@Smash maniac
oh, good idea. didnt even think of that xD by stairs, you mean hyrule temple right? Ill give that a try. It was hard finding height values for his height, so I think that would help. thank youuuu.
at the mario cap thing: O_O thats gotta be the strangest thing Ive heard of for model hacks. and lol at the foot xD
at the pichu thing: yeah I got the "fixed" one, its better, but Ill still try my own take on making one.
at your request:
1. tried. theres no value for it

2. also tried. I was only able to modify his entire head, or the ears, or the "aura sensors".
3. Sure I can do that.
4. Hmm... not sure. Ill hafta look.
^^Is this for making a Mewtwo??
at your second post:
I know training mode is very unstable, and causes the cpu to be player 1, there for that character having the changes... not sure about anything else, although using characters like pkmn trainer, zelda or samus may cause odd effects because they switch mid game. and the mario has no cap code is screwy as well, it seems to effect other characters as well -_- and sure, id love to see the vid.