Smash Cadet
My group been smashing for years and looking for venues and such forever in NYC. Seem it has died alittle bit but we made a new home called BeastmodeNY found in astoria. IM one of the locals and made really really good freinds with the owner. Anyone interested in doing some matches freindlies we have our weeklys fridays. Usually around 3pm all the way up to watever we want. I host one venue at astoria blvd then the other over at beast mode. We have tourney space anytime. ..... that is my facebook group anytime of you guys interested in brawling or anything. we play all hacks and 64 - melee - brawl. Just join up the group post a meet up ill arrange it and we can have monthly even weeklys Tourneys if you guys are interested. We will be here a while so if this post gets old dont worry we are still here waiting. Anytime .. we got the place.. we got a homeee.. come and contact.... I'm usually at Beastmode everyday if you passed by ask for SOUL. you ll find me.