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Online Gang Menatality


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
I haven't seen any threads on this subject, so I'll start the convo.

So I was in For Fun tonight, and each time I entered and reentered, I was ganged up on each time. When I say this, its a 3 vs 1 type of thing, or a 3rd opponent may not do anything.These guys are looking to KO me, and me only judging by their actions. Three notable occasions tonight had to do with a Marth and a Capt Falcon coming at me while a Pikachu did nothing. This went on for a couple matches. Then there was one with Ryu and a active Pikachu,. Lastly, it was a 3 vs 1 type of deal where a Falco, Greninja, and Megaman came after me only. In sudden death matches, when it doesn't involve me, the opponents both race off the stage, without even trying to come at each other.

I found this type of activity un-sportsmasnship like and would not let one of the players be rewarded for their decision, so I DC'd.

What should be the mature way of going about this gang mentality? Is bringing the match to a halt by DC'ing a responsible decision? I refuse to award such unjust behavior with a victory.

Has anyone else had this experience (if so, how have you dealt with it?), and is there any way for me to avoid being ganged up on?

I guess people on a Friday night just don't like Foxes/


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I haven't seen any threads on this subject, so I'll start the convo.

So I was in For Fun tonight, and each time I entered and reentered, I was ganged up on each time. When I say this, its a 3 vs 1 type of thing, or a 3rd opponent may not do anything.These guys are looking to KO me, and me only judging by their actions. Three notable occasions tonight had to do with a Marth and a Capt Falcon coming at me while a Pikachu did nothing. This went on for a couple matches. Then there was one with Ryu and a active Pikachu,. Lastly, it was a 3 vs 1 type of deal where a Falco, Greninja, and Megaman came after me only. In sudden death matches, when it doesn't involve me, the opponents both race off the stage, without even trying to come at each other.

I found this type of activity un-sportsmasnship like and would not let one of the players be rewarded for their decision, so I DC'd.

What should be the mature way of going about this gang mentality? Is bringing the match to a halt by DC'ing a responsible decision? I refuse to award such unjust behavior with a victory.

Has anyone else had this experience (if so, how have you dealt with it?), and is there any way for me to avoid being ganged up on?

I guess people on a Friday night just don't like Foxes/
Report everyone


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
It requires you to not DC, since you can only do it on the Results Screen.

When the match is over, you can press X to view each individual player's profile, then from there have an additional option to either add or report them.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
It requires you to not DC, since you can only do it on the Results Screen.

When the match is over, you can press X to view each individual player's profile, then from there have an additional option to either add or report them.
There's a slight problem with that. 1. My Wiimote/Nunchuk do not have a X button and I am not given the chance to report in the results screen. This is for the Wii U if that helps any.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Every controller option has the ability to let you report as far as I know look towards the bottom of the screen at the results screen there should be some button icons to let you either save the replay, or view a player profile. When you view a profile you get a new option to report the player

Just an FYI you don't hit start/+ at the screen as that skips everything, you hit a just twice
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
First off, it sounds like you are encountering Taunt Parties and "Crashing" them.

Taunt Parties are very frequent in For Fun Free for All and if you attempt to play normally they will all attack you without mercy. It's sad to say this, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about it unless you avoid For Fun altogether or get involved in 2V2s in For Fun. Taunt Parties are here to stay and there's no getting rid of them. My advice would be after the match starts do nothing but also be on your guard. If you see anyone fighting then have at it, if not then just join in and deal with it till the match is over then leave immediately afterwards.

That would be the only way to avoid getting ganged up on unless again, you avoid that mode altogether.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
First off, it sounds like you are encountering Taunt Parties and "Crashing" them.

Taunt Parties are very frequent in For Fun Free for All and if you attempt to play normally they will all attack you without mercy. It's sad to say this, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about it unless you avoid For Fun altogether or get involved in 2V2s in For Fun. Taunt Parties are here to stay and there's no getting rid of them. My advice would be after the match starts do nothing but also be on your guard. If you see anyone fighting then have at it, if not then just join in and deal with it till the match is over then leave immediately afterwards.

That would be the only way to avoid getting ganged up on unless again, you avoid that mode altogether.
Never heard of the term. Its odd how those parties would be put together, unless the three other opponents were smashing together.

I find there are some peeps in FF that are great at perfect shielding.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Never heard of the term. Its odd how those parties would be put together, unless the three other opponents were smashing together.

I find there are some peeps in FF that are great at perfect shielding.
sadly taunt parties are becoming an increasingly common thing, to the point where no, its 3 people who know each other doing it, its almost always a group of mediocre-lousy players who don't liek the fact that they're outclassed by everyone in for glory. So they sit in the for fun mode and don't even fight, and only attack the one player who doesn't want to sit in their dumb taunt party.

If everyone made it their goal here to go to for fun mode and just report a taunt party once a day, you'd be able to start seeing a difference. As of now no one bothers to report em, and just leaves, allowing em to continue.

