Although I do prefer a Live tournament anyday over an Online one, but look the game has already been out for a while. It isn't going to change anytime soon, so get use to it, and stop crying.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
-Online tournaments are a joke.

-Playing Online doesn't prove anything about how good you are.

-Playing online makes you WORSE when you're playing offline.
um, if you win a match like 20 times against sum1 with tournament setting on low/no lag..i think it might have been proven ur better???


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Tournaments should stick to large meetings unless it is a "casual" tournament. But there aren't very many of those.

Sad Panda323

Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2008
QC, Iowa
um, if you win a match like 20 times against sum1 with tournament setting on low/no lag..i think it might have been proven ur better???
Having no lag is impossible. There is always button input lag no matter how good(or bad) your connection is. The input lag is the main reason why online matches shouldn't be taken seriously.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2008
When I play someone for 20+ games and win all or at least 95% of them, then the person start *****ing about how he would ''kick my *** in person'' without the lag and assuming that he would destroy me if we were playing ''irl'', it seriously piss me off.

it's really easy to hide behind the lag excuse to cover up countless wifi losses and acting like you're tough ****. Do you seriously think someone is going to drive 5 hours to come and play a Smash game with you? Claiming you're a pro-caliber player ''in person'' is really lame.

You're not the only one lagging, the other person is playing under the same condition you are, if you lose, and especialy after having 10 games to get used to a split second button input, STILL LOSE, well I think it's safe to assume you're faced with a superior opponent. Make up BS excuses if you wanna and threaten to win if the person care enough to cross several states to Brawl with you.

I'm not trying to defend Nintendo, the online mode is very flawed and it sadden me to see they ****ed up on such a big game. But I'm just tired of hearing moany *****es PMS'ing about how they would 20-stock my *** if I came to play them in Nigeria. (Not targeting anyone with this rant, I just see this too much)

Flame away

Sad Panda323

Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2008
QC, Iowa
When I play someone for 20+ games and win all or at least 95% of them, then the person start *****ing about how he would ''kick my *** in person'' without the lag and assuming that he would destroy me if we were playing ''irl'', it seriously piss me off.

it's really easy to hide behind the lag excuse to cover up countless wifi losses and acting like you're tough ****. Do you seriously think someone is going to drive 5 hours to come and play a Smash game with you? Claiming you're a pro-caliber player ''in person'' is really lame.

You're not the only one lagging, the other person is playing under the same condition you are, if you lose, and especialy after having 10 games to get used to a split second button input, STILL LOSE, well I think it's safe to assume you're faced with a superior opponent. Make up BS excuses if you wanna and threaten to win if the person care enough to cross several states to Brawl with you.

I'm not trying to defend Nintendo, the online mode is very flawed and it sadden me to see they ****ed up on such a big game. But I'm just tired of hearing moany *****es PMS'ing about how they would 20-stock my *** if I came to play them in Nigeria. (Not targeting anyone with this rant, I just see this too much)

Flame away
After playing Melee for 6 years, where timing is crucial and then playing Brawl with a one second lag on your buttons comes as quite a shock. I'm not trying to defend myself(I don't even play online), or anyone else, just keep that in mind.


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
I'm not going to bother quoting each of you so I'll try and put my thoughts across in bullet points.....bullet points ROCK (I think I'll use squiggles this time ^.^).

~ Online play IS a good addition, I'm glad it's in. That being said....it does suck compared to other online Wii games
~ Even though there is often lag present, as long as it's not terribly bad (1 second delay kinda makes blocking against a decent player impossible), you can get used to it and beating someone 20 times with tournament settings would prove you to be a better player
~ Any large, respected tournament should have every stage of the competition played in person. If people are playing for $10,000, I for one wouldn't want to put the outcome in the hands of an extremely bad online mode

Any more questions or whatever, I'll let you know my thoughts.

Hope you liked the squiggles .!,,! (~.~) !,,!.



Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
There's probably already a thread covering this topic but I wanted to bring it up again even if there is.

Online tournaments in Brawl have - for me and loads of people I know - spoiled the 'feel' of the Smash community coming together and fighting for a prize.

It's safe to say that Brawl has an extremely disappointing online mode, especially when compared to Mario Kart, which runs smoothly almost all the time.

That being said, the unreliable connections, the general lag experienced and the feel of not playing face-to-face with an opponent has ruined competative play for me.

