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Official Warstory Thread


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Approved by Firus

This is a thread devoting to posting warstories of your best matches.


Your warstory MUST follow with these rules.

Define the Rules

Tell us what tier youre playing in, if this is wifi, or if its a special tournament than tell us those rules!

Comment on Your Thought Process

Tell us your reasons for deciding each move. There should be a comment (or two if its dual-commentary) after each turn.

No Warstories From Active Tournaments

If your opponent is still in a tournament where you can use the same team throughout than you shouldnt post a warstory featuring that team.

Make it Readable

No unreadable colors, please use proper grammar, etc. This should be easy, youre all reasonably smart people.

If you fail to comply with these rules than you will be infracted for minor spam (Thanks Firus, you da bess)


These are just here to help you make your warstory the best it can be.

Keep Track of the Score

Just a simple 6-5 or 4-2 after each pokemon dies will do.

Show the Teams

You should tell us what pokemon are on your team before the warstory, preferably with sprites. Your opponents team may go before or after the warstory, its your choice. If both battlers are commenting than both teams should be at the beginning.

Summarize the Battle

A 'Props or Slops' section is nice, or you could just write a summary paragraph.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Parts of the Log

We don't need to see sandstorm damage and leftovers recovery every time it occurs. It'd be nice if you editted it out.

Use a Good Battle

Nobody wants to see a 6-0 sweep. Post close battles between good battlers with no huge misplays.

So, Post your warstories! I'll have one up fairly soon I think.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Ok, so let me get this straight. A warstory is a log where you put reasoning behind every move you do and criticize yourself on what you did right and wrong? Or is it multiple logs

And do they HAVE TO be for tourneys or can they be casual battles?


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
The rule is NO active tournies, NOT must be tournies.



Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Fule_ said:
Ok, so let me get this straight. A warstory is a log where you put reasoning behind every move you do and criticize yourself on what you did right and wrong? Or is it multiple logs
First one. And yeah, the point is not to reveal your opponents team and hurt them in the tournament...

I think I'm going to warstory BotW when it finally happens.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
My warstory isn't particularly good but it's something fun to do so I'll use this post to reserve a spot and work on it later.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
I have a ****load of these things.

Toxic, Tricks, and Traps
Mindset to Victory
Predicting over and under
A bit later than a .6k thread
This warstory is different from the rest
Having a plan... and a back up
Playing better than your best(Ubers)
Planning Ahead
A n00ber story(Ubers)

I also have one lying around on SWF somewhere...


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
This makes me think why on earth Art decided to use ss118 here.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
This makes me think I should use a team of 5 exploders and a SpecsJolt then write a joke warstory with it.

Edit: Metagross, Azelf, Heatran, Qwilfish, Exeggutor, Jolteon? Looks balanced and like a totally awesome team to me.

Deleted member

Umbreon vs Articanus:

