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Olimar is n00b...Face it!

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Alright well let me turn your own argument against you.

For god sakes, PIKACHU is such a n00b character! Now before you mods shoot the ban arrow, allow me to explain myself here:

Argument #1: Smash Attacks
When facing PIKACHU it's near impossible to get close to him because of his overly powerful, overly ranged, and overly prioritized side, up and down Smash attacks. I find it amusing how people come in this section and discuss "Advanced PIKACHU" tactics. Honestly, if you want to win, just sit in one spot and point the C stick where your opponent is. That is all you need to do. The Smash attacks are also way to fast considering their range. He throws the ****ing ELECTRIC way tooo far! Not only that, but a player can keep the ELECTRIC circulating as a ridiculous speed. These two items combined, and the result is your opponent having a really really hard ****ing time even getting in attack range of you!

Argument #2: Priority
Almost all of PIKACHU's attacks are full priority. So their overly fast, overly powerful, and overly long range, and on top of it, they are full priority. Out of all my complaints with PIKACHU, the priority is by far the biggest! If the priority was toned down a little, then the character might be fair. But of course not! His down aerial A thing, is possibly the cheapest **** ever. Full priority, instant kill if opponent is above 70%.

Argument #3: Damage
PIKACHU does sooo much ****ing damage almost to an unfair level. Well, then again, not almost, it is unfair. I dished out a mean *** 7 hit combo is CF, and delt around 50%. PIKACHU manages to hit me with 3 hits, and ties the game! WTF is that? These aren't even good hits, these are stupid ELECTRIC throws. It's all BS, way to much damage!

I basically used your logic and replaced everything with Pikachu. Sound too far fetched?
Nope. Overly powerful down smash, Forward and Up smash sound about right.
A pain in the @$$ projectile, yep. I didn't even get intov the Down B retardedness. I get knocked into tha air and I die from lightnig instantly, lol

Now, if I were to go into your little pikachu forums and post this I'd get flamed on harder than a burger in the 4th of July. All I'm saying is anyone can view a character as a n00b character and beat all their friends, who are "good".

Go to a tournament and win, like I have with Olimar and I guarentee you will be out first round if you think you can just use what you call noob tactics.

GTFO of our Forum with your complaints plz


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Lol no, Prestige 10 does not mean that, all that means is you've played it a large number of hours, it shows/proves nothing about your skill level. As far as your doubts I've played it, I'd love to dust it off and show you out of practice just how terrible you are.

Your argument about smash is actually the worst yet. Simply because you did not try c-sticking with marth, nor saw a dash-usmash heavy fox in SSBM, nor the many many other noob unfriendly simple things in that game does not mean they didn't exist, it just once again proves that you are in no way capable of having this discussion because your skill level is simply too low. It does matter if you and your friends suck, in fact it matters a lot, neither the makers of the game, nor us as a part of its community, are in any way responsible for you and your friends not having a clue how to play the game. Not only that, but your throwing around of top tier suggestions only shows how little time you've actually be a part of the competative smash scene. Tiers are thankfully not determined or even influenced in any way by anyone but the highest level of players, because it is a ranking system of each characters maximum potential, not an issue of beating players who will never experience the smallest part of any character's potential. A balanced game in no way is expected or even could be balanced at all levels of play. Good balanced games are the ones who as the depth of the game is explored, are significantly balanced enough to offer an exciting competative scene. To claim that Smash is the exception to the rule is a not very common personal opinion that obviously Nintendo didn't care about enough to balance it as you believe it should be. However the incredible lasting competative community that SSBM had, and with time we can hope Brawl will have, certainly suggests that it did accomplish the goals of a good balanced game.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
I'm a Prestige 10 in COD4, so I'm more then equated with the game, thank your very much.
Other than Zamato's illiteracy, I've definitely learned something from this discussion. No matter how much anyone tries to make Zamato ACQUIANTED with arguments explaining why Olimar is not a noob character, it's obvious that nothing is going to change his mind because he is obviously not interested in listening to anyone. It's pointless to try and convince someone who is so locked into misguided perceptions.

Zamato: if you are going to be so close-minded, why are you even attempting to discuss this topic with people?

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Other than Zamato's illiteracy, I've definitely learned something from this discussion. No matter how much anyone tries to make Zamato ACQUIANTED with arguments explaining why Olimar is not a noob character, it's obvious that nothing is going to change his mind because he is obviously not interested in listening to anyone. It's pointless to try and convince someone who is so locked into misguided perceptions.