Thoughts & comments appreciated. Thanks.


ummm... with regards to mario kart.. mario kart reduces lag to pretty much none coz it assumes where the cars going to be. but if u hav a bad connection u can see a person sitting on the starting line for ages, so its laggy, and wen a red shell sits behind a racer and doesnt hit? thats lag, its plenty lagful they just disguise by assuming where ppl will b.
smash has a lot more variable also. not juts a kart moving forward and turning etc.
well thats wat i think,

still its too bad bout smash being so laggy. makes online tourneys hard


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
When I play someone for 20+ games and win all or at least 95% of them, then the person start *****ing about how he would ''kick my *** in person'' without the lag and assuming that he would destroy me if we were playing ''irl'', it seriously piss me off.

it's really easy to hide behind the lag excuse to cover up countless wifi losses and acting like you're tough ****. Do you seriously think someone is going to drive 5 hours to come and play a Smash game with you? Claiming you're a pro-caliber player ''in person'' is really lame.

You're not the only one lagging, the other person is playing under the same condition you are, if you lose, and especialy after having 10 games to get used to a split second button input, STILL LOSE, well I think it's safe to assume you're faced with a superior opponent. Make up BS excuses if you wanna and threaten to win if the person care enough to cross several states to Brawl with you.

I'm not trying to defend Nintendo, the online mode is very flawed and it sadden me to see they ****ed up on such a big game. But I'm just tired of hearing moany *****es PMS'ing about how they would 20-stock my *** if I came to play them in Nigeria. (Not targeting anyone with this rant, I just see this too much)

Flame away
I agree completely.

and maybe there isn't a match with 'no lag', but sometimes matchs seem to go pretty **** smoothly. Casual, 'for fun' tournaments should be held online. Just...to play smash. hardcore stuff, leave for get-to-gethers, because there is so many factors--I mean online, you might be playing against someone who has hacks or something!! So yea.. just a tip, don't have online money matches! Lol :laugh:


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
Am I the only one that thinks "casual tournament" is an oxymoron?

Yeah, you're not the only one.:laugh:

But I think its supposed to mean those tournaments without money involved.

Btw, who would put money on an ONLINE tournament? There's no guarantee that the money would even be given in time.:laugh:

Only morons bet money on online tournaments...


Smash Rookie
Jul 18, 2008
Glesga (glasgow ;))
Ok right, i hate, and i mean HATE the lagging in online play, it doesnt happen ALL THE TIME, but whn it dus, it drives me batty!

But let me tell u somethin, see all the games that i have bought that dont have online play, i have sent back,(except of course wii sports) because i have got bored of them. I sent back Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games.(all u people who dont have it are probably thinking wot in the hell? But it does eventually get boring) But its not got REAL online play, it just has a place to submit the scores to an online world. Anyways, back to the point, if Brawl didnt have online play, and u didnt have friends who had a wii (which i dont, 3 or 4 out of a lot do) it would eventually become boring.

I agree to the person above. MONEY on a non-reality game? Right, so the nincumpoops who say they are broke and they have put money on a brawl tournament and lost, dont come cryin to any of us non-betters. I dont mind puttin the Brawl coins on it but real money? Pfft.

If any of this information that i have distributed is incorrect or misunderstood in any way, Dammit!


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
Ok right, i hate, and i mean HATE the lagging in online play, it doesnt happen ALL THE TIME, but whn it dus, it drives me batty!

But let me tell u somethin, see all the games that i have bought that dont have online play, i have sent back,(except of course wii sports) because i have got bored of them. I sent back Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games.(all u people who dont have it are probably thinking wot in the hell? But it does eventually get boring) But its not got REAL online play, it just has a place to submit the scores to an online world. Anyways, back to the point, if Brawl didnt have online play, and u didnt have friends who had a wii (which i dont, 3 or 4 out of a lot do) it would eventually become boring.

I agree to the person above. MONEY on a non-reality game? Right, so the nincumpoops who say they are broke and they have put money on a brawl tournament and lost, dont come cryin to any of us non-betters. I dont mind puttin the Brawl coins on it but real money? Pfft.

If any of this information that i have distributed is incorrect or misunderstood in any way, Dammit!
I like how you think kind sir.;) *gives mikeyquinn96 cookies*

Btw, if you want to find some good Wii games that aren't with online play, you should try Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, or Metroid Prime: Corruption( w/e its called).

And if you want another online game, Mario Kart Wii is also nice.;)

And yes, brawl would be boring for a person without friends who come over frequently, if there was no online play and you finished the one player junkies.:


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
dont u know that 3/4 online tournaments fail in the 1st three months?
^that cud b false, but yer, online tourneys can b hard to organise and get ppl to commit too.
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