[15:19] Articanus: Hey
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: hey
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: suppy
[15:20] Articanus: At the mall
[15:20] Articanus: Chillin
[15:20] Articanus: U?
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: so you're bored and lonely and desperate
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: about the same
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: bored and lonely and desperate
[15:20] mycatgoesmow: lol
[15:21] Articanus: I'm with my GF and w/ friends
[15:21] Articanus: So not lonely
[15:21] mycatgoesmow: and yet they can't pull you away from the cold hell that is your life
[15:22] Articanus: ?
[15:22] mycatgoesmow: stop pretending like you're happy when you know you're not
[15:22] mycatgoesmow: how long can you keep lying to yourself?
[15:24] Articanus: What makes you say I'm not happy?
[15:25] mycatgoesmow: why are you trying to cope with your misery talking to me rather than your "friends"
[15:25] mycatgoesmow: ?
[15:25] mycatgoesmow: I think you and I both know
[15:25] mycatgoesmow: you can't hide it forever
[15:26] Articanus: Because my friends went to the bathroom for a break, I decided to check on the CaP project, and also talk to random people
[15:26] Articanus: But whatever
[15:26] Articanus: I'm happy regardless if you think so or not =P
[15:26] mycatgoesmow: sure sure
[15:26] mycatgoesmow: i can see through that bull****
[15:26] mycatgoesmow: everyone can
[15:28] Articanus: I'm curious as to what's put you in the bad mood
[15:28] Articanus: lol
[15:28] mycatgoesmow: I'm fine, great actually
[15:28] mycatgoesmow: just got home from my 2 week long trip
[15:29] mycatgoesmow: I just think you want to hide something, and frankly everyone else already sees it
[15:29] Articanus: "Everyone else" is who?
[15:29] mycatgoesmow: friends and family
[15:30] mycatgoesmow: I know happy people don't cuss out their parents
[15:30] mycatgoesmow: you've been stressed all summer
[15:30] mycatgoesmow: you think no one notices?
[15:31] Articanus: I can be stressed and happy
[15:31] Articanus: ^^'
[15:31] mycatgoesmow: lol
[15:31] Articanus: Just it's split up
[15:31] mycatgoesmow: keep teliing yourself that
[15:31] mycatgoesmow: I know lots of people that are stressed and happy
[15:31] mycatgoesmow: oh wait, stress undermines happiness
[15:32] Articanus: What you mean is, the stress in my life causes me to misinterpret what "happiness" is?
[15:32] mycatgoesmow: no, stress takes away from happiness
[15:33] Articanus: So my standards for "happiness" go lower
[15:33] mycatgoesmow: where you are stressed in whatever aspects of your life you are not happy in them
[15:33] mycatgoesmow: I just hope you're not relying on leaving for college to fix things
[15:33] mycatgoesmow: it doesn't
[15:33] Articanus: lol
[15:33] Articanus: I'm staying at home for college
[15:33] mycatgoesmow: wow that's even worse
[15:34] mycatgoesmow: you think you won't be stressed doing everything like it was before with harder work?
[15:34] mycatgoesmow: and isn't sami moving away?
[15:34] Articanus: Sami is moving yeah
[15:35] mycatgoesmow: brutal
[15:35] Articanus: Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?
[15:36] mycatgoesmow: idk man, just worried I guess
[15:36] mycatgoesmow: well
[15:37] mycatgoesmow: do you want to know the real reason?
[15:37] Articanus: That's why I asked
[15:37] mycatgoesmow: so I can post it on smashboards as an IRL warstory
[15:37] mycatgoesmow: LOL
[15:37] mycatgoesmow: 4-0'd branden
[15:37] mycatgoesmow: 4-0
[15:38] Articanus: Make it a 5-0 because I am sooooooo confused
[15:38] Articanus: Bshdjnwedx@cdwnjskuixre


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Guys, try and keep the comments to posting a warstory or more in-depth comments on the warstories themselves.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
So this is a battle vs Kyu Puff, my pretty good friend who i've know for a while now. He played pokemon for longer than I have though he quit or something idk. He's far better than me at the game, without question.

Anyways, this is one of my first attempts at a war story. My commentary will be in bold while battle text with stay unbolded. Critique(on the story specifically, and i guess on my game too) is welcome. Just don't be a ****, aiight?


I was talkin to Kyu Puff on aim earlier about pokemon and how i switched up my team. And we decided to play. I already told him about the choicebanded swampert set I ran and my banded crobat lead.

Rules: Evasion Clause, Extended Game, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause
Taranski sent out Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).
Kyu sent out Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Kyu switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Crobat used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Zapdos lost 11% of its health.

So I start out with my banded crobat lead, which i fckin love (thanks niiro) and go for the uturn which is pretty much what I do vs every lead. He switches out to zapdos, not wanting to deal with the super effectice damage from U-turn. When I see the zapdos come out, i think it's the perfect time to go into my...

