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Old Dog learning some new Tricks


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2014
Hey Everyone, Brackman here.Been on the forum for a while never really posted. I been playing smash for a long time. But never played on anything beyond a casual level, since 2004 back in H.S. I would play with friends locally never go to smash tournaments but watched them all the time. I was better then all my friends and players in my circle now that circle no one plays (Except my SmashDS players), You know the usual story. Now I'm trying to learn how to Melee better, but the problem is my hands have aged a bit and grew unaccustomed to the controller I don't game as much as I used to and when I do play a game its not a game of high intensity and it s on a keyboard/arcade stick. To be able to move my fingers as fast as a good player seems like a daunting and painful process (my index finger on the right trigger starts to hurt so I now use my middle finger). So know I'm thinking to either lab it up and practice till my fingers fall off. or design and learn playing on a custom arcade stick i have an idea of what its going to be. Do any of you have any tips on dealing with potential Smash hands, or do any of you guys play on anything other than the Gamecube controller or other tips?

Sorry on any bad grammar and punctuation...

*Edit* When i played i grew into different characters, Started with Sheik, Moved to Luigi( Parody Wise i found him funny) Then Fox, Marth, Roy now i play Main Mario Because i find him really balanced and not so tough to use, and decent recovery.
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For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
Welcome! Don't worry, there are people here who'll give you a hand.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2016
Welcome back to the Smash Boards Koku! Enjoy your time here once again!
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