Scientifically speaking, maXXXpower and Vat-Zero make species go extinct by simultaneously ****** all female individuals of the designated species; this causes all of the eggs to fertilize at once, and all of these pregnancies are terminated, killing the female in the process. Although Vat-Zero and maXXXpower possess the fearsome ability to finish off the rest of the species, they usually feel merciful and allow the male population of the species live out the rest of their lives, thus causing the species to go extinct once the final member perishes. Also, they do not **** men because... no homo. For this reason, when someone is getting *****, in a video game or in the real world, also known as "da IRLz", these omniscient beings usually tell the aforementioned **** victim to "man up". The origin of this term is believed to mean that the person becomes more manly and stand up to his assailant. This notion is a misconception; the true origin is simply actually telling the person to become more like a man. This does not mean they become more masculine necessarily, but it means they should become more like a male, which in turn causes them to be very hardly susceptible to ****. There has only been one male so far in the world that does not need to adapt to the attempted **** by "manning up" to be immune to ****; the name of this effeminate --quite possibly gay-- individual is...... Marth.