Smash Master
ok well at e for all my whole game plan with sonic was dash dance basically ***** everybody with sonics running speed he had a great dash dance,and being able to grab and throw so fast i was f throwing to fair to uair and it worked a lot.
however this weekend i entered a brawl tourney and found out there is no dash dancing
.......well there is but the only way to do it is where you dash dance so fast it really dosnt help you.
i dont know if this is news to anybody else,but i am very sad with this lol*sigh* guess sonics gonna have to be re invented........with his unbelivible speed that you really cant do anything with since theres no crouching after running and the best thing to do from running with other characters is a dash attack......but sonics kinda sucks. is fair has a a lot of his airial's lag if you dont let them finish in the air.all of his smash attacks have some start up lag
now im not saying im dissapointed with sonic....maybe i just imagined he would be a lot easier to figure not saying he sucks either,since many people said captain falcon was horible but i made him's just that its proving to be pretty hard to let go of melee habbits like falcon.if your were to spam knee with falcon in brawl you would be destroyed,now his nair is possibly his best aerial move since it combos so for sonic i was trying to use a lot of my mindgames from melee which just dont really work anymore,and as soon as i stopped trying stuff from melee and let go of l canclling and fast falling,my sonic was ******.
right now all i can say is you can really judge any character,i know many of you might know this but for sonic i had a game plan.its pretty much gone ill just have to make up some new stuff for him,and well maybe this thread dosnt belong here but they were just my thoughts for brawl.......and to me bralw is sonic lol
however this weekend i entered a brawl tourney and found out there is no dash dancing
i dont know if this is news to anybody else,but i am very sad with this lol*sigh* guess sonics gonna have to be re invented........with his unbelivible speed that you really cant do anything with since theres no crouching after running and the best thing to do from running with other characters is a dash attack......but sonics kinda sucks. is fair has a a lot of his airial's lag if you dont let them finish in the air.all of his smash attacks have some start up lag
now im not saying im dissapointed with sonic....maybe i just imagined he would be a lot easier to figure not saying he sucks either,since many people said captain falcon was horible but i made him's just that its proving to be pretty hard to let go of melee habbits like falcon.if your were to spam knee with falcon in brawl you would be destroyed,now his nair is possibly his best aerial move since it combos so for sonic i was trying to use a lot of my mindgames from melee which just dont really work anymore,and as soon as i stopped trying stuff from melee and let go of l canclling and fast falling,my sonic was ******.
right now all i can say is you can really judge any character,i know many of you might know this but for sonic i had a game plan.its pretty much gone ill just have to make up some new stuff for him,and well maybe this thread dosnt belong here but they were just my thoughts for brawl.......and to me bralw is sonic lol