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Older Games

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Link to original post: [drupal=4778]Older Games[/drupal]

I always get connected to these old games I keep and find all the time.

The Sonic series, I get the Sonic mega collection, Gems collection and could play them for hours without getting bored. Megaman X? I could play it non stop and do reruns all the time without worry or even getting bored.

Like most of the time, I don't buy new games. I mostly just do reruns of games I got and go from there all the time. I very rarely actually go out and buy a new game now a days. I've got plans to, but for now I'm just hording money until I find a game I wanna get. Heck most of the time I don't buy games on release and get them weeks after they come out if not months or years.

Heck with Kingdom Hearts I didn't even play until 7 years after it and it's sequel came out.

I always fall out of the loop and look for old stuff a lot on systems or don't get it right away except on rare occasions like Smash, Pokemon, or something that just gets me super hyped.

Otherwise I just wait a while before I get interest in buying games, most of the time well after people are done talking about them and the hype is gone so I'm out of the loop.

Took me til now to realize this and I have no clue how to feel about it.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Older games have their own appeal to them. If anything, you know that you enjoyed them in the past so their entertainment value is basically guaranteed when you go through another re-run.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I still enjoy doing a playthrough of Super Metroid every once in a while.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I just bought RE5 Gold Ed. and decided that I'm gonna play 0-4 and Code Veronica first before playing it. I also just got Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross is dropping shortly and I'll play them in order, though I don't have Radical Dreamers anymore... AND I bought PE and PE 2 a little while back and played through them. It's funny to see how much I suck at PE2 now, I can't even beat it ><


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I just finished the first Kingdom Hearts like, a week ago.

I blame not owning a PS2 until last year.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I still enjoy doing a playthrough of Super Metroid every once in a while.
Ankoku knows where it's at.

Also, while I buy relatively recent games, I always seem to fail to make as much use of them as I should. I've got newer games that I haven't beaten yet and definitely need to even start playing, but I keep getting distracted replaying a game or going for higher percentage in a game I've already beaten. I recently re-beat The World Ends With You (was planning to get 100% again until I got lazy and decided I didn't feel like it) on a whim because I absolutely love that game, I've played far more Terraria than I should considering the fact that I've already done pretty much all there is to do in the game (unless I go for every single item), and I've gotten distracted with various random runs through various Pokémon games.

I mean, recently I've actually started to get things accomplished in that I got Amnesia for $4 on the Steam Halloween sale and beat it already, and the other night I finally picked up the first ambitious run I had through OoT that I started on Christmas Eve '09 again (I've never beaten OoT, and because I feel like it's the "right" way to do things I won't let myself get any farther in Majora's Mask until I do), but it's pretty bad. I love replaying old games randomly and whatnot, but I really shouldn't ever buy any more games given the amount I have and considering the fact that I don't think I'm ever going to get through all of the ones I currently have, at least not for a very long time.

And since everyone is mentioning Kingdom Hearts, I found it relatively cheap used a while back and got it. By a while back, I mean over a year ago. I still haven't even started it.

Yeah, I really need to stop buying games.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Of all the big square-enix titles I think Kingdom Hearts is really the only one I've never played any of, not even tried, or even seen it really. One day... one day I will give it a go. Some of my friends tell me I'm missing nothing, while others swear it's a great series.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I've beaten the original Legend of Zelda about 30 or so times. One summer I woke up at 6:00, ate breakfast, turned on Zelda, and beat it by 12 nearly every time after the first 10 runs at it. It was a blast! I don't know why, but playing and replaying that game is just... awe-inspiring. It challenges me each time, and every play-through I die at least a half dozen times. Instead of most games where I feel invulnerable I feel incredibly vulnerable. I feel on the edge. That makes me... excited! (I'm still mad hyped about Skyward Sword)

I just re-beat Super Mario RPG a 3rd and 4th time, and that game was just plain fun! Even though I never die, the game is kind of easy, and the combat is fairly simple, I absolutely love that game. I never played it as a kid (I first played and beat it about half a decade ago), but it still has that brand of nostalgic awesomeness.

Also, I beat Super Metroid a few times as a kid (I was 5). Each time, it scared me more than the previous time (especially Ridley!). Man that game is sweet wicked.

My only problem with new games is the lack of difficulty levels, the fact most game's "difficulties" either come from crappy mechanics (physics, controls, etc) or some cheap useless feature that replaces "challenges" with annoyances that artificially make the game feel "harder." On top of that, most games are the same damn RPG or FPS over again, and I get sick of that after a while. I don't want to play a RPG with generic story-lines and upgrades, or a FPS with a crap single-player mode and awful story. I want original or interesting! (fortunately there are many exceptions to these rules, especially with RPGs)

@ Firus
Skip the dang cut scenes (the story sucks no matter what anybody says), and just play the game. The game play of the first game is pretty good. After that game it's all down hill (like Resistance: Fall of Man). Although the series gets a ton of hype, I gotta say IMO the whole series is just above average to great.
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