Aww, Brandon, your description of me makes me sound too good! I almost don't know what to add since what you posted is on spot with my opinion as well. I'll go for it anyways, copying your pros/cons thing you had going on, lawlz ^_^
This is just my opinion from what I can recall, no particular order within each tier. I'm ONLY listing people I've played since September (sorry Marc, Heath, Chubbs, Plasman, IrishGuy, Auddy, Bacon, KingGT, Bluejay, etc., but I definitely look forward to playing you guys again!):
1st Tier:
Mindgames, technical ability, and great knowledge of the game. Your skill always improves greatly each time we game, and whenever you lose, you come back meaner than ever.
Ego crusher (could be a good thing)
2nd Tier:
Marth combo king, and very adept with dash dancing.
impatient/predictable sometimes, but your pros make up for it
Solid Falco and makes great use of his fundamental tactics.
you seem to have trouble with low-tiers, but maybe it was just your Peach...
Tricky to punish Samus, really safe play style.
spam more missiles? i dunno..... your n-airs are what I'm worried about...
3rd Tier:
Po Pimpus
Inspirational player, I see a lot of potential here.
The underdog of Oklahoma smash, your skills are rusty since you don't have much free time these days.
Really good at catching people off-guard for kills. No luv, biotch.
You're the ultimate scrub killer, but you might want to play a bit more conservative against people your level and up. No luv, biotch. That's why you went down a tier from my previous list. Biotch.
Pretty well-rounded, actually.
Watch out for the very simplest of things, but other than that, keep it up!
Very quick reflexes, knows how to take advantage
Great Bowser, knows how to deal with his match-ups well.
Very good spacing and timing, good at set-ups.
I guess the thing you guys (all three of you) lack the most is experience against people outside your crew. Also, Craig, because of your character, you're going to have a very uphill battle to fight.
4th Tier aka Babac Tier:
You're actually on point when you put effort into your game. Great team player, and not afraid to try something new. EDIT: Since you are back in the game, and taking it semi-seriously now, I eagerly await the day you dethrone Kosmos!
You're a bit of an opportunist, and usually risky. Also, watch out for spammable moves!
You're mainly here because a random Peach got 2nd at MGC....... TWICE! You were destined for MGC Dallas! What happened!?
I wish I can add more people, but I haven't played them for a while. Hopefully OSC changes that!