Alright, alright. We've argued a bit too much about this so far. Let's just take a look at our situation.
There's a new attack, it's called the Final Smash. A few people have automatically shortened this to FS. The problem, however, is that FS already stands for Foward-Smash. So our problem is that we need a new Abbreviation for it.
Now, I took the initiative in a thread and called it the Brilliantly Awesome Crazy Over-powered Nuclear-attack. Otherwise known as "BACON". This, of course, was just a joke abbreviation, to point out that we didn't currently have one.
However, a lot of members of the board have started using this as some sort of "Official" Final Smash abbreviation. It was certainly never meant to be official, but admittedly I still find it humorous that people are saying BACON. =P
But I think that all of us should try to agree on SOMETHING to call the Final Smash technique, because Final Smash is too much to type.
Let it be noted that this is NOT a thread to sit and argue about the name! Please do not say ANYTHING negative towards any of the names suggested. Merely agree with one, or think of a new one. The last thing we need on Smash Boards is a bunch of people fighting over nothing. There will be plenty of time to fight when we get WiFi Brawl. =)
Alright, so here are some candidates:
I'm sure you can think of more. Currently, I'm in favor of BFS. It's simple to type, it's fast, and it's clearly recognizable. "Final" is a bit too long, as is "BACON".
BFS stands for "Big Final Smash", or for those purists "BACON Final Smash." This way, no one loses over the name. It's simple, it's three letters, and it can be used universally online.
My vote goes towards BFS. Please cast yours.
There's a new attack, it's called the Final Smash. A few people have automatically shortened this to FS. The problem, however, is that FS already stands for Foward-Smash. So our problem is that we need a new Abbreviation for it.
Now, I took the initiative in a thread and called it the Brilliantly Awesome Crazy Over-powered Nuclear-attack. Otherwise known as "BACON". This, of course, was just a joke abbreviation, to point out that we didn't currently have one.
However, a lot of members of the board have started using this as some sort of "Official" Final Smash abbreviation. It was certainly never meant to be official, but admittedly I still find it humorous that people are saying BACON. =P
But I think that all of us should try to agree on SOMETHING to call the Final Smash technique, because Final Smash is too much to type.
Let it be noted that this is NOT a thread to sit and argue about the name! Please do not say ANYTHING negative towards any of the names suggested. Merely agree with one, or think of a new one. The last thing we need on Smash Boards is a bunch of people fighting over nothing. There will be plenty of time to fight when we get WiFi Brawl. =)
Alright, so here are some candidates:
I'm sure you can think of more. Currently, I'm in favor of BFS. It's simple to type, it's fast, and it's clearly recognizable. "Final" is a bit too long, as is "BACON".
BFS stands for "Big Final Smash", or for those purists "BACON Final Smash." This way, no one loses over the name. It's simple, it's three letters, and it can be used universally online.
My vote goes towards BFS. Please cast yours.