Taranski switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.

banded swampert! thinking that his zapdos won't be able to do anything to me. I, being the noob that I am, didn't even consider the possibility of HP grass.

kyu puff (2:48:55 PM): can your cbpert take an hp grass?
Yedispaghetti (2:49:00 PM): idk
Yedispaghetti (2:49:01 PM): probs not

In my mind, I'm just like shiiiittt. I decided not to switch out tho cuz i figured it be unfair since if he never told me that, i wouldn't have switched out. PLUS! he couldda been bluffin

Zapdos used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Swampert lost 80% of its health.
Swampert used Ice Punch.
It's super effective!
Zapdos lost 51% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.

I stay in and go for the ice punch over the stone-edge just in case he switched in a grass type. And I didn't know whether stone edge would have killed or not(dunno how to do damage calcs) and there was always the chance it missed.

Zapdos used Roost.
Zapdos restored 50% of its health.
Swampert used Ice Punch.
Zapdos lost 28% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.

I go for the ice punch (i don't really remember why, I think I just assumed swampert wud be useless at such low percent idk). I wish I could say I predicted him predicting me to switch and tbolting/roosting and hoping for a crit. But sadly this wasn't the case at all lol.

Taranski switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Zapdos used Hidden Power.
Rotom-h lost 27% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.

I switch out now, knowing he'd try to just kill me off since I was staying in for some reason. I go to rotom figuring he can take the hpgrass from zapdos pretty well. And i didn't really have much else I wanted to switch in to.

Kyu switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Rotom-h used Trick.

I trick, predicting the switch. I was hoping he had a snorlax or clefable or some other special wall like that, that he wanted to switch into. This has actually worked decently well vs other people. Getting lucky with getting the trick off on the snorlax and having a much easier time winning the game.

Rotom-h obtained Choice Band!
Tyranitar obtained Choice Scarf!
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-h is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-h lost 6% of its health.

But it didn't turn out like that this time. He switches in a ttar, looking for the pursuit trap. We trade choice items.

Choice Band prohibits the use of this move.
Tyranitar used Pursuit.
It's super effective!
Rotom-h lost 126% of its health.
Taranski's Rotom-h fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

Kyu 6, Yedi 5

He gets the pursuit off, and i'm just like ****. I completely wasted my Rotom. This games not looking good for me at all.

Taranski switched in Lucario (lvl 100 Lucario ?).
Kyu switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Lucario used Swords Dance.
Lucario's attack was sharply raised.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.

I get a revenge switch into Lucario. I get the safe swords dance knowing that he has to switch out because he's stuck in pursuit and it won't do anything to me. He goes back to zapdos, to keep my lucario at bay. I always get a little too eager with my lucario looking for any chance to get a free SD off, not even considering of the fact that he has all his pokemon left, and a zapdos that can just end any attempt at a sweep from me.

Lucario used Extremespeed.
Zapdos lost 54% of its health.
Lucario lost 10% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
It's super effective!
Lucario lost 87% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Kyu switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Lucario used Extremespeed.
It's not very effective...
Tyranitar lost 27% of its health.
Lucario lost 10% of its health.
Taranski's Lucario fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

Kyu 6, Yedi 4

I hate wasting a swords dance so instead of switching out I just went for the extremespeed despite knowing that it won't kill him. Suprisingly, his heatwave didn't take me out, so I could win this trade off and take out his zapdos with a second espeed the next turn. Knowing this he switches into ttar to take the espeed. (If only i was cooler and predicted this and went with the close combat). I die to lifeorb damage

(a little self critque)
Yedispaghetti (2:52:44 PM): i always use lucario
Yedispaghetti (2:52:47 PM): early game
Yedispaghetti (2:52:51 PM): when i shud be saving him for late game
kyu puff (2:52:54 PM): yeah
Yedispaghetti (2:53:08 PM): and i always end up saving skarm for late game
Yedispaghetti (2:53:12 PM): when he shud be early game

Taranski switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Kyu switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Starmie used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 107% of its health.
Kyu's Starmie fainted.
Starmie lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Starmie is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Starmie lost 6% of its health.

