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Olimar's Match-Ups Help Section

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Alright, not being arrogant or thinking I know how to beat every character with Olimar, I don't people just don't play that many characters :laugh: jk, this should have been made and be well established already.
I feel that anyone who has a problem with a character should ask that question and I or anyone else on the Olimar boards should answer it as fellow players. But please before you go post happy with, "How do I beat Marth!!" or "Metaknight!!11!", please give a semi-brief description of what they are doing that is killing you.
Also it would help ever so much if instead of people posting, I can't get back on the stage, post what caused you to get knocked off the stage in the first place.

I am sure there are plenty of players here who will have the experiences you have had with the character and probably know how to deal with it. So be specific on what is causing you the loss.

Also I hope to keep this thread up to date so I can edit the main page often and eventually have it look nice and fancy like other threads here.

So Good Day and Happy Brawling or Camping, however you choose.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Hi, please use this video as a reference: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1_JbSc3kYyo

Could you please give tips on how to effectively beat a Ganondorf? NC-Echo makes Ganondorf seem so easy, but I've had some difficulties against him. First, what is a good way to counter Ganondorf's sliding kick attack? When he is using that sliding kick, Ganondorf's body is gliding a little bit above the stage, so I can't just forward-smash or grab him immediately. I end up shielding. Other times, I falsely judge that Ganondorf will slide-kick, but instead he uses that attack where he slides and grabs me. It's a great mind game from Ganondorf, and I would like some suggestions on how to counter these two moves. Thanks mate!


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Sorry dr. hyde... I know this is your thread, but I hope you don't mind putting my 2 cents in.
From the video the shown, the Olimar used two simple tactics. The first was dodging. If you notice. most of the time ganondorf was approaching, and olimar dodged. By doing this you can really exploit ganondorfs lag. A lot of the time after doing this is next reaction was to grab him and then bombard him with usmashes. Although, this became easily predictable, it really put ganondorf on the defensive. Another thing to note is that he always DIed away from ganondorf when in the air. He rarely took the offensive in the air. What he did do though is keep a distance and spam the pikmin throw, and it seemed once one latched it really became a distraction (ie he smashed them off). Great mind game noted here as this deterrence in targets makes ganondorf an easy, open target.
Now I haven't played too many ganondorfs yet, so I can't guarantee that this is the best strategy, but it worked for him. This is just all based off that video you gave as a reference. It seemed that everytime olimar approached or tried to attack with aerials he was punished, and I think that's worth mentioning, so keeping a distance might be key here.

EDIT: oh sorry, to answer your question about the b over move (gliding into a grab), it seems olimar's usmash out prioritizes it. Not sure about b down though, but from the video latching seemed to really slow down the move.
Also the olimar in the video (starting at 2:15) started to usmash out of his dashes (easily done by csticking) which seemed really effective.


Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
hey no problem, this is a fine question and you answered it very well.

This isn't supposed to be MY thread its for all Olimar's to answer with their experience and their thoughts.

I agreed with all your points Fino but I felt there was one thing that you missed that makes the match much easier.

Whistle. The Down B is semi fast but the Whistle makes you pretty much ignore it for the most part and deal lethal blows in return.
A safer way, as some would call it is to throw a Purple Pikmin. It should cancel it but I haven't played against many Ganons, even though I play him. The best things is to standing or air dodge the attack and punish. 2nd best is the whistle.
Fino made a great point the Latched were a huge distraction that caused Ganon a ton of damage, great mind game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Thanks, but since both the side-B and down-B attacks of Ganondorf's are almost instant, it's difficult to predict which one he will use. If I whistle, and he uses side-B, I will get grabbed. Any suggestions on countering Ganondorf's side-B?

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Basically what I do is just Up smash or dodge, its really hard to see if you are up close but you are pretty well off if you are far enough away.

I actually have a problem of my own, well not a problem but a peev. I did lose a little tonight, no surprise, but it was metaknight. I'm fairly good against him but I have to say I hate his neutral B. It beats everything! That is the only move in metakinght's arsenal that I have trouble with.

As another note from the matches, super armor is useful but not to the extent at which I use it, all the time that is.
The Forward Air, unless perfectly timed will damage and knock you back. Same goes for the Up Smash of metaknight's.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Basically what I do is just Up smash or dodge, its really hard to see if you are up close but you are pretty well off if you are far enough away.

I actually have a problem of my own, well not a problem but a peev. I did lose a little tonight, no surprise, but it was metaknight. I'm fairly good against him but I have to say I hate his neutral B. It beats everything! That is the only move in metakinght's arsenal that I have trouble with.

As another note from the matches, super armor is useful but not to the extent at which I use it, all the time that is.
The Forward Air, unless perfectly timed will damage and knock you back. Same goes for the Up Smash of metaknight's.
You can grab metaknight out of his neutral B, by the way ;p.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
so long as the tornado is on the ground you can grab him out of it (metaknight) if its in the air then when its over he will freefall.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
yes Lucrece, I know that I can grab them when they are on the GROUND. So does half the metaknight players I play against. :mad:
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