Zamato: if you are going to be so close-minded, why are you even attempting to discuss this topic with people?
He's not, he had nothing better to do other than badger some people on a different forum than him.


Apr 10, 2008
why don't you post this in the pikachu section? I think the pikachu players in the forum can come up with approaches, combos, and ways to beat olimar. It's very possible to beat him. And it's pointless to argue in the OLIMAR SECTION for pete's sake how noobish you think he is. We're never going to agree with you and you're never going to agree with us. case closed.


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2008
Let me offer you a question in exchange of your statement of "Olimar is n00b" with something that might get a little different of a response.

Is Olimar annoying? Yes, very much annoying to players who can't counter him.
Is Olimar n00bish? Hardly. If I were to conjecture I'd say he has the longest learning curve of all the characters on the roster (Standing close to perhaps Snake). Plus when using him you have to think about what you're going to do with your Pikmin. The five Pikmin are suited for different jobs and if you're not doing a good job watching the next Pikmin in line then you might Smash with a White Pikmin then latch a Blue Pikmin onto an opponent. The jobs are more ideal switched around, but it's going to take more than a n00b to notice that. Spamming smashes does not result in a n00b character, but a n00b player. Heck, I can mess around with Ike or Dedede's Side Smash and instant KO someone at 30% if I spam it enough. That wouldn't make the move n00bish, but it would make me n00bish.
Your position is flawed to an extent of which it's impossible to say what you said specifically for Olimar. Most all characters have some strengths, you just happened to point the obvious towards Olimar's perks. Except about his recovery, which isn't all that great. If you can't KO him at 120%, then something's wrong with the move you just used. Maybe you used it too much? It shouldn't have been too hard to KO him with his lightweight and gimped recovery.

That's my two cents about your argument.


Smash Rookie
Mar 27, 2008
Heh. . .it's funny, a lot of people on here say Olimar is awesomely awesome and all that. . .but when I played the game for the first time my friends tried to convince me that he sucked. I of course had to prove them wrong, it's my philosophy that there are no bad characters, people just play worse with certain ones. So I played as Olimar and I found that he was extremely difficult to use, not a bad character in the least (I'm considerin making him my second) but very technical. I kicked there butts so it was all good.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Heres a magical solution! Don't look at the thread!!!! I know, isn't that such a profound suggestion?
Profound indeed. However, it still doesn't give you a reason to come into the forum of a certain character just to complain about them because you/your friends suck with or against him.


Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2007
awwww, poor you, did someone get beat by a bad olly - I hate to break it to you, but you could make this type of argument for soooo many characters in brawl - this is just the nature of the game...and if you really can't beat an olly that stands still - then you sir need some practice.
Lol, i was thinking the exact same thing.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
OHH NOOOOOOOOEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! olimar is standing still and i have a projectile. I press the b button, olimar gets hurt. Whaddayaknow! I do it again, he dodges. I do it again, slowly moving closer. He d smashes.....I jump and hit him. I carefully time my approach and hit him after his second jump. Olimar loses. The end.

and BTW Zamato, Fludd>Mario tornado. I can't tell you how many times it has won me matches, unlike mario tornado in the old games. You can gimp tons of recoveries, stop tops and grenades and bombs in the air, force people right in front of you when they try to aerial attack....and FLUDD to cape destroys everything. (Except mario is horrible against olli so I have to go to metaknight)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
0,o the number of new faces this thread has drawn out is incredible, just how many different olimar lurkers do we have...? WhoseReality has it right though, this discussion isn't going to get anyone anywhere, were not even really discussing olimar's strengths/weaknesses anymore =P perhaps we should let it join the other similar threads that died down with time.



Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Lol, is this a thread to insult your friends you play against. Wow they must suck or they're playing as Ike, Peach and many other bad characters. Olimar is high, but not top.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
i agree but disagree in ways, he isnt cheap, hes abused.
75% of the posters on this forum are olimar noobs, only spamming Fsmash.
i knew a guy who would only use Fsmash, and grab. (i beat him fyi) but its suprising how noob tatics can be painful.

1.for smash attacks stay airborne, i use marth for this, his Fair can sneak inbetween the lag for oli's fsmashes, they WONT hit you if you do it right.

2.priority...i dont know if its as good as you think, but his pikmin do have priority and will block projectiles, make sure you kill every pikmin he throws, and for direct hits use a character with equal priority, marth again isnt half bad (downB works great)

3.olimar doesnt do damage, the pikmin do. kill everyone of them.

