why are there so many of these threads?
why has this become such a heated topic?
Everybody plays the game differently much in the same way that people worship differently. Can people just respect that fact?
I love me some smash. I like seriously competitive matches, and I like non-competitive matches. What I don't like is all the name calling that's going on, and all these pointless threads that just seem to say the same thing over and over again.
some people are complaining about what's different in Brawl, some people are praising brawl for it's differences. Some people are labeling things as techniques, and others are calling them exploits. Some people want to stand apart from others in their smash ability, and others don't care.
why do we have to label people as scrubs/noobs/pros/serious/casual? What is there to prove? I have nothing to prove, and I don't care what you call me. The point is (hmm...maybe I do have something to prove if I'm making a point) at the end of the day, do you really feel better about yourself because you're not a scrub/noob? Do you really feel better about yourself if you were able to tell someone that they take the game to seriously?
Why are both sides of this debate so extreme? If anything, it seems that the real majority of smashers are the ones in between these two labels, and the rest want to label them as one or the other out of what...convenience?
please please please please please...no more WDing threads, no more complaining that AT's from melee are gone, no more rejoicing because you think you won the debate of whether it's a glitch or not, no more arguing things by simply saying scrubs or noob, no more implying that pros are nothing without their ATs, no more stupid arguing of moot points that do nothing but divide a community of gamers that should be able to get along.
at the end of the day, one's video game ability is not determined by advanced techniques, exploiting glitches, or being able to argue a point on the internet. If you're good at video games, you're good at video games. If you have the determination and passion to be better, you'll probably get better. PERIOD.