Kyu 5, Yedi 4

I go into starmie. I figure he'll switch because of the surf, so I go for a tbolt, hoping that he switches back into his lead starmie. He does, and dies

kyu puff (2:51:20 PM): hmm
kyu puff (2:51:33 PM): not what i expected
Yedispaghetti (2:52:17 PM): *****
kyu puff (2:52:20 PM): nah
Yedispaghetti (2:52:21 PM): atleast
Yedispaghetti (2:52:22 PM): i didnt get
Yedispaghetti (2:52:24 PM): 6-0d
Yedispaghetti (2:52:24 PM): lol

Kyu switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Starmie used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Zapdos lost 72% of its health.
Kyu's Zapdos fainted.
Starmie lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Starmie is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Starmie lost 6% of its health.

Kyu 4, Yedi 4

He switches in his Zapdos, thinking i'm choiced in some way. I hope I'm faster and go for the icebeam.
kyu puff (2:53:25 PM): oh wtf
kyu puff (2:53:29 PM): i didn't see the lo damage last time

Kyu switched in Porygon2 (lvl 100 Porygon2).
Porygon2 traced Starmie's Natural Cure!
Starmie used Surf.
Porygon2 lost 55% of its health.
Starmie lost 10% of its health.
Porygon2 used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 75% of its health.
Taranski's Starmie fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.

Kyu 4, Yedi 3
He goes into porygon2. I had no idea what this thing does so I just go for the surf. He Tbolts and takes me out
Taranski switched in Leafgreen (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Leafgreen used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Porygon2 used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Leafgreen lost 71% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.

I switch in skarmory and go for the Stealth Rock(leafgreen). I'm not too sure why. It's like i forgot he just tbolted me.

Yedispaghetti (2:54:47 PM): idk why i just did this
Yedispaghetti (2:55:06 PM): i have lapses of judgement sometimes
kyu puff (2:55:18 PM): yeah the rest of my team resists sr anyways
Yedispaghetti (2:55:24 PM): whack

Leafgreen used Roost.
Leafgreen restored 50% of its health.
Porygon2 used Thunderbolt.
Leafgreen lost 31% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.

Leafgreen used Roost.
Leafgreen restored 50% of its health.
Porygon2 used Thunderbolt.
Leafgreen lost 30% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.

I go for the roost just cuz. I get surprised by the fact that tbolt does less (I always forget that roost removes the flying typing. I roost again because I'm recovering more damage than i'm losing. He tbolts again, probably predicing a switch or something.

Leafgreen used Brave Bird.
Porygon2 lost 36% of its health.
Leafgreen was hit by recoil!
Leafgreen lost 13% of its health.
Porygon2 used Thunder Wave.
Leafgreen is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.
I go for the brave bird, knowing that I have enough health to survive a tbolt. And I could kill him off with the second bravebird since I outspeed him, or atleast force him to switch. But he goes for the fckin twave. I get so pissed seeing this

Porygon2 used Recover.
Porygon2 restored 50% of its health.
Leafgreen used Brave Bird.
Porygon2 lost 32% of its health.
Leafgreen was hit by recoil!
Leafgreen lost 12% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.

And even more pissed when I go for the bravebird trying to kill him off [still knowing his tbolt won't kill] But he has fckin recover and I know this isn't looking good for me

