Yeah that makes sense, sarcasms hard to catch. Can you believe we're trying to make an actual smash related discussion in the Nebraska thread this is crazy...
anyway I don't remember what happened in Pound 2, but are you sure you aren't thinking of INNV? KSN and Viperboy beat Dark and Forward... unless they won both of those tourneys. For INNV, Dark and Forward just plain didn't team as well as they probably hoped, and I'll admit KSN and Viperboy was pretty random. But if you think about it, the character match is perfect for them, KSN to Shiz, and Viperboy to Tink, and they're both players that have performed better in doubles than they have in singles. You also have to consider that Fox/Falco is probably the best possible team for doubles, its hard to beat. Fox/Fox could be better tho :/
About Darkrain in doubles, I would think that he can't always do the best in doubles because he's always with a different person. I mean he's always done well with Dmac, but then he'll go off and team with Wife or Dope or someone else, and he still does very well simply on the skill of the 2 players. But as a Falcon player that dude is soooo good about not nailing his partner with moves, and he hits solid knees out of his partners moves. Though he doesn't get the chance to win the doubles tournies, he obviously knows the tactics required of playing in doubles, which means it is tactical.
I wouldn't necessarily say that mindgames are less important in doubles, though. I read people all the time in doubles, sitting behind my partner waiting for someone to try to roll past, or run like I'm going to help my partner out to get the dude chasing me to be where I want him. I think it's all still as important, you just can't have only 1 person doing it, you have to do it as a team. Problem is nobody here wants to play doubles, and nobody has a steady partner anymore. Which makes for fun games here, but makes us weak when we go to a tournament.
Alright now that I just killed some boredom time I gotta run to Lincoln. If I can get back in time I'll try to get over to the tourney and just play games or whatever.
One quick point I will agree with though, on the KSN/Viperboy thing. I think that its very possible for a team to win by simply throwing moves out, as a tactic. It's just like how a Falco can win in singles, they can do it in doubles, too. That's just smash I guess =/ lol