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Online Mupen64K/Trouble Shooting Guide


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Q: When I play a game, I can move my mouse but I can't click any windows!
A: Make sure you do not have any Mouse binds in your input configuration, if you are really confused on what this means, just clear your controller settings and rebind them. (Original question: heeheex2)

Q: What is a MKR/ST?
A: Mupen64K Recording, and savestate respectively. One is to load the memory data, and the other contains controller info, you need them both to watch a movie. (Original question: vex)

Information about NetPlay:

Dash_Fox said:
I read somewhere that on smash online (or online games in general, especially over kaillera) depending on how fast you set your connection, it limits how many actions go through over the net per second. I don't know the numbers, but on "Good" connection on kaillera, it sends 18 - 25 actions per second I think. It's just the way online works I believe.
Kaillera/EmuLinker a tad different in the way they handle delay, and lag. However in a nutshell. No actions are limited to a specific number; You should be sending X actions a second, X being the number of times a game needs input. This number is dependent on the ROM itself. (For N64)

Delay is calculated by connection settings, and ping. (for EmuLinker it is calculated by the worst ping)

The reason DI is harder online is because of timing, but it is in theory easier to do when a game lags.

Keyboard DI seems easier because you can easily press a direction at full force and quickly rotate in the cardinal 8.

Another thing to consider is the size of the data being sent, and the speed of the emulator.

For comparison MAME sends 2 bytes a message, Mupen64K send 4 bytes a message, PJ64K sends a whopping 24 bytes a message. (per player)

4 Players on MAME: 480 bytes a second. (0.46875KB/s)
4 Players on Mupen64K: 960 bytes a second. (0.9375KB/s)
4 Players on Project64K: 5760 bytes a second. (5.625KB/s)

Modem Speed Comparison

56kbps will max out at 7KB/s

However, due to level restrictions, phone line quality and other factors, obtaining this theoretical maximum throughput for a dial up modem is technically impossible.

DSL between 32KB/s to 3000KB/s (Depending on the type of modem)

Cable Modem between 250KB/s to 6250KB/s (Depending on type of modem)


Another thing to consider is the constant flow of overhead information coming into/out of the server, you have lobby chat, join/quit notifcations, server notifications, and game create/close notifcations.

On top of that you have external programs: AIM, MSN, mIRC, etc.

The last thing to consider in all of this is that not only must you send information to the server, you need to wait until the server recieves it, plus all other players information then sends it back to all clients, which ends up looping so all players recieve information.

If you have any questions about anything please post them here!


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2007
Q: why does fox's blaster shot dissappear, and then reappear with a huge gap?


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I get this when trying to capture an AVI:

Video codec failure!
A cal to addVideoFrame() (AVIStreamWrite) failed.
Perhaps you ran out of memory?

I really doubt I ran out of memory. That's never happened to me before.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Q: why does fox's blaster shot dissappear, and then reappear with a huge gap?
This happens because your video card can not run the default plugin at full speed so the plugin tries to automatically optimize the speed, by using less methods of emulation.

To fix this, you might want to switch plugins to Jabo 3D7 which will use the same graphics as PJ64K. (flat shields, items, no hands, etc) If you think your computer can handle Jabo 3D8 you can also try that.

I have about 5 different video plugins that I use, some do better with different games. There is no 'best' plugin.

You will have to transfer the plugins from PJ64 manually if you want to use them, it is against there rules to package them. Place them in your plugin folder.

Q: to record, all you have to do is press F8 right?
Yes that is the hotkey to record to MKR, you may also stop recording by pressing Control + F8. Alternatively you may manually start/stop recording by going to Utilities -> Record

I get this when trying to capture an AVI:

Video codec failure!
A cal to addVideoFrame() (AVIStreamWrite) failed.
Perhaps you ran out of memory?

I really doubt I ran out of memory. That's never happened to me before.
If you are using Vista I do not think AVI capture works well on it. The DivX codec is the only one I have received this error on while trying to use. Some codecs have specific settings, and thus aren't compatible.

I like to encode using X264 at 640 x 480, 0 quantizer, and then compressing sound to LAME MP3 16 kb/s, and running a single pass over it using mencoder.

I used Jabo3D8 1.6 and turned on anti-aliasing up to max settings.

This is the resulting quality:


I found this to be a very good download when trying to get everything working.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Q: How do you set up mupen for best speed?
A: malva00 (11:27:32 PM): it's set rom list, copy plugins from pj64k folder, set plugins and controls and play
malva00 (11:27:54 PM): so easy
malva00 (11:27:58 PM): "this mupen is confusing"
malva00 (11:27:59 PM): OMG

Q: I can't watch video playbacks.
A: Make sure you the MKR/ST file and they are the same name, also make sure you have turned off RawData for all controllers in the plugin setting, some games like GE require a distinct plugin to be used so try that...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
I swear I get better DI on the emulator...?
You probably do, the delay is lower then PJ64K, so you are most likely hitting more frames and getting better DI.

me too . could it be becuz of the deadzone?
Deadzone is actually the minimum force, threshold is the maximum force, and range is the intervals.

I will PM you xD
You do not need to post about this! :-P

I get a black screen when trying to play Mupen on kaillera. Help please ;)
Try changing the video plugin, the best three are Jabo3D7, Jabo3D8, and Mudlord's Rice Plugin.

black then white right? trying changing video plugin to d3d8 , happens to me with d3d7
This is because I wrote a tiny hack for D3D7, personally I use Jabo3D8... I find it hard to believe that SO many people have bad computers.

- okaygo


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2007
I can't use the P2P ****. Someone sent me the client and I used it once, then my comp thought it was a virus and deleted the client. Now I can't use the "Kaillera...." function at all. I've DLed and Re-DLed 20+ times. I've had other people send me their Mupen folders in their entirety.

Nothin werks.

Please halp.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2007
Yeah, but I can't imagine that its the problem. I'm no okaygo, but when I click Utilities>Kaillera.... nothing happens at all.
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