(my anger [sorry to any gay people out there XD])
[this is after the twave]
Yedispaghetti (2:56:18 PM): aww yur gayyyyy
kyu puff (2:56:26 PM): lol
[and this is after the recover]
Yedispaghetti (2:56:55 PM): GAWD
Yedispaghetti (2:56:56 PM): hrueq
Yedispaghetti (2:56:56 PM): vhrIWHVrf
Yedispaghetti (2:56:56 PM): IWQHVniknbw
Yedispaghetti (2:56:56 PM): Hnr
Yedispaghetti (2:56:57 PM): h
kyu puff (2:57:00 PM):[/color] lol
Yedispaghetti (2:57:01 PM): why wud yu twave me
Yedispaghetti (2:57:03 PM): omg
Yedispaghetti (2:57:05 PM): soooooo gayyyyyy
kyu puff (2:57:06 PM): cuz
Yedispaghetti (2:57:07 PM): im so upset
Yedispaghetti (2:57:13 PM): i knoow i knowwowowowowwoowo
Yedispaghetti (2:57:13 PM): ***
Yedispaghetti (2:57:16 PM): i cant do anything now

Porygon2 used Recover.
Porygon2 restored 50% of its health.
Leafgreen used Whirlwind.
Kyu switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
Scizor lost 12% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.

I just whirlwind him out, seeing if there is a better match up for me somewhere else on his team. (I would say I was scouting, but it's not like i woulda done any better with the additional information) I just didn't have anything else to do
Scizor used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Leafgreen lost 10% of its health.
Kyu switched in Porygon2 (lvl 100 Porygon2).
Porygon2 traced Leafgreen's Keen Eye!
Pointed stones dug into Porygon2.
Porygon2 lost 12% of its health.
Leafgreen is paralysed! It can't move!
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.
Leafgreen's leftovers restored its health a little!
Leafgreen restored 6% of its health.

I don't remember what I go for here, but parahax sucks anyways.

Porygon2 used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Leafgreen lost 68% of its health.
Taranski's Leafgreen fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Porygon2 is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Porygon2 lost 6% of its health.
Porygon2's leftovers restored its health a little!
Porygon2 restored 6% of its health.

Kyu 4, Yedi 2

I go for the whirlwind again, forgetting that I just got uturned and can't survive a tbolt anymore. Skarmory just goes down without taking out one pokemon. But atleast I see his scizor and now know what moves his porygon has. So I know it's safe to bring back in my...
Taranski switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Swampert used Aqua Tail.
Porygon2 lost 90% of its health.
Kyu's Porygon2 fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

Kyu 3, Yedi 2

CHOICE BANDED SWAMPERT! (I really do love this thing) I'm not sure why he stays in, he might have thought he could outspeed me and went for the twave. Or maybe he just didn't care about his porygon anymore, but I go for the Aqua Tail and take him out.

Kyu switched in Machamp (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
Pointed stones dug into Machamp.
Machamp lost 6% of its health.

I'm stuck in aqua tail so I was contemplating going back into my banded crobat.

kyu puff (2:58:26 PM): you have to attack
Yedispaghetti (2:58:32 PM): y
kyu puff (2:58:36 PM): cuz crobat will die
Yedispaghetti (2:58:43 PM): no he wont
kyu puff (2:58:46 PM): okay...
Yedispaghetti (2:58:47 PM): he can take a dpunch
kyu puff (2:58:50 PM): he'll be confused
Yedispaghetti (2:58:52 PM): unless yur banded
Yedispaghetti (2:58:52 PM): so
kyu puff (2:58:55 PM): plus i have payback

I decide to stay in and go with the aquatail because I want my crobat to be at full percent. And not take the like 60-70% from dpunch. I was fine with sacrificing my swampy

Swampert used Aqua Tail.
Machamp lost 110% of its health.
Kyu's Machamp fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

Kyu 3, Yedi 2

I get lucky and end up killing it. I'm kinda surprised my swampert outspeeds him.

Kyu switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
Scizor lost 12% of its health.

He brings in scizor and I go for another aqua tail thinking why not. I figure swamperts already dead anyways.

Swampert used Aqua Tail.
Scizor lost 94% of its health.
Kyu's Scizor fainted.
The sandstorm rages.