4.is the same as 3 because you let him get damage on you but you only got like 50% on him, hes not harder to ko you just have to beat him up a bit. for ****s sake, gimp the little spaceman.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
See what I like about this thread is that

1. Its funny as hell to see this kid get ***** with words
2. Some people post strategies
3. It allows us to truly look at the shortcoming and advantages of Olimar
4. We can discuss the diffrence between a good and bad Olly player

Really we should be thanking this dumb, dumb kid for making this post. He might be an idiot and have no idea what hes talking about, but he is giving us an entertaining and easy way to express our opinions, strategies, and future for Olimar.

Thank you idiot who I don't remember whose name is and who I am to lazy to check the top of the page before I post for.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
I'm a Prestige 10 in COD4, so I'm more then equated with the game, thank your very much. Any person who is honest with them self will admit that the M16 is unbalanced. If you have played the game (Which i doubt you have) then the unbalance would be quickly noticeable.

My friends are familiar with Olimar, and they are of equal skill of me. It doesn't matter what skill me are, we could be n00bs. The thing that makes the SSMB series so great is its learning curve for the newcomers. All the maters is that we are of equal skill. In the first SSMB the games were skill vs. skill because the characters were pretty **** balanced. In Melee, the charaters were not, but for n00bs they were. In Brawl, Olimar is cheap, and he is hard for any beginner to beat. So I'll play along with your sly insult by implying that i suck as well as my friends. It doesn't make a difference, as long as we have equal skill the games should be fair. Olimar is easy to play, hard as hell to beat. That is why he is top tier, and that is why i hate him.
Lol this is how we know hes like a 12 year old kid, because he thinks that being prestige 10 has ANYTHING to do with being good at COD4. lol. Most good people aren't even prestige 10. They just wanna get their good guns and beat the **** out of people, they don't care about rank, they know they are good. Any NOOB can sit on a play list with his xbox on for a couple of weeks (esp on the dbl xp weekends) and be prestige ten. I bet you use noob percs like Last Stand and Martyrdom too. Lol, noob.

And stop comparing Smash to COD4. Your an idiot for trying to make any sort of analogy between a Shooter and a fighting game. Oh and the M16 isn't cheap, you just suck, I can beat almost all M16 users online with an MP5 at ANY range.

lol this is funny.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2008
If you think it's good to stand still as Oli...

I'm rolling and dashing and hopping all of the time. If I stand still, I get smashed off the side and gimped. It's all about keeping smashes from landing so I can chain my way back before they get near me. Try to spike Oli, or edgehog.

I've got to keep back to land a Pikmin, then come in for a grab. Throw them away and try to block the approach. Drop back, counter strong projectiles by throwing a Pikmin in the way, land a Pikmin, nail a smash when they try to kill the Pikmin. Dode an attack and come back with an Fair.

Get him off the edge and gimp him. Either way, enough.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2008
Wallingford, CT
What an imbecile. Every character has their shortcomings and their advantages and Olimar is no different. You are an imbecile for even making this topic. Good day to you if you are reading this.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
OFF TOPIC: Hocotate, were you at Esticle?

On topic: wtf @ this topic being so popular.... >_>


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
I like how he said the best way to play Oli is to stay still and use the C-stick...

I had no idea using one button automatically let you win every match... no wonder Olimar is the only character used on smash boards, because he is so broken....

Oh and if MK ***** Olimar then MK must be even more broken than Olimar.... you seem to think an opponent even picking Olimar guarantees them a win... so I guess even mentioning MK's name will net you 5 wins?


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
I like how he said the best way to play Oli is to stay still and use the C-stick...

I had no idea using one button automatically let you win every match... no wonder Olimar is the only character used on smash boards, because he is so broken....

Oh and if MK ***** Olimar then MK must be even more broken than Olimar.... you seem to think an opponent even picking Olimar guarantees them a win... so I guess even mentioning MK's name will net you 5 wins?
Can we please let this forum die? Rediculous posters like deathnote just prove how people do not understand olly at all...first of all...olly = overused? where are you looking? And seriously...a c-sticking olimar is sooo easy to beat...please visit the university of learn to play...just quit using this forum as your own personal soap box and lets move on to more serious topics of conversation.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
God! I thought we stoped this, STOP POSTING COMPLAINTS AND ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME, YOU n00b!!!!!! You only complain about a character becasue you're a n00b! If you could actually dodge an attack, you might fair better, but stop complaining to the Olimar comuninty and LEARN TO PLAY THE EFFING GAME!!!!
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