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Olimar's Weekly Matchup Thread (#13 Yoshi v Olimar)


Apr 10, 2008
It's Yoshi's week in the Olimar forums. If you'd like to help and contribute anything you know about the matchup, feel free to share it in this thread or the original which can be found here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=172222 I encourage you to post in our forums though, as it will bring more conversation with it.


Deleted member

Easy matchup for yoshi(i has tourny expereince on it). Olimars spam game is a bit frusterating, but its not too difficult with smart bairs and taking advantage of olimar pullin out new pikmen to get closer or better, get olimar in the air. Once olimar is in the air, egg roll easily deals with all of his aerials. Egg roll kills pikmen on you, but gets grabbed so dont approach with it. Off stage, olimar can usually get back if he isnt hit too far, but lets say u fsmash but dont kill, u can jump off and rising nair to finish him. I like dairing olimars on the ledge, if i hit its a stock, if not im still puttin the pressure on. His grab combos are tough so try not to get grabbed(rising bairs are good). 6-4 yoshi.


Apr 10, 2008
Dan, we should fight
I can, but we'd have wait till friday. :p Blackwaltz and Protoman10 have played with Pride, so if you're just looking for some videos or somethin, they might have some.

Easy matchup for yoshi(i has tourny expereince on it). Olimars spam game is a bit frusterating, but its not too difficult with smart bairs and taking advantage of olimar pullin out new pikmen to get closer or better, get olimar in the air. Once olimar is in the air, egg roll easily deals with all of his aerials. Egg roll kills pikmen on you, but gets grabbed so dont approach with it. Off stage, olimar can usually get back if he isnt hit too far, but lets say u fsmash but dont kill, u can jump off and rising nair to finish him. I like dairing olimars on the ledge, if i hit its a stock, if not im still puttin the pressure on. His grab combos are tough so try not to get grabbed(rising bairs are good). 6-4 yoshi.
This is all right imo. every bit off it. Egg roll isn't all that great against an Olimar with experience in the matchup. It can prove useful though sometimes as it does go through his pikmin attacks. Just don't use it as an approach. Tech chasing with it works well.

It can be grabbed and can be fsmashed as you're turning around.(momentum=priority I figure?) I'm guessing you guys don't turn around often though. You just end the egg roll? If you don't hit the first time you try it, we'll surely punish your lag.

Remember, smarter players use fsmash to space and grabs for defending against approaching opponents, not the other way around.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
I meant I want to play some Olimar's because I like to play some mains first before I write my views and thoughts of this matchup
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