Hell taunt parties were one of the reasons why sakurai added the report function in the first place, stating it during the reveal that you could report players in smash4 as he wondered just why anyone would join a match to do nothing but taunt and not fight their opponents, when the whole point of the game is to fight.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Believe me, Taunt Parties were a massive problem in Brawl's online. Hell, it'd be a pretty safe estimate to say about 90% of all Brawl online With Anyone Matches (Team matches excluded) were Taunt Parties.

How did it catch on? No clue, enough people just liked the idea of being friendly together and doing nothing, I suppose, and the fact that they'd gang up on anyone who didn't join in probably helped further enforce them. I didn't always mind them in Brawl, but I kinda just had to go along with them even if I didn't want to, lest I get ganged up on.

As others have suggested, try reporting their profiles. Don't disconnect mid-match or else you might get temporarily-banned for it, especially if you do it repeatedly.

Ganging up on players can also result in bans IIRC, so that along with several other recorded issues and the ban system itself has helped considerably lower the presence of Taunt Parties compared to Brawl.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
sadly taunt parties are becoming an increasingly common thing, to the point where no, its 3 people who know each other doing it, its almost always a group of mediocre-lousy players who don't liek the fact that they're outclassed by everyone in for glory. So they sit in the for fun mode and don't even fight, and only attack the one player who doesn't want to sit in their dumb taunt party.

If everyone made it their goal here to go to for fun mode and just report a taunt party once a day, you'd be able to start seeing a difference. As of now no one bothers to report em, and just leaves, allowing em to continue.

Hell taunt parties were one of the reasons why sakurai added the report function in the first place, stating it during the reveal that you could report players in smash4 as he wondered just why anyone would join a match to do nothing but taunt and not fight their opponents, when the whole point of the game is to fight.
We gotta encourage people to go into For Fun (although I do think it should be renamed to something else), and put a end to this mediocrity.

And I don't know why anyone would either, unless its to pathetically increase their win rate.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
We gotta encourage people to go into For Fun (although I do think it should be renamed to something else), and put a end to this mediocrity.

And I don't know why anyone would either, unless its to pathetically increase their win rate.
for fun mode doesn't keep track of your win/loss % or rate, so you don't have to worry about that. Still though, if everyone reported the taunt parties it would put an end to em.


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Yeah... I get this feeling that people are neglecting the reporting system if Taunt Matches are becoming that ubiquitous.

Really, the best way to deal with a taunt match is to do 2 things:

The 1st and easiest one to do is to avoid For Fun mode altogether.
The 2nd is to just join in and get them on your good side. ...Then maybe try to kill someone if you get the chance and run away for the rest of the match.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Yeah... I get this feeling that people are neglecting the reporting system if Taunt Matches are becoming that ubiquitous.
The actual issue is the fact that Taunt Parties are so common in For Fun that reporting won't even put a dent in it.

I mean, who is really going to waste their time reporting every single Taunt Party (which is two or three reports per party) they come across when you may come across possibly five to six in a row? You'd be spending more time reporting people than actually playing the game at that point, which I'm sure nobody wants to do. So yes, the best option would be to avoid For Fun if you dislike Taunt Parties.

As for the Second Option you gave, I am unsure of that being a good idea. You could always leave immediately after that yes; however at the very same time Taunt Party-ers can report you too for it if they want to stoop that low. From what I've heard reports are not even checked so anyone can report players for just about anything. That would include crashing a Taunt Party if they again, choose to stoop that low. It's why most good players have complained about being banned despite doing absolutely nothing wrong for it.

The Report System can be good for reporting those who deserve it, but it can also be abused hence why it's considered to be flawed.
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Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
The actual issue is the fact that Taunt Parties are so common in For Fun that reporting won't even put a dent in it.

I mean, who is really going to waste their time reporting every single Taunt Party (which is two or three reports per party) they come across when you may come across possibly five to six in a row?
...I would?

I mean, if I do get banned, I wouldn't really care anyway, since I don't go online Smashing every day.

...Well, I guess if the ban lasted for about a month, that would be a different story.

Enemy Birds

Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
This is why I stopped playing For Fun free-for-all. It's not just something that happens once in a while; it's all. the. time. Like, if I even try joining once, I'll get a taunt party. This would be understandable if they were playing some sort of clever game, or communicating in some way, but they're not. They just jump around and do repetitive actions, and even that much is largely to avoid to idle kick feature. Why do so many people start playing Smash Bros just to avoid playing Smash Bros as much as possible?

Usually, I let taunt parties run their course and leave, but lately I've been thinking about deliberately crashing taunt parties and trying to beat them at their own game. Wouldn't it be fun, if it would actually work?

But still, at least For Fun's team mode is safe, so if you don't want to play on For Glory, you can have fun there.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2015
"Why do so many people start playing Smash Bros just to avoid playing Smash Bros as much as possible?"

Because trolling.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Although it's been a while since I've played Sm4sh online.... I doubt the Taunt Parties will ever get to Brawl levels of bad.

And by "bad" I mean "frequency".
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