Kyu 1, Yedi 2

kyu puff (2:57:39 PM): wtfff
Yedispaghetti (2:57:45 PM): yur tht slow?
kyu puff (2:57:47 PM): why is he fast
kyu puff (2:57:47 PM): er

Good question...

somehow I outspeed it and take out his scizor. I'm so happy swampert didn't get killed by his zapdos earlier. To think that I almost let it just die.

Kyu switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.

He brings out his last pokemon, Ttar. I like freak out now. I didn't even contemplate the possibility fo me winning and now I'm about to. I know if swampert outsped those other guys, he could def speed a slowass Ttar. (I actually know how fast he is because I used to run a ttar on my team, and that thing was mad slow.

Yedispaghetti (3:00:45 PM): did i just win
Yedispaghetti (3:00:55 PM): wow
Yedispaghetti (3:00:58 PM): i cant believe this
Yedispaghetti (3:01:05 PM): i might miss tho... *crosses fingers*

Tyranitar used Crunch.

Yedispaghetti (3:01:08 PM): WHATATTTTT

Swampert lost 46% of its health.
Taranski's Swampert fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

GAWD! I'm so sad. Somehow, swamperts reign of terror ended. HOW WAS TYRANITAR FASTER? WHAT IS THIS?

Kyu 1, Yedi 1

Me and Kyu sit in aim contemplating how this happened.

Yedispaghetti (3:01:11 PM): how are yu faster than me
kyu puff (3:01:11 PM): i'm so fffkkckin dumb
Yedispaghetti (3:01:13 PM): are yu scarfed
kyu puff (3:01:16 PM): ttar is higher base speed
Yedispaghetti (3:01:25 PM): r u maxx speed?
Yedispaghetti (3:01:29 PM): yur not lifeorb
Yedispaghetti (3:01:33 PM): yur scarfed
Yedispaghetti (3:01:37 PM): or banded
kyu puff (3:01:39 PM): oooohh loll!

The answer soon hit kyu puff...

Rotom-h used Trick.
Rotom-h obtained Choice Band!
Tyranitar obtained Choice Scarf!
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-h is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-h lost 6% of its health.

kyu puff (3:01:40 PM): you tricked me at the beginning
kyu puff (3:01:41 PM): get *****
Yedispaghetti (3:01:45 PM): HAHHAHAHAHAh
Yedispaghetti (3:01:46 PM): really
Yedispaghetti (3:01:47 PM): wow
Yedispaghetti (3:01:48 PM): wowowoww
Yedispaghetti (3:01:52 PM): if this makes me lose


****in Rotom. I always hated you, now I actually have a reason to.

And it all comes down to my choice banded crobat. Here. We. Go.

Taranski switched in Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).

kyu puff (3:01:55 PM):[/color] well
kyu puff (3:01:56 PM): omg
kyu puff (3:01:58 PM): hahaha
kyu puff (3:02:05 PM): i wonder if scarfed ttar can outspeed crobat
kyu puff (3:02:13 PM): crobat is banded now which makes it more dangerous
Yedispaghetti (3:02:26 PM): crunch wont kill me

Could you do it for me Crobat? Could you?

Crobat used U-turn.


It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 44% of its health.
Tyranitar used Crunch.
Crobat lost 59% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Crobat is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Crobat lost 6% of its health.
Crobat used U-turn.
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 49% of its health.
Kyu's Tyranitar fainted.


Kyu 0, Yedi 1

Crobat pulls it out in the end, and I somehow win this battle vs Kyu Puff a really good player. Alot of dumb stuff happened in this game but I found it to be the most entertaining battle I've had since I started playing this.

Taranski wins!

kyu puff (3:02:42 PM): i wish i had used ttar earlier
kyu puff (3:02:46 PM): wouldve ****in won

Kyu has left the room.

So there's the story. Hope enjoyed it

kyu puff (3:03:04 PM): can't believe i got swept by cbpert




Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
That is a rather sexy lead, who gave you that set? I would like to bear hisher children. And lol, outsped a scizor GG bra


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Jeez, did you EV that Swampert in max speed or something?
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